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Discussion: toothpick

Posted Discussion
Aug. 21
Men's 60
186 posts
lead off batter to start the game enters the batters box with a tooth pick in his mouth. Ump asks him to remove it, he refuses, saying it doesn't affect the game. Ump says he's not allowing it, ensuing argument gets a little heated. Manager gets involved, but ump prevails. This player is playing 3rd base and comes onto the field with the tooth pick again. Ump ejects him, citing both safety concerns and unsportsman conduct as it had been discussed previously. Ultimately, manager is also ejected resulting in a forfeit, as he was the pitcher. Manager retutned with a rule book demanding the ump show him any such rule. Anybody?
Aug. 21
Men's 70
4409 posts
curty ... As the editor of the Official SSUSA Rulebook, I'm reasonably certain there are no applicable provisions therein for the circumstance you describe ... Was it an altered toothpick? ... This looks more like a "urination for distance" contest that the umpire won ... There also appear to be multiple parties who should be ashamed of their contribution to what happened ... Hopefully nobody has to consider that ridiculous fact pattern again ...
Aug. 21
Nancy Allen
Men's 55
1440 posts
Dave, I am thinking in the back of my mind, "Was it lit?". People seem to think sometimes that it is no big deal to have a cigarette when they come on the field. My question is "Is it lit?" Of course they lie and say no while disposing of it. I don't see where a toothpick is any more harm to anyone than say gum or a tongue piercing. The batter might get a splinter in his tongue or swallow it, but we can administer first aid. I agree that there was some heavy testosterone shots being shared.
Aug. 21

30 posts
Neither should a gold chain that"s concealed (not visible) under a players jersey LOL I know you know who this is Nancy
Aug. 21

10 posts
Guess he never umped a game when Dewey played for Smokes/Warthen Fuel/ABS.Dewey always had a toothpick in his mouth.I think Dewey is still playing senior ball.Saw him with Superior a few years back
Aug. 21

1124 posts
Curty... that is an umpire that would never work for me again.. as Dave like's to always tell me... I think that goes under the definition of UMPIRE NIT-PICKING.. lol
Aug. 21
Nancy Allen
Men's 55
1440 posts
Reggie4's, of course I do. That was one of the worst rules ever. For anyone not there, the NSA rule for several years was automatic ejection if jewelry was visible. I did ask for a sub three times. I will never forget that little catcher tapping on my leg and pointing up at that small bit of chain tucking over his collar. You and I know that he must have had it on all day. It just never was visible until that moment. I was so glad when they got rid of that rule.
Aug. 21

1993 posts
Shades of U.L. Washington!!
Aug. 21
Men's 70
4409 posts
Totally hilarious, stick8 ... Best post of the month, by far!
Aug. 21
Men's 65
256 posts
I agree with Ump on this one, the guy is playing 3rd base. Runner comes into third and while tagging him there is a collision and toothpick goes in runner's eye. I know there is a very small chance of this happening but it could. Also could happen if he's batting and running the bases.
Aug. 21
Men's 70
4409 posts
JohnBob ... I appreciate and respect your opinion, but I'm still convinced this was just an out of control ego clash over a relatively (or possibly totally) insignificant circumstance ... Yes, the items you mentioned could happen ... There is also about the same probability that the runner could be struck by lightning or a meteor, or that his manager will call the SSUSA office after the tournament and say "..You know, we're better than what you have us rated ... Could you please raise our rating to where we belong?.." ... You know, the kind of stuff that would NEVER happen! ...

Aug. 21

85 posts
Pill&Pill's right fielder always plays with a toothpick in his mouth.In my opinion he should be ejected from every game.He does say he uses it to gauge the wind when he's in rightfield to help him get an angle to the ball.I think this is illegal too because he has an unfair advantage over players without a toothpick!
Aug. 21
Wayne 37
Men's 65
773 posts
U. L Washington didn't invent the the toothpick thing.

That a common in the old Negro Leagues.

The batter should have just put it his pocket and been done with it.
Aug. 22
Men's 60
76 posts
Spoken like a true umpire that wants to win an "urination for distance " contest
U L is the only one I saw on a baseball card with a toothpick
Aug. 22
Men's 60
186 posts
after a league meeting involving the Board of directors and offended coach, a decision was made to "ask" the player to voluntarily remove the toothpick- only while at bat. Ump's written input stated that the ejection's were for language and attitude, including so close to his face that he was spat upon. I was surprised that said coach had no objection to ump doing more of his games! End of story
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