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Discussion: 49 turning 50 Next Year

Posted Discussion
Sept. 19
Men's 60
225 posts
49 turning 50 Next Year
49 turning 50 in 2024. What is the earliest tournament I can play in as a 50's player? January 1st 2024 or events before?
Sept. 19
Men's 60
352 posts
49 turning 50 Next Year
Any tourney where they use 2024 rosters Rob. SSUSA has a few, Ft Meyers and Phoenix (Winter Worlds) and believe there is a Senior Fall Classic in MD in mid Oct. ISSA has 3, Va Beach, Myrtle Beach and Sanford, FL
Sept. 19
Men's 60
201 posts
49 turning 50 Next Year
Rob - Oct.1 is when you should be able to play in most senior tournies as this is usually the beginning date for the next year fiscal year.
Sept. 20

3 posts
49 turning 50 Next Year
would like to talk to you Team panthers from Utah top AAA 50.
team panther1@comcast.net
801 440 7369
Oct. 31

8 posts
49 turning 50 Next Year
Hi Rob where do you live
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