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Details for Perl

Real name:
Steve Perlman
Pensacloa FL

Messages posted by Perl

Sept. 30, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: You make the call

Question for SPA umpires.

Rule 6 Pitching
Sec 4 The pitcher may use any wind-up desired providing specifics a-d.

The pitcher presents the ball then delivers the ball legally.
The pitcher mirrors his right arm delivery with his left arm.
Swinging both arms simultaneously after presenting the ball legally.
So the ball is presented, both arms swing back and pass the hips together and both arms follow through completing the delivery and pitch.

Legal or not?
March 26, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Cancellation of Tournaments due to weather


Winning Nashville qualifies us to play in the World Championship in Vegas.
We have one, possibly two more SSUSA Tournaments on our schedule. SSUSA doesn’t have many tournaments where our players are from ( NW Florida, Alabama and Georgia ). Playing Vegas is a big deal for us.
March 25, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Cancellation of Tournaments due to weather

Surprised nobody has mentioned the joke of a tournament in Nashville. The10 day forecast called for freezing weather and it was exactly right. They moved our 8am Saturday game to 11am and moved us 30 miles to another complex. We showed up for our 11am game and we’re advised we’d play at 2pm. We were told we’d play two 40 minute or 5 inning games whichever came first. Showed up Sunday to play 2 out of 3, it was 30 degrees and the fields were in horrible condition. Both the 65M and 70M finalist teams chose not to play because of the conditions. Since this is one of the only Vegas Qualifiers in our area we needed to play this event in order to qualify. Tournament was just a disaster.
Dec. 23, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 2023 TOC

If the two TOC’s were scheduled a week apart it’s unlikely many teams could afford to attend both. Imagine this head to head TOC conflict isn’t over.

ISSA TOC has 172 teams entered.
Going to interesting to see how many the SSUSA TOC draws.

Hopefully both are successful.

Two Senior Softball Heavyweight organizations going at it.

BTW, don’t these organizations have long term contracts with cities including dates?

Oct. 16, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: You make the call:

Lead off hitter bats.
Instead of 2nd batter batting the third batter comes to the plate and takes one pitch, it’s a strike..
The coach tells the 3rd batter he’s batting out of order and the 2nd batter comes to the plate to bat.

The umpire, who is usually correct on calls, says there is no out and the 2nd batter assumes the 3rd batters count of 1 strike.

Some thought the 3rd batter was out for batting out of order.

So what’s the correct call?
Sept. 15, 2022
Topic: Product review
Discussion: The new Senior Baden ball.

So what’s the opinion on the new Baden Senior ball now that teams in Vegas have hit it?
May 14, 2022
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: You make the call.

Playing SPA, 11 defensive players. Visiting coach puts 10 on lineup card but plays 11 in the field. We don’t catch it the first time through the order but we do on the second. When the batter not in the lineup come to the plate we protest he’s not in the official lineup. BTW we did not throw a pitch to him we just protested him not being in the lineup.

He was called out, placed back in the lineup and allowed to play the field remainder of the game.

So what’s the correct call.

April 27, 2022
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Enough Said

I have one with around 75 swings on it. There is no webbing yet. Hoping it comes alive soon. IMO the bat is nowhere near as good as advertised. I’ve been to three tournaments in the SE and have seen one Enough Said being used. One of my league teammates has one thats really webbing and his bat is hot but no better than some Adidas or Suncoast.
March 31, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Coastal Alabama Senior Softball

These guys are putting together something special.
Players at all levels welcome.
They play at some outstanding facilities.
Outstanding group of men.

March 7, 2022
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for team in Pensacola

We have BP and then a pickup game every Tuesday and Thursday morning, weather permitting, at Exchange Park. BP starts at 9:00 and game starts at 10:00. Come on out, play and get to meet some guys.

We have a Tuesday night doubleheader league and a Saturday league.

Dennis, above info given, can fill you in on what’s happening around here.

Hope to see you out there soon.

There are a lot of tournament players in Pensacola area.
Feb. 13, 2022
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: You make the call

Looking for answer using SPA rules.

Runner on 3rd. Ground ball hit to third baseman. Third baseman chases runner past the commitment line and tags him out. After he tags the runner he throws it to the catcher standing on home plate. Umpire calls runner safe and dead ball. Umpire says tag was illegal thus a dead ball.

Do you agree or disagree. Where in the SPA rule book can I find your answer?
Dec. 22, 2021
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Place to play in 2022

You may want to list your age, positions you can play, type hitter you are, etc.

Hope you find a team.
Nov. 5, 2020
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: New to Pensacola

Welcome to Pensacola.

There are quite a few 50 teams in this area, 2 in Pensacola/Fort Walton and many in Alabama and Georgia. We have a group of seniors of all ages that hit at Exchange Park on Tuesday and Thursdays at 9:00am. You can come out take some BP and meet some folks. This is a good way to get seen and get your name out.

Good luck
April 5, 2020
Topic: Associations
Discussion: Ridge Hooks Passing

When I started playing Senior Softball 17 years ago SPA was the best game in the Southeast. The SPA National Championships in Plano and later in Dalton were great events. No matter how busy Ridge was he always took time to have a chat. He’ll be missed by many.

He definitely loved God, his family, his country and softball.

RIP our dear friend

To God be the Glory
Feb. 13, 2020
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 60 player looking for team

Mike King, king44, is a monster. He’s a high average hitter with real power.

If you want to add some serious offense to your team, a guy that runs for himself, a good defensive player and a great teammate give this guy a look.

Feb. 9, 2020
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 60+ looking to join a team. Based in Atlanta area

soxfan, Mike, I hope you find a place to play

Like outtashape3, I played with Johnny Wiggins and the Vets last season. You want to play with a super group of guys that love the game give Jonny a call.

outtashape3, Dan you really need to change your name to something more accurate, maybe mrhumble3 or 1badman. Love ya brother.
Jan. 15, 2020
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for team near St.Louis

Dan played with our Seasoned Vets team last year. We were a competitive 60AAA team playing tournaments in Florida, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina.

Dan can just flat out hit it. A lefty with HR power, he is a legitimate .700 + hitter that can run. He batted 3rd in our lineup and carried us many times. He can really pick it on 1B. Even though he’s a lefty we moved him to other infield positions at times.

Dan is an athlete, a great teammate, a leader and a really good person.

Dan is a Player that can play at any level.

I know you’ll find a team brother, keep doing what you do.

Steve Perlman
Aug. 26, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Gulf Coast Alabama Batting Practice Info

Great bunch of guys

Fantastic fields

Come on out
July 24, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Looking for 60AAA...Major...Major Plus for Upcoming Dallas Tournament.

Does Butch Warden still play with Houston Fire ?
July 21, 2019
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Pensacola Senior Softball Contact

Call Dennis at 850.758.1677

He can fill you in on what’s happening in Pensacola.

Tuesday night league (very competitive)
Saturday league
Tuesday/Thursday BP and practice game

Saturday BP and practice game in between seasons

Look forward to meeting you

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