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Men's 60

Messages posted by mck71

Jan. 16, 2025
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Rolled bats

Not Dave - I ASSUMED when I read the post that is "implied" to senior bats you bring onsite because SSUSA rules are very clear as Tim pointed out on any non senior bat, very easily determined by umpires when you step into the box (or should be easy). You can always ask at any tourney just to be on the safe side. Good luck to all in 2025!
Nov. 8, 2024
Topic: Teams looking for players

He mentioned it in the first line Oldballs - "We are Classified as a Major Gold (50+) in ISSA and Major in the rest of the Organizations." I know they have other age teams and Eurskine seems to help out the other teams as well, know they have a 60 M team (Monarchs/Miken Elite) but not sure they have a 65 team.
Sept. 21, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: 3 losses in bracket play

jl - there is a thread below discussing the same thing. Most agree that it's fair (as do I). As Dave stated, as long as we are playing, we should be playing for something. I am assuming that you guys were one of the teams they sent home. So, flip the script and you guys lost 4 in a row, do you want to play an exhibition game and be done? This has been the format for as long as I have been playing SSUSA in 5GG events, was even voted on a few years back and majority ruled to keep the format so really no need for it to be corrected IMO. Congrats to all the winners and all the competitors!

P.S. - it was actually 5 teams they sent home, nice run in LB by NW Elite.
Sept. 17, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Score from Vegas Session 1

It's on the main Tournaments page Sherwin listed as Results.
July 24, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Eastern National revision for Potomack not seeing it

Open the pdf, at the top you should see an icon on the top left that looks like a circle with an arrow on it, if you hover your mouse on it, will say "refresh", just click on that. Good luck!
July 17, 2024
Topic: Tournaments

Complete results are posted on Tournaments page.
July 12, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Brackets

Some of us might have to work while we are playing Tim so knowing which field is always helpful and I appreciated Dave getting those assignments posted so I could book the closest hotel to my venue! ;-)

Hope to see you in a few weeks buddy, been too long!
July 12, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous

I am a very loud umpire and noticed when I "yelled" illegal or flat, I would startle the batter (flat comes out faster on those low hot ones some guys try and get away with, me included! lol) Now I do what JohnnyQ stated, arm out so pitcher and everyone else knows but say illegal or flat so only the batter and catcher will hear, seems to be a better solution for when I am calling games and if an umpire does it that way when I am playing, I very much appreciate that as well.

Agree with JohnO28, just an arm out or up does nothing to help the batter unless guy on deck or baserunner is watching and letting batter know.
July 3, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Qualify

Pretty much same rules apply as here:

As always, best to call the Home Office with specific requests. Good luck!
May 10, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 50 AAA team looking for a 2B for Knoxville May 31-June 2

John, should list your state as that tourney is an ISSA one and players have to be in states that touch. Good luck, team list is out, a LOT of teams, should be a great tourney as always.
March 31, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Bracket Updates

I am quite sure at least Fran has the password to his laptop JohnO, she is CEO and his wife, so we are good there.

Happy Easter all! :-)
March 26, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Bracket Updates

JohnO, I knew I had posted this a while back and so I took your challenge. Before I go on, I would like to know Dave/Tim, anyone if there is a search feature in your own messages, finding this took WAY too long! lol

I am sure that Dave doesn't need anyone to stick up for him, he answers all inquiries (within reason) but the issue with results are twofold:
1) large brackets but mostly the fact that they are 3GG vs DE
*NEW ADDITION - there was a vote to go to 4GG to keep costs down, tghis was voted down by members hence taking away the possibility to utilze a different results engine like Quickscores, whom SSUSA has had conversations with and the 3GG wrap is the issue)

2) His current system is proprietary, means that an office worker can't just open up excel and update the scores, they have to be done on HIS machine which seems to be in constant use in creating the next big tourney.

Like all I would love to see results in a timely fashion but have decided to allow everyone else to complain and assume that at some point this will get resolved, just like the ball and the count as curveball stated.

Happy Holidays to all and good luck in 2018!

Posted on Dec. 14, 2017
Jan. 8, 2024
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Shaved Bats

Technically Gary, if they have end caps that are removable then it would be easier to shave but then likewise also easier to check if shaved? Seems this is a better solution to cutting the bat open whereas it would now be destroyed if legal? If you could get the end cap off to check legality, worst case is having to put the end cap back on if legal which if done correctly is NOT considered an altered bat, correct?
Jan. 2, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What's the rile

T2 - Technically SSUSA did not "come up with the 4th strike", the rule of a courtesy foul with a 1-1 count has been around a while actually. SSUSA and ISSA simply implemented this rule in their format so both assoc. have a possibility of a 4th strike as well as any other assoc. that uses 1 -1 with a courtesy.

Now I agree with titan that the 1-1 count was made to speed up the game, as an umpire I always appreciated that. I also believe that the courtesy foul was implemented as we USED to have a 0-0 count so 1-1 with a courtesy, it does speed up the game a little but not as much as a straight 1-1 count no foul.

Mike I agree that a foul tip caught should be an out period (which would then make T2's reasoning sound) but until SSUSA feels the need to change that verbiage and result, it is what it is.

Possibly add to the NOTE: A foul tip may be a “waste foul." Please see Rulebook §1.29 • FOUL TIP for definition.
Jan. 1, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What's the rile

T2 - I realize you are an attorney and therefore LIKE to argue. I also get that you don't "like" the way the rule is written, ok, I can buy that. But "is an abomination of game, 4th strike", I mean that is a little too far IMO.

You start with a 1 - 1 count so you have 1 strike already. You then take a strike, that's 2. Now you have a foul to waste as they have played this rule for a few years. HOW you wasted that foul is what changes the AB from 3 strikes to 4, pretty simple and I believe doesn't warrant the word "abomination". Did you feel it was an abomination when they went to a 1 - 1 count? How do you feel about USSSA doing a 3 -2 count? Flip Flop rule? I mean it's still softball, big yellow ball comes in underhand.

We used to play 0 - 0 count and you got three strikes, now they start you with one and are ALLOWED a courtesy foul NOT CAUGHT. Agree or not agree, it's pretty simple (again, IMO) so the ONLY issue is whether we all agree on the foul tip caught as being a "waste foul" which based on THEIR rules, it is IF NOT THE FINAL STRIKE. You don't have to like the way their rules are written, I have seen that you have questioned the verbiage on more than one so you can simply write in your opinion in email or snail mail to the Rules Committee, that's the only way I have read on here that rules can be changed by we the players.

Wishing you all a happy and HEALTHY new year!
Dec. 21, 2023
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New rule on shaved bats

Got it. Thanks as always, happy holidays!
Dec. 21, 2023
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New rule on shaved bats

So what happens IF a bat is found altered AT either the TOC or the WC? Ex. bat was altered in Phoenix so that team would not be able to play in 2025 TOC, correct? B U T...

...if testing at TOC next month and bat found to be altered, team can't play in 2024 WC? and if found in 2024 WC then team can't play is 2025 TOC but can play in 2025 WC? Finally, are the players then frozen to that roster and not allowed to move to another team?

Apologies, just want to get clarity for myself as well as those reading because I believe there are a few gray area's based on the wording as stated above.

Happy Holidays! :-)
Dec. 20, 2023
Topic: Associations
Discussion: Older age groups playing younger age groups?

Se11out - what you can do is pay an additional registration fee to register your 50M team as a 40AAA team as they're equal in RI. As long as you don't pick up players for that tourney that would push your rating up (i.e. add 4 40M or M+ players) then your 50M team could compete in any 40AAA division tourney. Usually happens with M+ teams that want to play M because of the lack of teams playing M+ (ex. 55M+ playing as a 50M team). We did it a few years back as a 55M team, we were always struggling to get enough guys so we picked up 2 guys (younger brother and a cousin new to Sr Softball who were 50) and played 50AAA the rest of the year. We didn't win any tourneys that year but we were at least competitive and able to finish playing out the year. All about creative solutions. :-)

I would call the Home Office to confirm this is still a valid workaround. Good luck!
Dec. 7, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Shaved Bat

The only issue is that in the Definitions section of SSUSA rules book is says:
An illegal bat is one that does not meet the requirements of rule 3.4

Basically saying that an Altered bat as defined in Section 3.4 IS an Illegal bat by SSUSA definition.

It's all semantics but I believe we all know it's still cheating as Dave said.
Dec. 6, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Shaved Bat

Thanks for putting this out there Mike, I totally agree with you. Extremely sad esp. with how hot senior bats are already. Definitely have to be careful when buying a "used" bat these days.

Motofox - the issue with compression testing is what number do you use? I have OG Dudley's that are legit and I have been swinging them for a lot of years, the must have thousands of swings on a few of them, assume they are pretty low compression. Would hate to be told I couldn't use a legal bat when I know it's clean.

I agree that shaved bats are everywhere, just not sure WHY a guy would swing one knowing he could injure someone (usually P, 1B or 3B as the closest players). I believe because most just don't care about anything but themselves? You will hear arguments about M+ levels needing that "edge", I call BS because usually they are the ones who are either better players or work harder or both, I would hate to think it's because you swing a shaved stick.

I am sorry that someone got hurt by someone who is cheating and not caring for that players safety, I truly hope that player who got hit is ok. I would have NO ISSUE paying for that bat to be cut open. I think more umpires and directors as well as knowledgeable players need to help police this issue (you can hear and see the difference a shaved bat makes, it really isn't that hard). I think first offense should be 5 yrs, then IF EVER a 2nd offense it's a ban for life. It has to be serious or people won't take it seriously.

This is a tough subject, I wish it wasn't true but we all know it is. Just sad.
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