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May 15, 2022
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Enough Said

MurrayW - The black 1 piece is supposed to be a different barrel and actually a hotter bat from what I hear - thus I may as well give it a shot to. As I said though - the white 1 piece Enough Said was a great bat and right now with about 45 cuts on it its as good as my 250 hit Suncoast 2021/22 M1 piece Melee3 12" end load - so thats saying something - now durability is another thing- will the Onyx last as long as my Suncoast do ??
May 14, 2022
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Enough Said

Just adding my 2cents on the Enough said bats - my first time hitting today after a serious thumb injury from 3 months ago and I hit my 2 new Enough said 1 piece and 2 piece bats that where brand new and hitting 44/400 balls in 75 degree weather we where getting 325-350' shot off of them and some seriously hard line drives and the bat we liked the most was the 1 piece. I still love my Suncoast bats ( I own about 8 of them) but these Enough said bats are certainly the real deal and will only get better with more swings on them - very impressed to say the least. I played major plus 50 and 55 and have not played in worlds for almost 3 years now as Im just starting back up again - ill be looking to grab that black enough said as well given how well my 2 white ones are hitting.
March 22, 2019
Topic: Bats

The easy thing to do if you want to stay with Dudley - is buy the new Dudley 2.0 reissue - hot as the original and holds up very, very well. OR - go buy any of the 2019,18,17 Adidas bats.
March 6, 2019
Topic: Bats

I own 5 dudleys now and have broken 5 in the past - all bats getting close to 800 cuts for me. I played the last 5 years 50 Major plus and this year will be my first playing 55 major plus. I own a ton of bats and yes they do break - we have a 2019 sponsor with Adidas and we couldn't be any happier with their products . Dudley will fix this problem as they are a very good company. I think all top sr bats are very close but it simply comes down to each players personal preference. For me - nothing touches a 1 piece Adidas reload , I still have very fast bat speed so the 2 piece bats really don't work well for me.
I see the Dudley re issue 2.0 12" I piece bat basically saving face with the Dudley loyalist - its a great bat right there with my reload - again just my opinion.

Dec. 31, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Is it too soon to compare the new Dudley Hot 14" vs the new Adidas Melee 2 - two piece?

raiderman66 - are you saying the new 2019 white 2 -piece Worth WKD - aka Alan Tanner bat is a log ?
I actually talked to Alan in our dugout this past Oct in LasVegas and I told him I was waiting on his signature bat in a 25oz - and i waited and waited etc - but I have heard some pretty good things about it myself. Our team was approached by Worth / Miken and we spoke with Lee from Adidas and we will be working with Adidas for the 2019 season , we played 50 Major plus last year and we are now playing 55 Major plus for this year -. I will have every new suss sr bat by springtime as we like to compare our Adidas sticks to all the others out there.
Obviously we come in all shapes and sizes and that goes for our swing types to -- but for me personally - the 2018 Adidas reload 1 piece is the best sr bat for me, followed by the 2019 Red Adidas 2-piece. I think all these bats are very close but it simply comes down to personal preference.
Dec. 31, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Is it too soon to compare the new Dudley Hot 14" vs the new Adidas Melee 2 - two piece?

I’ve been able to hit both bats and for me personally - I had more distance out of the Adidas red 12” 2-piece bat over the Dudley hot 12” 2-piece.
The thing to be vary wary of is this - we have not hit a 2019 production Dudley 2 piece , we have only hit what Dudley gave the guy who let me hit it vs my 2019 Adidas - both had roughly 400 plus cuts on them so you know they are both well broken in.
Adidas to me has been the top sr bat for the last 3-4 years - but that’s just me.
I will say my Adidas and the Dudley had probably the same exit speed through the infield and the Adidas to me was about 10-15’ further in distance - which makes both bats very good in my opinion.
I ordered a 25 oz Worth WKD 2 piece but never got it it and I asked for my money back after 6 weeks waiting - I’m hearing good things about that bat also. I’m simply going to wait to buy a 2019 Dudley Hot 2- piece when they are in stock - and then I’ll see if it’s the same as the prototype - no more preorder for me for any bat.
Feb. 14, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Today's "super" bats

I have used this newNX3 52/300 and I agree its a much better ball than the old 52/300 Tattoo ball as I have had to use ( and still use) this ball in our league. Our league director will not budge on trying the new NX3 either.
When I play 3rd base with the older Tattoo 52/300 and im playing against upper level players - if you get hit by a conference player with a tennis ball - its going to do some damage - I tend to play 3rd base about 2' in front of the lip and hope for the nice 1 hop instead of the 2-3 hop which can go absolutely anywhere - NX3 has a truer bounce pattern to it if you ask me.
Feb. 12, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Today's "super" bats

I play 2 nights a week at 3rd base with some younger guys and I will say that the 52/300 is a ball that on the second hop you simply don't know whats going to happen. We easily hit this ball 325' plus with our ASA bats and I will say with a senior bat they will fly but not like the balls we use in Vegas. Plus my senior sticks would actually last twice as long - ETDave - you might be on to something here.
Feb. 11, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Today's "super" bats

I play 50 Major+ and I will be 54 this year. I own about every senior bat thats been made for the last 4 years and I think all my bats would fail ANY test after I put 200 swings plus on them. The only way to make it an even playing field is to have 4-8 bats per field from various companies and you can pick your 26 or 28oz bat - it would suck - but thats where we are heading..
Last year I broke 4 senior bats and I started using some USSSA bats for bp - which surprisingly are damn near on par with the best SSUSA bats - we played against a number of guys who where hitting USSSA bats last year in Vegas..
Feb. 2, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Bullhead City's 15th Annual Senior Spring Tournament

Can I play with a 50+ team that will be playing ? I live in MN and will be visiting a family member that weekend and would love to play.
I am 52 , I am currently rated Major, play OF and 3rd base.
Thanks in advance.
April 19, 2016
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 2 50 + year olds looking to play with a major / major plus team in Iowa..

Ham24 -
I will give you a shout tomorrow to discuss - thanks
April 18, 2016
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 2 50 + year olds looking to play with a major / major plus team in Iowa..

We are both outfielders and one of us can pitch and i can also play in the in-field. We both can still run very well and have very good power.
We are both rated as Major right now . We are both sick of playing with the 20-30 year olds and would like to get back playing against our own age group.
Aug. 12, 2015
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 2 50 + year olds looking to play with a major / major plus team in Iowa..

Hello Alan,

I see that Miken has 3 new models out. I think the Ultra II Black is the one you did all the testing with right ?
March 31, 2015
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Couple of MN players looking to play on a MN team 50+

We would be willing to look at just about anything.
March 29, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Not HAPPY with Bats Unlimited!

I have used bats unlimited for about 4 years and I have had about 8 bats delivered without a problem. In this case Bats Unlimited MUST step up and file a claim to help you out.
Please keep us posted as I might not use Bats Unlimited again and just go through Alan.
March 27, 2015
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Couple of MN players looking to play on a MN team 50+

The two of us are certified as 50 Major and are looking for a team out of MN. I play anywhere in the OF and my buddy plays absolutely any position needed. Please let me know if you might need a couple of good players who are easy going and looking to be competitive but still have fun.
Dec. 10, 2014
Topic: Bats
Discussion: the new bat "Nightmare"

I have never meet Kevin , but if you don't like his Nightmare bat then you are not up to speed and don't know what a good bat is. I told him the bat I bought was just an average senior bat and for me was well behind my 2 Dudley Lightning bats along with about 4 other sr bats. The guy has a horrible attitude and I for one will never own or hit a Nightmare bat or use Tattoo balls. I can't imagine having a problem with a bat and dealing with Kevin - you have no chance...
Oct. 6, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous

I think the twin towers are great for senior softball and hopefully I will be playing against you guys next year in 50 Major plus. Hopefully we can get some great 50 and over guys here in MN to give you guys a decent game.
I think putting a charitable home run derby is awesome and it certainly would be a win win for all parties involved. Don't let the derogatory words of a few misguide you and think we are all like that.
Aug. 23, 2014
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for a AAA or Major team for nationals or whatever

Randy, I can only play 50 +.
Aug. 18, 2014
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for a AAA or Major team for nationals or whatever

I forgot to add I am specifically looking for a 50 AAA , Major team.
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