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Details for PoollShark

Real name:
George Comerford
Johnston RI
Men's 50

Messages posted by PoollShark

Jan. 8, 2024
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Shaved Bats

Of course it's possible, sanctioning bodies won't do it. They all have deals with the bat companies(even if they won't admit it), too much money at stake.
Jan. 8, 2024
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New rule on shaved bats

It's all about people's damn egos, I don't understand the need for these hot senior bats to begin with.
I play senior ball with guys I've been playing with my entire adult life, I've seen guys using legal senior bats smashing homeruns that never hit them in their 20's and 30's. I just don't understand why we need bats that hot and I'm talking about legit senior bats, it's all about ego.
Our reflexes are slowing down with age, using these bats I see balls coming at me faster than ever before in my life, why????

Do you really want to fix the problem? Because I don't think you(senior softball officials) really want to, if you did you'd bring down the overall hotness of these bats to a respectable level.

I'll ask again:

Why do we need these incredibly hot legal bats???
Dec. 26, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: 2021 Winter World Tournament in Arizona

Obviously the dates haven't been announced yet but checking the past couple years schedules the tournament is consistently played the 2nd weekend in November. Caveat: don't book anything based on this info.
April 8, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Tidewater Classic

Thanks for running a great tournament, we had a blast!
Feb. 19, 2019
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Interference or incidental contact?

Slide or avoid contact has always been what I thought the rule is. Run in to me or one of my teammates and I feel it's intentional and you may have a problem. I have a family to support.
Nov. 4, 2018
Topic: Product review
Discussion: use of High COR, Low Compression ball

I play ASA, USSSA and SSUSA. I pitch in all three associations and the bat and ball combination that scares me the most is SSUSA with USSSA a close second and ASA by far the safest IMHO. The scoring seems pretty even with a slight edge to Utrip, Utrip and ASA teams are with the young guys.
April 14, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 1-1 count and new ball

OZ40, just let me know in advance if you're going to roll it so I can bring my driver to the plate ;-)
April 14, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: tournament brackets

Dave, when teams have to be registered 3 weeks in advance you have all the info you need to create a schedule. Just playing devils advocate here as I do appreciate what you do.
April 12, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 1-1 count and new ball

Just to clarify, when I say "speed up the game" I don't mean the amount of time it takes to complete a game. I mean that it speeds up the action within the game. We've all seen the guys that won't swing till they have 2 strikes and a lot that won't swing till they at least one. This gets them swinging and keeps the game flowing faster IMHO.

April 12, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 1-1 count and new ball

As a pitcher I like the rule, I think it speeds up the game.

As a hitter I like it as well, I'm there to hit, not take pitches.

If you need to take a pitch to get comfortable that is something I don't get, I go into the box looking to swing at the first good pitch I see. I don't take pitches(unless the pitcher is struggling then I'll be a team player). Taking pitches just to take pitches is what drags the game out, we're throwing you pitches UNDERHAND, swing the bat.
Feb. 15, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: TOC Jerseys

I was in Vegas for WMC and on the first day of the 50's tournament there was an extremely limited assortment of shirts available(that was on day 1 of the 50's), same as last year. I was unable to get a shirt either time, IMO they are doing a terrible job and you need to reevaluate who handles the tournament merchandise. Stop shifting the blame to 3rd parties, this is a continual problem.
Feb. 7, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Follow the TOC on social media

Great news, I suggest everyone here that has ever wanted updates take advantage of this and make sure to retweet and share!! Thanks Tim!
Jan. 24, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: What Became of 30+ Ounce Bats?

Bat speed. When I first started playing in the 80's there were multiple 38 oz bats in the dugout. I loved them, now I swing a 27 and I love it, go figure. Advances in knowledge have suggested that lighter bats = faster bat speed = more distance. I'm sure someone here will provide the scientific formula that proves the theory at any moment now. Lol.
Jan. 11, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Plantar Fasciitis

I had this problem 2 years ago due to a bone spur. I had cortisone shots(2), generic orthotics, custom orthotics and nothing worked. A customer of mine that noticed me limping told me he had the same exact problem and he tried these:


I bought a pair that day, virtually pain free since. No guarantees but for less than $20 it's worth a try. Good luck!
Oct. 9, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: The Rock.

The "Rock" is ridiculously hot and should be outlawed. Plain and simple, if you feel different your ego is probably interfering with your judgement.
May 22, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: SSUSA Atlantic Coast Championships

At the risk of beating this dead horse again, it would be so simple to do it I can't understand why they don't. SSUSA has a facebook page. How hard would it be to have a tournament director take a photo of each tournament bracket chart at the end of each day or even at the conclusion of the tournament if daily is too much for them? Email the pics to SSUSA headquarters and they could post it to their facebook page.
I personally take pics at every tournament my team plays in and post it to our team facebook page. It doesn't need to be anything elaborate, here's one I posted last year.


April 3, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Mat vs. board

Thanks Dave. Just curious, does SSUSA supply the mats or is it the parks that supply them as DieselDan suggested?

Another thought, if boards are out of the question what about using white mats?
April 3, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 50 this year..looking for a team

There is a league in Mass, google Emass senior softball. There is also a Sunday morning 50+ league. Google R.I. Senior Softball. Hope this helps.
April 2, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Mat vs. board

I play 50+ league here in R.I. and we use a board instead of a mat, made from 1/2" plywood and painted white with the outline of home plate on it. I've played in quite a few tournaments now and some use a mat, some a board. I'm curious if anyone else has a preference, I know I do.
I prefer a board for multiple reasons, first and foremost there is never a doubt if the ball hit it or not due to the sound. In 2015 when I played in the WMC I was at bat and the first pitch clearly hit the mat but the ump called it a ball(thanks). This would not have happened with a board. I've also seen a lot of iffy pitches on the edges that were called the wrong way, IMHO. Again, with a board this doesn't happen. When a pitch hits the edge of the board you know it.
Secondly, the mats are usually black and for me, with my old eyes, not always that easy to see. The board, painted white stands out and is a much easier target.

I think if SSUSA mandated use of a board it would make the umpires job easier and would also help out us pitchers with our old eyes, opinions?
March 12, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Female pursuing action to join all male league

Put her at third base and when she gets beaned you'll see what the difference is. I don't get this need women feel to do this. Can I join the women's team and play in the women's tournaments? I think not. What's the point? Plenty of coed leagues and tournaments to play in.
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