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Discussion: ow to appeal a call

DD, we can't find anything in the current rulebook that tells the correct steps to appeal a play just what plays can be appealed. We are pretty sure that the requirement to throw to a base is long gone but can't find anything that states that. I know we are missing something has in written but were?
JBTexas, can you be more specific on what you are appealing? (There are live ball and dead ball appeals. A live ball appeal on a base left too early, or on a missed base, still requires the defense to tag the runner or the base while in possession of the ball. A dead ball appeal does not require the base to be tagged.)
Dead ball, appealing runner leaving second to early what steps does the pitcher have to do when appealing to home umpire.
so your saying the runner left before the pitcher pitched the ball.....to me that is ump call and not a pitcher appeal....and if he was pitching how did he see it.....

JB.. below are the types of appeals that can be made..
If your appeal is on a runner, leaving the base to early on a caught fly ball. you would wait until the ball came into the infield and secured by any defensive player. If the ball is still live he would appeal to the Umpire by throwing the ball to the base and telling the umpire or tagging the runner that you thought left too early. If time had been called when the ball was returned to the IF you would make a dead ball appeal by naming the runner and the base you are appealing that the runner left before 1st touch of an OFer

An appeal play is a play on which an umpire may not make a decision until requested by a manager, coach or player. The appeal must be made before the next legal or illegal pitch, before an intentional walk or before the pitcher and all infielders have clearly vacated their normal fielding positions and have left fair territory on their way to the bench or dugout area. On the last play of the game, an appeal can be made until the umpires leave the field of play.
A. Types of appeal plays:
1. Missing a base.
2. Leaving a base early on a caught fly ball before the ball is first touched.
3. Batting out of order.
4. Attempting to advance to second base after making a turn at first base
(umpire's judgment).
5. After the third out in order to nullify a run.
6. Illegal substitute – must be made while they are in the game and
before the umpires leave the playing field.
Runner left to soon on a fly to outfield, runner advances and umpire had called after advancement. What steps does the pitcher have to take to appeal a dead ball, runner leaving early.
JB.. a full explanation was given above.. and a pitcher is not required to be involved in the appeal
JB - old dead ball appeal methodology required the pitcher to be on the rubber and throw the ball to a player manning the base of appeal IF time had been called (i.e. dead ball appeal). As BJ explained above, that is no longer necessary. If time has been called and pitcher has the ball (or whomever), simply state to the umpire that you are appealing x runner leaving y base too early.

The process for live ball is still the same (i.e. before time is called), either tag runner explaining why you tagged them or throw to the base you believe they left early on explaining why. Hope that helped.
I agree with everything you stated but most time it is the pitcher who appeals to the home umpire before placing ball back in play. This last weekend we had a pitcher make a throw to third and didn't state who or why he made the throw. Runner ruled safe but a debate occurred about the pitcher being able to make a verbal appeal.
Understood. We are old men stuck in our old ways. LOL

Simply let the league know that rule has been changed and dead ball appeals are now verbal but have to be stated as explained above by BJ ("I would like to challenge that x runner left y base early"). Pretty simple and again, another rule that was changed to help speed the game along.
Dead ball appeal used be next batter in the box, pitcher on the mound appeals to the umpire the runner on second missed first. Pitcher steps off the mound throws to first, first baseman steps on first then the call is made.
Now you just ask the umpire.
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