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Details for BruceAZ

Real name:
Bruce McClain
Casa Grande AZ
Men's 70

Messages posted by BruceAZ

Nov. 19, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter Worlds Scheduling Problems

Dave, All games on Friday were on Schedule. One of the problems was there were 2 single games played at 2:00 and 3:30 while the 50s had the other 3 fields. So, 13 teams were done by 2:00 but we had to wait until 5:00 to find out the seedings to see if we played at 5:30 or 7:00. Why do you mix in 2 different age brackets during the same time periods? You have all of the 60 teams (17) there in the morning, if you would have just played only 60s on the 4 fields we could have been done by 5:00. Them the 50s could have all 4 fields and play from 5:00 to 9:00. It makes for a long day when you schedule different age/skill brackets at the same time at the fields. While we're on scheduling, Why can't you change a seed up or down 1 number so that you don't play the same team you just played in a seeding game as your 1st bracket game. No one likes to do that. Another gripe, since I'm griping, when a team gets knocked down to the losers bracket, you should alternate putting them in the top half or the bottom half so that the same teams don't play each other again in the same side of the losers bracket. Ok, I don't think a Computer Science Intern can fix all of these problems but thanks for listening Dave.
Nov. 18, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter Worlds Scheduling Problems

Dave, I think your customized Scheduling Software has a Virus. I’m a fan of you and what you do and I have been for 17 years but I think you need to bring in a Computer Science intern to fix your software. We spent 14 hours at Rose Mofford yesterday to play 3 games. That was ridiculous, we started with an 8:00 AM game and finished our 3rd game at 9:00 PM. You either had too many teams for a 4 field complex or your schedule software was wacked out. You can do better than that.
Oct. 14, 2019
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Phoenix 65 Major Team Looking For Players

Guys, thanks for all the responses but we've filled our roster for this season. Good luck in 2020.
Oct. 10, 2019
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Phoenix 65 Major Team Looking For Players

Bill, email me your phone number and we can talk. Thanks
Oct. 9, 2019
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Phoenix 65 Major Team Looking For Players

Phoenix Team looking for a few 65+ Major players.
Team is sponsored and moving up to 65s. We need a few players to fill out our roster for 2020. We'll play in 10-12 tournaments this season with 3-4 travel (out of state) tournaments. Need IF, OF and a backup pitcher.

Email me at brucemcclain@yahoo.com
Sept. 27, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: BRACKET START TIMES- 40s weekend (Session 3)

Tim, thanks for all the updates, it's much appreciated to be able to see who is still in and who wins after we get knocked out.
Sept. 27, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: LVSSA

NorCal STIXX were posted on the SSUSA Facebook page as winning 70 Major. Congrats on your win in 65 Major.
Sept. 25, 2019
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: AZ based 65 Major player looking for 2020 team

SBsoftball, email me with your information.
Aug. 27, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: SSUSA's Rocky Mountain Championships 2019

60 Major Results; 
1.) Arizona Old School 60s 
2.) Arizona Scorpions 60s 
3.) All American Restoration (MN)

Congrats to Old School on earning the TOC berth.
July 23, 2019
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Still Looking For a 55+ Team-

DJ, what's your contact info? Thx
June 10, 2019
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for East Valley team

Dbacks, do you mean the East Valley in Phoenix? If it is, who have you played for in the past and what is your contact information?
March 4, 2019
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Yuma in April and maybe beyond

zukbuzzer, you can't play on a 60s team for any sanctioned tournaments if you're 57 and Yuma is a SSUSA qualifier.
Feb. 12, 2019
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Looking for players for an AZ 65 Major team in Nov

AZ Scorpions 60 Major (out of Phoenix) will be moving up to 65 Major in Nov and we need a few players (IF & OF). We're going to play 1 tournament a month which includes 4 travel tournaments (Vegas twice, Reno & Aurora CO). If you're interested send me an email.

Nov. 10, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: What is a Veteran?

Thanks Steve, Army 73-77
Sept. 27, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Results of Las Vegas

I was mistaken about posting on the SSUSA Facebook page, we can't post on the main page but we can post on the visitor page. So, if players from this weekend or any future tournament want to post a picture of the bracket from their field, here is my suggestion;
1.) Take a picture of the bracket on your phone
2.) Go to Facebook and search for Senior Softball USA
3.) Select their page from the search results
4.) Select Posts
5.) Select see visitor posts
6.) Enter some text and your bracket picture
7.) Select Publish

Now everyone can see the bracket.
I posted an example bracket I had from the Spring Worlds.
Hope this helps
Sept. 26, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Results of Las Vegas

Tim, that's been brought up many times over the years. I don't think this message board allows you to post images. Another option would be the SSUSA Facebook page, I think it started last year and Tim McElroy posts on there once in awhile and Facebook would allow you to post a picture of the bracket. But unfortunately we as members don't have access to post anything on that page.
Sept. 25, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Results of Las Vegas

Edit for previous post:
I've been playing Senior Softball for 12 years since 2006 not since 2012.
Sept. 25, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Results of Las Vegas

I have been supporting SSUSA since 2012 when I started playing Senior Ball. Updating the tournament results has always been an issue and is complained about every year. I love what Dave does and understand the size and magnitude of creating schedules and brackets for 600+ teams but his excuses of being the only person who knows how to use the software is growing old. Dave, you need to train someone else how to use it so all of these schedules and brackets don't fall on 1 person. You also need to have it updated to report games scores in realtime. A year or so ago you talked about using software for game updates but we haven't heard anything since then. I want to commend Tim McElroy for at least seeing the need for the SSUSA members to have updated scores and posting updates during the day, Tim, you make the other Field Directors look bad. Sorry Dave, you need to get some new and updated software.
Az Scorpions 60M
Aug. 31, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: somthing very interesting

Interesting, Dave, if the generation sub-routine is all numbers based, how do you keep the local teams from playing each other in the seeding games? We're in Az and we play Az & Ca teams all year, it's nice to play against some East Cost teams during the seeding games and your generation sub-routine seams to do that. Thanks
Aug. 14, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: commitment line stepover standoff

My team has done this scenario twice in the last 2 years, a team mate of mine did it in the SW Championships and I did it myself in Worlds last year. If you get caught rounding 3rd or caught off of 3rd for any reason, the 3rd baseman is going to run you to the C/L, the runner stops before the line and waits for the 3rd baseman to extend his arm/s to tag you, but it's pretty easy to move your foot 6 inches over the line before he actually touches you and then your safe for being tagged when you are over the C/L. I like K man's idea, that would probably work, pull the ball out of the glove before you tag the runner with the glove and then throw the ball home for the out.
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