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Discussion: Commitment Line question

Apologies if this isn't the right forum for this.
Our Senior Softball Association adheres to most SS-USA RULES other than a few local ones. SS-USA uses 70ft baselines, we use 65ft. Your Commitment Line is 40ft off 3rd and 30ft off Home. Should our Line be at 35ft off 3rd and 30ft off Home or 40ft.off 3rd and 25ft off Home?? Thanks.
Back when our base paths were 65 feet, the commitment line was 40 feet from third base and 25 feet from home plate.
i hate to disagree with Donna and I made sure looking it up in an old 2011/12 rule book.. with 65' bases the CL was 45' from 3rd base
In Omaha our Senior League also uses 65’ base paths. The commitment line is 45’ off 3rd base.
This question comes up in our local league all the time. And we use both 65 and 70 foot bases. Can’t wait to get the answer on this one.
Sorry B.J., but my post was correct.(Actually, so was yours.) I pulled our rule from the 2015-16 rule book. You pulled from an earlier book, when the commitment line was in a different place. What I posted was correct for 2015-16. (We moved the commitment line in 2013.)
Donna, yes I remember there were a few changes and that was proably DD's fault (lol)

I also just went back and don't remember the 50CL in 2013/14

2011/12 CL 45'-- 65' base path
2013/14 CL 50'-- 70'BP
2015/16 to present day CL 40'-- 70'BP
It probably IS my fault (that's the "new normal" I think!) ... Maybe the easiest thing for consistency would be to consider this fall at the NRC meetings a simple: C/L is 30' from home ... Regardless of the base distance being used, once you get within 30 feet, you have to close the deal ... Make any sense? ...
hmmm .. i know you didn't come up with that on your own.. have you been secretly communicating with wayne
So am I to take as gospel that the new Rule is 30ft. from Home regardless of the length of the baseline?
TJK73 ... NOPE, that's nothing more than my individual preference if I were somehow assigned to be "Softball Rules God for the Day" ... I'm not, so until the National Rules Committee decides to clarify, right now the SSUSA rule is 40' from 3rd base in a 70' bases configuration ... The SSUSA rule book is silent as to what that would happen with 65' bases (35/30? or 40/25?) ...
Can I petition the SS-USA Nat'l Rules Committee to make a determination? If so, what's a good contact email?
Send an identifiable (as to you) email detailing your suggestion to: info@seniorsoftball.com and put "Rules Committee" in the Subject/Memo line ... The rules committee will be meeting again in late November ...
it dosen't matter where the commitment line is at between 3rd and home, both teams have to abide by it during the game so just deal with it and make adjustments to your game accordingly. IMO They should just take out the commitment line completely then all you have to do is touch the outside home plate it would save a lot of problems and complaints which happens in senior softball way to much. You know its gonna be a long game when two of the other players have a rule books in there back pockets, been there, seen it.
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