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Messages posted by Jay Cas

Dec. 27, 2022
Jay Cas
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Thank you, SSUSA

Well said Webbie,
If you have never organized, setup, ran, controlled and/or updated a tournament, you don't know what you are missing. I agree that it takes time to coordinate everything and I think Senior Softball is doing one heck of a job. Dave keeps the questions on the board answered in a very timely manner. You are never going to get a perfect tournament. Hell the Professional sports has professionals running their organizations and they get it wrong every day. No complaints by me at least not yet.

Dec. 14, 2022
Jay Cas
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Move Midwest Championship to St. Louis

There are more fields in the St. Louis area that can host this tournament.

O'Fallon Family Sports Park has 8 fields all with infield turf at 325 all the way around.
The park host the NSA Senior World almost every year.

O'Fallon Family Sports Park
301 Oberneufemann Drive
O’Fallon, IL 62269
Oct. 19, 2021
Jay Cas
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Another: You make the call

I would say that the runner does not score. It is a dead ball and runners should return back to the base held before the dead ball.
Oct. 5, 2021
Jay Cas
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Session 4 World Champs results

Do they list the final top 10 teams of each division? When will they post the new move-ups within each division? How many teams per division will move-up this year?
July 2, 2021
Jay Cas
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Roster Move

Thanks SSUSA Staff and Dave
July 1, 2021
Jay Cas
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Roster Move

How many times can a player be released from one roster to join another roster in the same season?

Aug. 7, 2020
Jay Cas
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Las Vegas

I totally agree and hopefully all of us practice being safe in future tournaments including myself.
Aug. 7, 2020
Jay Cas
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Vegas Worlds

I don't understand why you all don't plan to disclose when people need to make decisions on travel. The sooner the better for players and teams. Vegas isn't like other tournament if you live in the Midwest. There is no drive for us all flying. The sooner the better would be great.
Aug. 7, 2020
Jay Cas
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Las Vegas

I don't think it's about babysitting. In that case, everyone should follow the CDC guidance and we could control the spread of the COVID19 but when you are running a business that affects people and you want your facility to remain open, the rules should be enforced.
Aug. 7, 2020
Jay Cas
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Las Vegas

We played in the ISA World in Columbus,IN last weekend also. The ISA Director sent out strict requirements that should have been enforced last weekend. They were not enforcing the rules such as the catcher must wear a mask, teams should not shake hands at the end of games, teams should wear a mask when not playing games and everyone should social distance when not on the field. None of these things were enforced. Going forward if the tournament directors don't enforce these rules; I can see some cities shutting down more tournaments in the future.
July 6, 2020
Jay Cas
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: ISA Senior Worlds Columbus Indiana

Thanks Dave
July 6, 2020
Jay Cas
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: ISA Senior Worlds Columbus Indiana

Will there be separate 50 Divisions or will everyone in the 50 Division play in the same pool?
Oct. 17, 2019
Jay Cas
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Two Umpires make opposite call on same play

From a umpire standpoint, I must first say that the homeplate umpire did not screw this up. Generally the home plate umpire especially in NSA makes the call on all catches unless the base umpire turns his back to the infield and in that case it becomes his call. I am not sure about the Senior Softball rulebook because I can't find the case book under a two or three man umpire system. It depends on the governing body. I umpire NSA and ASA (USA) Softball.
Both umpires should have got together and made the correct decision and explained to the coaches who made the call and who should have made the call. Either way a team was going to be disappointed. Coaches and players forget one thing, you can always appeal the play by paying $75 and interpretation of the rule.
Oct. 7, 2019
Jay Cas
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Is it a double play

The tournament directors or UIC should not be getting involved. Once the ruling was made on the field. The coach of the team on offense should have protested the play for an interpretation of the rules so that it can be clearly explained. The coach could have then showed the umpire and the director the rulebook.
Sept. 23, 2019
Jay Cas
Topic: Bats
Discussion: AT18 bat for 2020 from Worth

I'll be a tester for the Worth AT-18. I just asked one of my friends if he has heard of the AT-18 and he said he use to swing the Wicked.
Sept. 20, 2019
Jay Cas
Topic: Bats
Discussion: AT18 bat for 2020 from Worth

This is my second year of Senior Softball and I have not seen many Worth Bats swung by many people. I was away from the game for a while. I was a Die-Hard Worth guy just haven't swung it much since I've played senior ball. I will definitely test out the AT 18 when it come out. What is the actual release date?
Sept. 19, 2019
Jay Cas
Topic: Bats
Discussion: AT18 bat for 2020 from Worth

I've noticed over the years the Worth Bat has decreased in popularity not sure about the performance because I haven't swung one lately. So can this new Worth Bat compete with the Dudley, Miken, and Addidas? I actually swing the Easton Empire but I might look into this Worth bat.

April 25, 2019
Jay Cas
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Brickyard 20th Anniversary

Is the bracket out for the 20th Annual Brickyard Invitational?