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Aug. 21, 2024
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Soda Pop

It’s my go to bat. I used it in Rocky Mountain this past weekend. I have 2 grey wigs, 2 Sin City and a Blue Grass. Have to put more swings on the Blue Grass before I comment but I’m a Short Porch guy.
March 22, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Tourney Results

Plus one…great job Thanks
Feb. 20, 2024
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Senior Bats

I highly recommend you look at Short Porch’s lineup of senior bats and YouTube videos. IMO they are the best out there.

Feb. 3, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Baden Senior Softball

I recall sometime last year there was some discussion about the Baden Senior Softball cover.
The ball performance is fine IMO however it gets slick and dirty in a very short period of time.
In most cases our team just buys additional replacements. Wasn’t Baden working on improving the cover?
Jan. 8, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Commitment Line question

This question comes up in our local league all the time. And we use both 65 and 70 foot bases. Can’t wait to get the answer on this one.
Dec. 4, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Softballs

Agree Webbie and you crushed it as usual. Nick Copperhealth
Dec. 4, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Softballs

This past weekend I played in a local tournament in Tucson. A rumor was going around about a new softball for 2024. That the Baden was being replaced, any truth to this rumor? I like the Baden performance but the cover sucks IMO.
Nov. 30, 2023
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Moving to villages fl.

Plenty of Senior teams at the Villages playing daily. Also you should contact Florida Half Century League they will be helpful. From there you’ll get to know the traveling teams in the area. Good luck
Oct. 11, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter Worlds Phoenix

Thanks D2.
Oct. 11, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter Worlds Phoenix

Just asking if we will see field locations prior to Oct 31 deadline based upon age/ratings?
Sept. 30, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter Worlds Phoenix

Thanks Dave
Sept. 30, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter Worlds Phoenix

Now that the Worlds in Vegas are coming to an end…and thank you, it was fun.
Can we get some information on what fields are going to be used in Phoenix?
I don’t need age groups and field assignments, just looking for which fields.

Sept. 5, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Courtesy Runner?

Dave--this is not a runner replaced. I understand that, this is a courtesy runner for someone else, they then come to bat and get on...can they have a courtesy runner. Thanks D2
Sept. 5, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Courtesy Runner?

Same inning.
If you run for someone else, then come to bat and get on.
Can you have someone else run for you all with the courtesy runner rules?
Thanks much appreciated.
If the answer is no can you point me to the rule and section.

Aug. 14, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter Worlds Field’s

Is Bell Park being considered for next years Winter Worlds? No fields are listed on the tournament page.
Aug. 7, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Pitching Rule

Does the pitcher have to start with the ball being presented outside his or her glove? I don’t see this explained anywhere in the SSUSA rules. Thanks
June 23, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Baden Senior Softball

This post has gone sideways. All I asked was if Baden was looking into a different skin for this softball. Before this ball was adopted by SSUSA there was a player who tested its performance etc. Once again all I am asking from Baden and SSUSA is there any future plans for improving it
June 21, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Baden Senior Softball

I like the performance of this ball since its adoption by SSUSA.
Is there going to be any chance for changes down the road? The cover gets very slick and dirty in a few innings. As noted above the performance is good, just asking for improvements on the cover. Thanks
May 11, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Courtesy Runner

We have it happen in every tournament where someone gets pissed off if they’re asked to have a runner. It actually becomes more of a joke and we all wait to see how pissed off the person gets. If someone is faster than me and wants to run….God bless. If you’re ego is chasing you in your 60’s or 70’s might want to set your sights on bigger things.
April 29, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 2 Person Umpiring Position

Playing in Vegas earlier this month we played a game with a 2 person umpiring crew.
The field umpire with a runner on 1st took a position in front of second base. In between the pitcher and the base. I asked if he could move since I was at SS. He insisted on telling me how long he has umpired and that he would make sure he got out of the way. My issue wasn’t that he would get out of the way but rather it was just another body in the middle of the infield and still can understand why he had to stand there. In looking on the web for 2 person umpiring it shows the field umpire outside the dirt between 2nd and 1st. It also states that the umpire should always have the play in front of them. Anyone have thoughts as to the benefit standing in front of 2nd base?

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