Guys I see a lot of discussion on the best senior bats. I just got off the phone with Miken and Kelly Sports in regards to my Miken ultra 2 max load two piece. It did not crack or break,but the two piece is now like a telescope it goes up and down. I was told this can occur with the two piece design. Just my thought but stick to one piece or buy Dudley or the new combat rocket launcher. These new Miken two piece they want over $200 for. Beware.
Hate to hear you're having trouble with the Ultra II. I used one for a season and a half before it blew up, lots of swings with it. Got the new Ultra II Black end load. Absolutely love it so far, no problems with it at all.
Vance, hope you continue to have success with it. They did tell me the black one is better made. But it is still two piece. I could understand a crack or it breaking. That happens, but not the bat becoming like a telescope.
Just curious Mannjo, are they replacing the bat? I would think they should as this is a manufacturing issue imho rather than a "breakage" issue. I hope they are. My team is preparing to enter into a buy in deal with Miken and how they're handling this could force me to reconsider doing it.
No. Said no warranty on senior bats
Mango give me a call when you have time 845 532 2668
You can give me (Mike Macenko) a call at 330-419-0205 and let me see what I can do for you.
Mighty Mike Macenko
aka:Gorilla Boy
Tattoo all and gorilla boy I will get in touch with you tomorrow. Thanks for any help.
IVE seen and hit them all with a group of 50 players in a senior hitting group here in Wa state. Every thing ive seen and hit the machenko mighty mike is the best.only two we havent hit yet is the addidas,and the new JUGGY.Durability is best so far from the new mikens.IVE Tsted all these bats even with usssa bat compresser to see how each bat works its way down to max performance.BUT i wont get into that subject because id be here an hour lol.KREUGS
kreug--My experience also . Last years Big Cat is out hitting the new Mikens .The new ones are more durable . But are not as good as last years for distance .
But , on another note . I have been hitting a balanced Rocket Launcher from Kelly . It is hitting right there with the Big Cat and it is a balanced vs. endload . I am getting the "finished " product next week . An EL version with a 1 and 1/2 oz. endload . If the balanced is hitting this well , then the EL should be better . I will update .
FOOTHILLS thanks ill want to know on the ROCKET.
Mannjo is not Me. I think thats who you want to call you.
Yes read this on the phone without glasses but I talked to him today hope it helped out. Hope all is good out west.
Foothills, My new Big Cat also seems to be a bit behind last years model. I love this bat, but the new model is very slow to break in. I'm wondering if they tried making it more durable at the expense of performance. Kind of like they tried with the red endload about 4 years ago. I'm wondering if they would replace it like they did with the redesigned red endload. I really don't care about durability. I want performance. Miken?
I used a team mates 2 year old Big Cat in Vegas Championships last year.
It performed almost as good as the original Ultra II with the 47/525 ball IMO.
I always used balanced, now think the EL's are best for launch.
I got my Miken Big Cat today, I can't wait to try it out. It does have pretty black metallic paint. Too bad I am going to ruin the paint job by slamming line drives with the bat. LOL. I name her Black Bit_ _ because when I hit with her, it is going to be a bitch to stop. LOL.
There is bit of a difference between this years Big Cat and the previous 2 years. This years apparently breaks in much slower. Mine has over 200 hits and it is still behind the previous years. Out of the wrapper it was a log, so you will be disappointed at first. Mine has just started to come around. The next 100 hits or so will tell the story. The '14 and '15 were two of the best recent bats ever made. I just hope they didn't screw up the performance for a bit of endurance, like they did with the ill fated Red endload about 4 years ago.
kreugs --Will do . Going to put 100 on the new EL today . I will update around 300 . I want to make sure it is well broken in before reporting . Also , am told , that new composites , for the last couple of years hit a "flatline" in performance . This was done to allow them to heat up quicker and to have more durability . Unlike the ones from 6 , 7 years ago . Which kept getting better til they cracked . Supposedly the Rocket will have durability plus continue to get better until failure . I will follow up .
First time user here on the board. Heard there was some good info on equipment here. Was looking to try the new Melee 2. I was thinking about the Nightmare from what I hear about durability. I don't want to start playing softball and spending a lot of money. Have quick hands but not real strong. Have seen some of the videos. I heard the Melee 2's are still not out yet for sale. Waiting on that one. Thanks
Hail Ragna!
A tale is but half told when only one person tells it.
Thank you for the warning Cyborg. I do practice hitting once a week, so I should be able to break it in a month's time. I do have other bats I can use in league until the Big cat is broken in.
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