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Details for LEF #2

Real name:
Larry Fegan
Natick MA
Men's 65

Messages posted by LEF #2

Oct. 21, 2024
LEF #2
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter National Championship - FT Myers - Nov 5-7, 2024

Looking for a suggested place for BP prior to my teams games at the Lee Health Sports Complex in FT Myers - November 5-7 .. thx in advance
Aug. 20, 2024
LEF #2
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Bordering state rule for the World Championship in Vegas

What is bordering state rule for roster replacement players for the World Championships in Las Vegas?
Aug. 16, 2024
LEF #2
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Arizona 60 AAA player currently looking to join 65+ AAA or Major

Looking for a 65 Major player to play in Worlds in Las Vegas in September. Let me know if you are available.
Aug. 16, 2024
LEF #2
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Massachusetts 65 Major team Players needed Las Vegas World Championship

Looking for infielders for the 2024 World Championships in Las Vegas September 16-19, 2024.
Aug. 16, 2024
LEF #2
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 60/65 AAA Rated

Aug. 16, 2024
LEF #2
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 60/65 AAA Rated

You still available and would you be willing to play 65 Major in Vegas ?
Dec. 14, 2023
LEF #2
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: State residency

What is the rule / guideline for players that reside in 2 states? I think it is called the "Snowbird" rule for players that live in the north during the warmer weather and escape the cold to the south in the winter. Thanks for helping to clarify this.
Oct. 26, 2022
LEF #2
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: TOC February 1-5, 2023

What are the roster guidelines for the TOC in February 2023? Can we add players or are we required to use our 2022 roster ?
March 13, 2022
LEF #2
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: 65AAA Team Massachusetts

Our schedule this season is CT, Syracuse, Cape Cod (non SSUSA), Las Vegas, Myrtle Beach (ISSA), and Ft Myers... contemplating RI. Really looking for a rock solid / experienced SS who can make the SSUSA tournaments listed. My email is LarryFegan2@gmail.com if interested.
Feb. 26, 2022
LEF #2
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: 65AAA Team Massachusetts

Looking for left side infielders (3b, SS, MI) to play for the 2022 Season. Team is scheduled to go to 5 - 9 tournaments this season.
Sept. 13, 2021
LEF #2
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: FT Myers - 65 Major Field location

Trying to determine which hotel to make reservations. Any preliminary idea on what facility the 65 Major games will be scheduled and played? Appreciate any preliminary information that would be helpful...
Aug. 12, 2021
LEF #2
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Ocean State Classic tournament Warwick RI August 19th

we are a 65 yr old team .... we were expecting to play Thursday and Friday. Has that changed??

Aug. 12, 2021
LEF #2
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Ocean State Classic tournament Warwick RI August 19th

Looking for the tournament schedule for the 65 division scheduled for Thursday August 19th in Warwick RI. Have I missed it or has it not been published yet ??
June 11, 2021
LEF #2
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Northeast Championship - Syracuse NY

thx ... done and registered
June 6, 2021
LEF #2
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Northeast Championship - Syracuse NY

What is the link to register for the 2021 Northeast Championship in Syracuse NY ? Deadline is 6/22 for payment to be received. I do not see a link to register my team for this tournament.
April 2, 2021
LEF #2
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Massachusetts 65 Major team looking for Infielders

Massachusetts based 65 Major team is looking for infielders to play this season. Scheduled to attend 8 tournaments in 2021 Connecticut, Syracuse, Loudon, Rhode Island, Cape Cod, Las Vegas, Myrtle Beach, and Ft Myers. If interested please contact me LarryFegan2@gmail.com .
June 25, 2020
LEF #2
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Northeast Championship - Syracuse NY

I heard through the grapevine that a decision will be rendered today by 5pm.
June 23, 2020
LEF #2
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: 60+ major Team SS / 3b for New York - Syracuse Tournament

Looking for a 60+ seasoned left side infielder for the Northeast Tournament - Syracuse New York July 10th-12th.
June 23, 2020
LEF #2
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Northeast Championship - Syracuse NY

Is the tournament going to be played as scheduled?