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Messages posted by Rangview85

April 24, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batting Box rule change Left handed player called out correctly, entirely within the box

Can a player stand anywhere in the box (both feet in front of the mat for example) if he doesn't swing at the incoming pitch?

Some players like to do that if the count is 3-1 and are obviously taking the next pitch.

Thanks in advance
March 24, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Gametime

Questions on Game Times:

If I'm reading the Session #3 Schedule Advisories correctly is the following what you are saying?

8:30 is now Noon?
10:00 is now 1:00?
11:30 is now 2:00?
1:00 is now 3:00?
2:30 is now 4:00? and
4:00 is now 5:00?

March 23, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Pitching Net

What are the rules of using a Pitching Net? Are the rules available to read anywhere?

Thanks in Advance.
Jan. 20, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 4 Game or 5 Game Guarantee??

Neither confirmed or denied as of yet.....
Jan. 18, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 4 Game or 5 Game Guarantee??

Nope, that didn't help...I know what 4 game and 5 game guarantee means.

In years past, all the TOC tournaments have been 5 game guarantees, but on the web page of the tournaments, it says 4 game guarantee. Curious if this is what SSUSA is going to??
Jan. 17, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 4 Game or 5 Game Guarantee??

Hey there.....Looking at future tournaments I have noticed they say "4 Game Guarantee"

Are brackets changing from three game guarantee to double elimination style?

Thanks in advance!!
Nov. 23, 2022
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Home plate issue

Since we are talking rules.... I have an umpires two man mechanics question...

Runners on 1st and 2nd, less than two outs. Base umpire starts by 2nd base and of course home plate umpire is behind home plate. Fly Ball is hit to center field, which umpire has the catch or drop of the fly ball and which umpire has the base runners tagging up?

Thanks in Advance.
Dec. 10, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 3 Game Guarantee v.s Double Elimination Bracket

Just being "Devils Advocate" here.....

Has it been discussed recently? Kinda like how an 11th man was just added to the 65 age group? Apparently opinions can change.

1. It would change a little I think of when the "real" tournament begins because seedings would mean a little more.

2. Less total games does help SSUSA, I would agree with that.

3. With a win or loss in some of the 3GG formats you don't move forward, you just move up and/or down. To me that is an "exhibition " game.

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.
Dec. 10, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 3 Game Guarantee v.s Double Elimination Bracket

Has anybody ever thought of playing three seeding games and than making the tournaments strictly Double Elimination??

Teams would still be guaranteed 5 games.

Over the years with the three game guarantee brackets I have seen several games that just didn't matter and on some occasions it would benefit your team if you took a loss. For example, there was a time if we lost we would make it to Sunday, but if we won we still had another game to win to make it to Sunday.

Just thought I would bring this up and see what every ones thoughts might be.

Thanks in advance.
Oct. 6, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: An Old Mans Opinion - A Few Days After 50's Worlds

This is just one mans opinion, it might be shared by others, who knows. I’m not bashing anyone so please don’t take it that way. Plenty of pros as well as some cons. A company doesn’t get better if it doesn’t hear back from its customers. I’m sure circumstances that I’m not aware of contributed to some of the cons, but if they could be fixed as the years go by, that would be awesome.

Field 12 at Sunset Park (Played here the first day and early)
Arroyo Grande Fields (Nice fields, grass was smooth)
Most of the Umpires at Sunset Park (Good hustle and new the rules)
All the Umpires at Arroyo Grande (Championship Sunday, seems like the best umpires were here, thx)
The competition (Loved playing different teams, all but one team we played showed great sportsmanship)
The Fans (The group that followed 50 Degrees, WOW)
The Weather (Didn’t get warm until Sunday)
Brackets being updated at the fields (Every field we went to the bracket was good to go)

Field 14 at Sunset Park (The batters box late Saturday night was awful, a lot of players going thru it, I know)
Field 6 at Sunset Park (Gopher holes, not sure of a way to fix that)
An umpire at Sunset 6 (Hoping he was just having a bad game)
Playing at 8 a.m in the winners bracket on Sunday (I understand a ton of teams and all, but was hoping for a little more of a rest before having to start back up)
A $2 medal for second place (I know we play for the love of the game and all that stuff, but most won’t be wearing a meddle around town. A t-shirt on the other hand would have been nice)
Not dragging and watering the fields between games (Don’t know if equipment, people and water was available)
Brackets not being updated on the online site (Not sure of what has to happen to get this corrected, but it seems that this is a complaint we see more often than not)

Some of the above might be “Wants” and not “Needs” and with everything going on maybe it’s not possible to be corrected, but a guy can dream can’t he?

The tournament itself and memories made are priceless, thanks for putting it all together and looking forward to the upcoming season!!
Sept. 24, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Brackets Updates

Thanks for updating after my post......40 Major+ must be having the technical difficulties :)
Sept. 24, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Brackets Updates

They must be having technical difficulties seeing how the Red pod bracket information is up to date but the others are not. ?????
April 29, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rockin Reno and Carson City

This is pretty funny.....but does it even matter? The players that had been playing 50's and are now playing 55"s are like WOOOO HOOOOOO!! Suckers, lol
April 28, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rockin Reno and Carson City

Make it simple and put all the Majors at Golden Eagle. :) lol
July 7, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Western National Tournament Cancelled ???

So, does this replace the Spring Worlds that was moved to these dates?
July 23, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: How does a 55 major team who has their own 55 major division end up playing in a 50 major division

Hey Dave,

Funny thing is, the 6th game, (5th in a row) wasn't played on the final day. It was played on the first day. Talk about reliving your youth :)
Feb. 28, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Spring Worlds Managers Meeting

I see the TENTATIVE, just hoping that would change and good to know that they get switched around. THX
Feb. 28, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Spring Worlds Managers Meeting

I hope the 50 AAA teams get to play in St. George. I hear a lot of those teams have already made arrangements to stay there!!