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Messages posted by bkb555

Jan. 26, 2025
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: bat testers.

time to start marking bats with decals before every tourney just like some tourneys make you wear a bracelet on your wrist...if you go to the plate without a sticker or decal on the bat, you are kicked out of the game/tourney...enough of the games...make a definitive system and enforce it....change the colors of the stickers every tourney and it's simple if you want to get bad bats/players out of the game...no sticker/no play...pretty simple idea that many have said already
Jan. 26, 2025
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Bat Testing

Vito, in slowpitch softball, the bat/batter is the only thing that isn't a constant in the game...the ball is the same for everyone, the pitch speed is with 1-2 MPH for every pitch, the distance is 50-60 feet...so all the variables are the bat and the batter...testing compression is probably the only way to make sure the only controllable number is the same for everyone....the bat....BUT in all my playing softball and seeing compression numbers, most hot senior bats are at the 180-190 range...as soon as it starts going below that, the walls just compress too much for stronger hitters, that the trampoline effect is negated....I am sure there are far more technological measurements to see the real effects of these numbers but as of now, the compression tester is the easiest, cheapest method so far

May 26, 2024
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Need players for Smokeys May 30-June 2nd

all set guys, thanks for the responses
May 24, 2024
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Need players for Smokeys May 30-June 2nd

injury bug hit our team and in need of player or 2 for the Smokeys in Knoxville May 30- June 2 for very good 60 Major team out of Syracuse NY...if you live east of Mississippi you are eligible....email me bkb555@verizon.net or text/call me 315-558-2873
March 10, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Double play or force out?

Just think if the 3Bman threw the ball to 2nd, he could have gotten a TRIPLE play after he did the first 2 things in the order you said he did them
Sept. 21, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: results from session 1.

dead horse, meet scoring update request.....DENIED
July 9, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Baden Senior Softball

Just finished the Northeast Championships in Syracuse using the Baden Fire ball...it performs great on the field but it does get dirty looking very quickly...as for performance, it is right up there with all the other high performing balls from other tourneys non-SSUSA....I did notice that on some of the Fire balls, some had a SSUSA logo boldly stamped on it while the other ones were identical except for the definitive SSUSA logo NOT on them...it had the cor and compression 44/375 stamped and country of manufacture but no logo
Jan. 22, 2023
Topic: Bats
Discussion: wig popper

they are on the 4th or 5th batch now...I got one of the first batches way back in early oct which may have even been a 2nd run
Jan. 22, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: First two days scores from Bullhead.

beating a dead horse here guys....we have been asking for yrs for scoring updates but no luck
Dec. 19, 2022
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Starting a new team

best advice, just play when asked....what time, what field, what color uniform....running a team is a NIGHTMARE
Dec. 19, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 2023 TOC

whatever teh reason, the 2 organizations should have compromised about the date UNLESS they wanted to do an unofficial poll and see which tourney draws more teams....a lot of guys play both organizations and even a few more so it would have been in the best interests of the PLAYERS to schedule the tourneys on different dates...some guys make it a 2 weekend trip and do both.....I don't like the backbiting of one organization over the other when all we want to do is play competitive ball no matter what the name of the tourney is....besides, most guys consider Las Vegas the cream of the crop tourney and the games in February are really just the beginning of a new season for many guys
Dec. 5, 2022
Topic: Bats
Discussion: preferred method to clean "tacky" bats

I use Dawn dishwashing soap and a scrubby pad...don't go crazy but the combination works good....wet, scrub, rinse, air dry
April 24, 2022
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Updated Brackets

here we go.....
March 4, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Scorekeeping Question

it's a FC, fielder's choice....it's the same if a ball goes to a SS and he bobbles it but still forces the guy at 2B...run scores because he chose to go to second for an out....FC with an RBI but 0-1 for hitter because an out was made during the AB
Feb. 14, 2022
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: You make the call

It has become a strategic part of baserunning because of the tag/no tag by the commitment line....it is no different than if a runner stops in the middle of the base path to avoid a tag and quick throw to a base for a DP.....once fielders realize runners are going to use the line to their advantage, they will get smarter.....just another strategy of the game no matter if is petty or cagey ...and no different than coaches calling other teams for illegal runners or guys touching bases before entered as a runner etc and then called out....learn the rules and use them to your advantage
Dec. 8, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: What to swing in a cold weather tourney?

forget the warm water, use the heated dryers...i have dried plenty of batting gloves with them...a bat, no problem....lol
Dec. 8, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 11 defensive players 65+

I am not close to playing 65s yet but an extra fielder may actually cut down on scoring AND make the games faster and closer scores...they are pretty close right now but defense will really be important, more than before.....it might have been better to have a trial period/test period for a couple of tournaments though to see how it worked....it seems weird that for 5 yrs, the votes were either no way or 4 or 5 votes for it and then it goes to 12-0....anyway, let's see how it works and do a reboot if necessary next December
Sept. 8, 2021
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 55 PA/NJ Player looking to help Team with Fall Tournaments

what teams did you play for in 55M?
Sept. 3, 2021
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 55 New York player looking for a 50 or 55 major team.

Who did you play with this past season and where do you live in NY
Aug. 25, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: major plus

It's probably time for an update to the 13 year old revisions of basically a different Era in senior softball...we played a major+ team in a major play- in game a few weeks ago, and it was just a formality for them...they knew there were only 3 teams in their bracket and play-ins didn't mean anything except BP and fielding...why don't we combine the major and major+ into one division, allow an extra fielder for the lower team, 5 runs and allow 8 HRS when competing...most major plus teams play against 5 man anyhow and they lose only 2 HRS so it equals out somewhat....it would give major teams a chance to compete against different teams and better talent but the equalizer brings the competition closer....I am personally tired of traveling 8-12 hours to play the same 4 or 5 times on the east coast nearly every tourney we play and play a major plus play in game that is just going through the motions to fulfill the 4-5 game guarantee....time to refresh the rules and give everyone more variety in competition and teams played....its either that or teams are going to disappear
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