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Discussion: You make the call:

Lead off hitter bats.
Instead of 2nd batter batting the third batter comes to the plate and takes one pitch, it’s a strike..
The coach tells the 3rd batter he’s batting out of order and the 2nd batter comes to the plate to bat.

The umpire, who is usually correct on calls, says there is no out and the 2nd batter assumes the 3rd batters count of 1 strike.

Some thought the 3rd batter was out for batting out of order.

So what’s the correct call?
umpire is correct .. the 2nd batter assumes the 3rd batters 1 strike count
I meant to add this to the end of my post..

D. The first batter in each inning shall be the batter whose name follows that of the last player who completed his turn at bat in the preceding inning.

EFFECT - §7.1 B-D: Except for a wrong batter at bat, batting out of order is an appeal play that may be made only by the defensive team. The defensive team forfeits its right to appeal batting out of order when one legal or illegal pitch has been made to the following batter, or when the pitcher and all infielders have clearly vacated their normal fielding positions and have left fair territory on their way to the bench or dugout.
1. If the error is discovered while the incorrect batter is at bat, the correct batter may take his place and legally assume any balls and strikes.
Coach should have waited for the completion of 3rd batters at bat. If he had gotten a hit, then you challenge it. The batter is then out on challenge and then 3rd batter bats in his correct spot. And if lead off hitter had been on base he returns to his original base.
I was keeping score for our team in winners bracket finals Ft Myers 60's a few years back. Man on 1st one out. Batter gets a single. Men on 1st and 3rd when I noticed he batted out of order. So now 2 outs with runner on 1st. Same batter then flies out. Rally snuffed. We scored 5 next inning and they never recovered. Turns out manager switched the order from previous game and batters never noticed.
Umpire was correct. The third batter took a strike for him!!
I totally agree with k man, but it used to drive my team crazy. I told them that I do not care unless he gets on base.

I was umpiring an indoor world series years ago. The coach of a team that I knew very well made a similar challenge, and I told him that the correct batter just assumes the wrong batter's count. He was not going for it, and he was very vocal about protesting. I told him that he could if he wanted, but he would lose the $85. So we stopped long enough for him to give the state director $85 and be told that I was right. He did apologize, but I told him that I have no issue asking on something if I do not know, but being Coachie's scorekeeper for years, I knew a lot about how to get outs without a glove.
I’ll throw a kink into the scenario:
What if the batting out of order player comes to the plate, the defense knows he’s the wrong batter, intentionally walks him. Then appeals. Do we then have an out?
Yes.. walk, base hit or error would result in an out on the defenses appeal
If that’s the case, why wouldn’t teams do that as soon as wrong batter is the the box and umpire has ok’d a pitch?
Upon an intentional walk, does the out of order batter who is intentionally walked then become the legal batter? I’m confused.
Bob, As to your 1st question, you would have to analyze if there are runners on base and how many outs there are. For instance, with a runner on 1st and third and one out, you wouldn't do what you suggest because you would see if the batter possibly hits into an inning ending double play rather than give him another crack at it with 2 outs. There are probably many more such examples.

And in answer to your second post. Yes, the out of order batter takes his legal turn.
Batter 2 is supposed to bat, but instead batter # 3 takes the at bat.
Upon appeal by the defensive team, the out goes to the #2 position and batter #3 now takes his legal at bat
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