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Discussion: Best ball in Hot Weather

Posted Discussion
June 7
Men's 70
1255 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
It is my understanding that the contract for the Stote ball ends at the end of this season for SSUSA. I would like to see the SSUSA use a ball that holds up in hot weather such as the Baden Fire. I don't really have a preference except I am tired of hitting a sock in hot humid temperatures.

I would like to see some comments from the guys in the South and Midwest.
June 8
Men's 70
1255 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Alot of people looking and no one is responding. I don't want a "Hot" ball, I just want a ball that holds up in all type of weather. I believe that the NCSSA hit a good ball, SPA, and I heard NSA has a decent one. Need opinions!
June 8

212 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Living in Florida we have both high temps and humidity. My personal preferences would be

1. Baden Fire Ball
2. Rock
3. Bullet
4. Tattoo

All four perform well in the heat and are very durable.

June 8
Fred S
Men's 85
297 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
IMO The Evil ball is one of the best. We have used them for years and never noticed any drop off in hot weather and they stand up for a long time.
June 8
Men's 50
943 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Response is I agree with you. Played in Lacey WA. this weekend in 85 degree heat which is very unusual this time of year up here. Mush ball tourney with the exception of the night games on Saturday. Rock probably too hot...Baden Fire a good compromise. The stote is a good ball in the cool weather which is the case most of the time for us.
June 9

774 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
I have a new ball that comes out today. It is 100% waterproof, the most durable ball I have ever made. The performance is out of this world also. It is a true single layer .44/375 and will hit as well as any multi layer balls on the market. After the game take them home and wash them and use them the next game.
June 9
hemi racer
Men's 65
237 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Are you shipping new balls now Tatto?
June 9

774 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Yes they are.
June 9

22 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Which ball is it?
June 9

774 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Tattoo NX3 one piece ball.
June 9

421 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather

The Western Nationals in Sacramento would be a great place to use a ball that does not turn to mush in the hot weather. That tournament needs a lift anyway because the fields are usually not the best.


June 9

20 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Kevin, When will the 52/300 be available?
June 10

774 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Classic plus are available the ASA .52 will be here in a couple of weeks.
June 10
mad dog
Men's 65
4189 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
kevin does jim have any of these balls.....sounds like ya got something good going here.....
June 10

6 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
I have noticed that the Trump Stote ball has changed in performance over the past two years, whatever was done in manufacturing (thicker cover, slightly larger, etc.) has made the ball worse, especially in hot/humid weather.

If this ball is used in temperatures over say 70-75 degrees, the performance drops drastically. Then, add a little wind (not much at all) blowing in and HR's are diminished greatly, even at the Major+ levels.

This weekend in Sacramento (NorCal State) the only HR's that were hit were early morning or on the single field where the "breeze" was blowing out. I didn't hear of one Major+ team reaching their maximum limit......even when some balls were struck really well. Is tis the change and move for SSUSA...to keep the hot bats and dumb down the balls? Might as well just make it unlimited HR's then. Someone said to use a non-senior bat with stiffer walls and as much endload as you can swing. So, does SSUSA want players to go away from senior bats and back to ASA & U-trip bats?

I agree that the ISA-ROCK is too hot of a ball, but it definitely stays good in all temperatures. The Baden FIRE is a very good ball, but unlike the ROCK, it DOES diminish ever so slightly as the temps heat up. If they could make a true 44/375 ball that would hit as well as the Trump Stote in 55 degree weather as it does in 104 degrees.....then that would be a winner! The 52/275's and 40 cor balls are terrible. How is the Tattoo NX3? Is this what senior players are looking for? If not, I would vote that SSUSA switches and goes with the FIRE ball from Baden as the official ball.
June 13
Men's 75
721 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
D-Ballgame I'm voting for the Baden Fireball too. They are just as cheap as the Stotes
June 13
Men's 60
174 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Time to kick the old dead horse on the balls. Sacramento the balls were as expected terrible. Really changes the game and not in a good way. When you have almost no home runs in a tournament then it's time to make a change. I realize they have a contract but before it's up let's do a little research and communicate to all of us what find a fair ball you have found. Not looking forward to Western Worlds in Sacramento in August strictly because of the ball.

Steven Imlay
June 13
Omar Khayyam

1353 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Sacramento was 105 one day and the Stote definitely did not hold up as the temperature rose.

However, with the overly hot bats that have dominated the last 10 years, I'm not upset that we aren't seeing multiple home runs every game. The game seems more balanced and fun when outfielders are involved every game and infielders have a chance to contribute.

My suggestion would be to go to a 52/300 that holds up well, not changes as the heat and humidity rise. It seems to have less impact on a body when a fielder is struck, but travels about as well as the Stote when the temperature rises.

The Baden Fireball does hold up well as has been proved tournament after tournament in the summer in northern California where it is the ball of choice. However, it is nearly as lively as the Rock, and for that reason, not a favorite of mine for tournament play. Find a 52/300 that holds up for consistent performance and let teams adjust to a game where only true sluggers can put the ball out.
June 14
Men's 70
2416 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Omar-Steve Imlay is a true slugger in every sense of the word. If he cannot get it out of the park, the ball is getting too soft. I have been impressed with the Baden Fire, and would support a change in that direction.
June 14
Men's 50
94 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
You guys are all so funny talking about the Baden Fire like it really is a 44-375 ball. The reason it holds up so well in the heat is because it just might be a 47-525 marked 44-375. I think Kevin has the ball everyone is going to want.
June 14
Men's 55
95 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
If the Baden is actually a 47 - 525 ,(i would like to see testing saying it is ), then that is why we should use it in plus 90 degree temperatures . Most balls , ( except the Xrock ) , lose approximately 5 lbs. of compression for every degree over 72 . So at 95 degrees a 525 ball would be still at around 400 lb. . Which is a lot closer to the 375 lb , that we are supposed to be hitting , than the 260 lb. or so that a Stote is at that temperature . I do not see anything wrong with that . If SSUSA does not want to pay for a Xrock , then the Baden Fire would be a good remedy . You act like we are whining or trying to have an unfair advantage by wanting a ball , that holds up in temperature . No . We just want a ball , that is still 375 like rules spec .
June 14
Omar Khayyam

1353 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
Webbie25, I know by his reputation that Steve Imlay is one of those true boomers that can clear the fence with any ball. When he said "almost no home runs" I took that to mean that there were probably home runs every game, and no doubt by Steve, just not the quantity that he was used to. Just like the Stotes that we hit in Sacramento in the afternoon. Doesn't change my opinion: Steve hits one out I admire and cheer; pipsqueak like me hits one out—time to change the bats/balls to bring some sanity back to the game.
June 15

251 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
SPA wants 295.00 a case delivered that's 6 dozen for the Baden Fire .SSUSA wants 234.00 a case delivered. For the Trump Stote.
June 15

6 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
J R: $3.25 or $4 a ball? You get 6 supplied balls......so $4.50 is going to make a difference in a $600+ tournament? Then, the team has to buy their own balls after that anyway at a marked-up $5 a ball.......you think teams aren't willing to pay 75 cents for a superior ball? I'm not sure if the price you quoted was for retail or wholesale......I'm sure when you buy multi-cases you would get a better deal.
June 16
Men's 55
86 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
I know I have beat this dead horse question as well. May I preface this particular beating by ,again, saying the stotes in Tampa were fine, the ones in Cape Coral were sacks of snot. They were obviously different balls. The balls in Polk county earlier in the year were fine. I haven't hit a Rock yet ( I just started playing this game again this year), but if they are too hot leave them out. My solution would be to make the teams buy their own balls from an approved list supplied by the sanctioning body. The ball of preference will be very apparent the first tournament played under this system. Balls have to be produced at tournament check in, in original shrink wrapped packaging. A note is made as to the type of ball used by each team on a board at the check in table. Umpires will be responsible for knowing each teams brand of ball before they go to the field. This will add about an extra 15 seconds to the whole process. The teams then have nobody to blame but themselves if they don't like the balls they hit. A deduction from the tourney fee ( yea....right) commensurate with the supplied ball cost would even things out a bit on the money end. Years ago in Cincinnati, we sort of did this at the Metro tournament at rumple park. The only real difference was, list of balls or not, EVERYBODY brought Worth Blue dots. Like I said, the ball of preference will be apparent instantly. At that point you either stick with this system, or you call the manufacturer of the "chosen ball" and work a deal.
June 17

251 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
That is. wholesale using tax free Id.buying cases for league play. Plus using for open tournaments.
June 20

2 posts
Best ball in Hot Weather
The best softballs for all purposes and weather are:

Dudley SY12 .44 375 Thunder Heat

Dudley MLT .44 375 MultiLayer Technology Thunder

Try them! Check it out!
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