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Discussion: Miken 2 piece balalanced vs. Adidas me lee 2 balanced

Any feed back on which you think is the better bat?
I own a Miken 2 piece end load (green one) and the Adidas Melee 2.

The Miken and Adidas are not broken in yet...about 125 swings on the Miken and the Adidas has about 70 swings.
The Miken is a good bat however IMO the Adidas is OUTSTANDING. It was hot out of the wrapper. Has a different sound then the Miken however it is explosive. Go to You Tube and see the video's on the Adidas.
I hope this helps
When talking with a lot of Seniors we tried to capture the best of both worlds. Adidas Melee 2 is a 1-piece bat which most Seniors like, with the added flex from the Melee 2 Composite gives you the performance of a 2-piece bat.

It took us a while to find that happy medium of the bat flex & make it swing faster with high performance. Most Seniors wanted to have there bat as game ready as possible.

Same thing with our 12" bat were launching for 2017. Weve done extensive testing on that and had to take down the flex because of the shorter barrel was coming around real quick.

Hope that helps give you some insight on the Melee 2.


Lee Trotter
Suncoast Team
I have both...for me, the Melee2 is better....more pop, better feel and just a better confidence in my hands...Miken is a great bat too BUT, see first statement
Thanks to everyone who responded.
Well I don't swing balance bat . But I do have Melee2 endload and Miken Bigcat both 28 oz . I broke my bat in with 400 hits offt the tee before using them in bp. Now with some bp swings in about 200 on both bats the melee is starting to rattle on the inside with good distance , the Bigcat I still swing in bp with good distance . The melee half ounce endload get around Quick . The Bigcat this year model swing lighter then last year model so I get it around quick . Durability They both are game ready but don't know how much longer they last maybe 100 or so hits apiece before they break. Over all both are good bat but not durable as Dudley
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