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Details for ShaneV

Real name:
Shane Verley
Chehalis WA
Men's 55

Messages posted by ShaneV

Aug. 24, 2016
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 50's/55's AAA/Major Player from WA Looking to play in Lacey,WA and Vegas Worlds

Bernie88 & Steinbrenner,

In order to play in the qualifier in Lacey Bernie88 would need to be released from former team and added to new team. Could be done today or tomorrow but should be done 2 weeks in advance of the event.

ShaneV (for TD Tom Isrealson)

July 31, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Yes, Ratings again...

Just to clarify DEEDENNY, the run margin criteria only includes our (your) games against same age, same class teams. The other games with or without equalizers are considered unreliable indicators of your rating within your specific age/classification. I get that and agree. I also tell everyone I talk to on this topic that this is not a punishment of I, me, my team, it is a protection of the other (100?) teams in the age/class and the classification system itself. Unless some mistake was made, we're going to suck it up and not change a thing. We might consider picking up a M+ or three (3) before Las Vegas or maybe next year. I had the major tag but got a medical waiver with cancer last year. Now we have three (3) MORE guys that could get a medical waiver of their Major tags, and yet we are playing at the top of AAA. Just wish we could have bumped ourselves by winning Worlds in September. Ah well, life would be less interesting without challenges. Last time I got bumped with a team, I agreed to manage the team on a Saturday in February, On Monday I got the call we were Major. I didn't want to play Major, let alone manage, but I made a commitment and could not maintain my integrity and quit at the same time.


July 29, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Yes, Ratings again...

I have been educating managers and players with the ratings criteria, specifically the +5 average margin in all games with like age and classification in three (3) qualifying events. So we just got bumped today to major and our rival from Oregon remains AAA. We just beat them and won in Salem. They beat us in the championship in Rock N Reno. Our margin? +4.7...

June 19, 2016
Topic: Women's softball
Discussion: Looking for Women 50+ to play tourneys in the West

Get the word out, one or more Senior Women's Events planning under way for Lacey-Olympia-Tumwater Washington area in the next 12 weeks! Trust me you will love this. Make room on your calendars, do this and never look back!

June 19, 2016
Topic: Women's softball
Discussion: Northwest Women - Washington-Oregon-Idaho

A number of us in the Northwest have been watching for the opportunity to "Quick-Start" and develop SSUSA Women's 40-50-etc in the Northwest. Regie Sison-Valenti out of Cottage Grove OR is working with her team and three others to bring the four teams and possibly others to Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater for one or more events over the next 12 weeks. Anyone out there looking for a chance to play senior women's softball (40-50-60) start making calls now, search far and wide, post here on your efforts and get ready to play. We may also assemble individuals into a team or teams on the fly for one or more events this summer. We are here to help and want SSUSA women's ball to "Quick-Start" this year!

June 19, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: NW recreational Tournaments (Washington State)

Also, when you mouse over the Tournaments Tab on the home page, you have 4 choices - 2016 Events - Rules - Recreational Tournaments - Forms. Select Recreational Tournaments to see those.

June 12, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Digital Newspaper

They in the "white tower" do not exist, except in your imagination. You create the "they" and "us". In my world there is only "we", there is no "they". "We" do this together, top to bottom, end to end. "They" do not exist but in your mind.
June 12, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rule or Common Sense

Only reason I can think of is we have the most liberal courtesy runner options in softball and making them any more liberal might just destroy the conservative party. Wait, that's already happening!

June 12, 2016
Topic: Women's softball
Discussion: Release rules

Released once, added once, then frozen. 4.2(2) • ADDING / RELEASING ROSTER PLAYERS Players may be added to qualified rosters for the Eastern or Western Nationals, the World Masters Championships or the Tournament of Champions under the following conditions: 1. The team has qualified. 2. Players to be added must be otherwise eligible as to age, residency and rating experience history for the team they seek to join. PLAYING RULES 21 3. Players added must not exceed the 20-member roster limit. All players listed on the official roster (excluding “roster exemption players”) must have been present and played at the qualifier. 4. Players to be added may be required to secure a player release if they are on another qualified team roster. (See §4.2(2) E.) 5. The number of players that may be added is limited by the number of players already on a roster. If a qualified team has at least 15 (or 16, depending on the number of defensive players normally used) from the original qualifying roster, that team is prohibited from adding “roster exemption players,” except as allowed by §4.2(2) B. A. Teams adding “roster exemption players,” and that normally play with ten defensive players, will have a roster limit of 15 players. Teams that normally play with 11 defensive players (age 70+ and older men’s teams and senior women’s teams) will have a roster limit of 16 players. B. Teams may request to add players who are regular members of the team, but were not able to attend the qualifying tournament. The roster restrictions do not apply to regular team members. C. If a qualified team's roster falls below 12/13 players, the team may apply to add players until it reaches the 12/13 player level. Those players may be from the same age group in the same or lesser skill level, or equivalent. D. If an invited team's roster falls below the 15/16 limit, the team may apply to add players until it reaches the 15/16 player level. Those players must be from the next older age group in the same or lesser skill level, or equivalent. NOTE: For §4.2(2) B-D, managers must apply to SSUSA in writing for approval of those players. Player additions will be approved or denied on an individual basis. Procedures: 1. The originals of all teams' rosters will have been mailed to SSUSA Headquarters in Sacramento by the tournament director at the end of each qualifying tournament, so managers wishing to add a player must: (a) type or print the player's information on the front of a copy of their roster form or on a blank roster form; and (b) underneath the player's name on the next line, record the name of the team with which he has been playing. Mail the forms to: Senior Softball World Championships 9823 Old Winery Place, Ste. 12, Sacramento, CA. 95827 2. The documents must be received by SSUSA no later than 15 days prior to the published registration date of the Senior Softball World 22 PLAYING RULES Masters Championships. The registration date is the day before play begins in the Senior Softball World Masters Championships. E. Player release – Managers may not add a player from another qualified team unless the player has been legally released. Both the manager of the previous team and the player must sign the release and the written release shall be forwarded to SSWC headquarters. Once added, a player becomes frozen on the roster of the team that added him. Exception: Player playing on teams in two different age groups is frozen on both rosters. NOTE: Player release is at the sole discretion of the team manager. SSUSA does not arbitrate, nor compel, a player’s release in the event of a dispute.
Oct. 7, 2015
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: 50 Major Plus World Champions

Just want to comment on the great job Bill Medved (plate) and Gary Moreno (bases) did on the championship game. They handled the incident early in the game placing themselves in harms way in the middle of the fray. And they got the tough call in the final inning right, doubling off the runner at first on a great play. Tense nail-biter to say the least.

Congratulations Sommerville. And congratulations Bill and Gary.

Oct. 7, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Online Renewal

We were all born with all the patience we will ever need, and it's a good thing in this world!

Aug. 30, 2015
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Rock at the R.A.C. Lacey WA

My apologies regarding the bracket breakdown. Game #4 & #5 Moody Blues Division were switched in my rush to schedule which led to the repeat opponents for a number of teams. By the time I was aware it was too late to do anything about it.

Looking back it's hard to imagine we pulled this one off without too many big challenges. A total of 34 teams played a minimum 4 games and we never really got behind. That shows great cooperation from the teams and efficiency from the umpires.

Ron Grassi did a fantastic job over at Rainier Vista and we managed to move teams back and forth between the two parks without issue.

Road to Las Vegas deadline is coming up Friday. Get your entries mailed soon or miss this final tune-up for the LVSSA/SSUSA World Masters Championships only a month away!

Sept. 18, 2014
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Need 40's Player(s) WA, OR, ID, BC for LVSSA/SSUSA World Masters Championship Sept. 26-27-28

Mach One 40M is short for Las Vegas, down to 9 players. They are paid and scheduled to play 9/26-27-28. They need one outfielder, could be 40 and not on a 40 roster, or could be 50 and already going with a 50 team. By rule they can add up to 3 to get back to 12. Let's help these guys out! Considerable financial committment could be down the drain.


Or Contact Rick McLaughlin directly at 206-683-9934

June 26, 2014
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Jim Sherman Memorial NW Championships - Thursday Play washed out

Just got word that Thursday play washed out at Delta Park in Portland. Just hope parks can get fields in shape to resume tomorrow! Note: Per SSUSA rules field conditions and play or no play decisions are decided at the fields at game time. Teams are required to be at the park ready to play at their scheduled time.

Jan. 17, 2014
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Olympia/Lacey Washington 2014 Tournaments

All events are now up on the tournament page.

Jan. 13, 2014
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Olympia/Lacey Washington 2014 Tournaments

April 12-13 2014 SSUSA April Opener - Open

Contact: Shane C. Verley 360-259-1733 sver152@comcast.net
April 12-13 Men's 40+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, Women's 40+, 50+
Format: Round Robin 5GG

Entry Fee: $295 Deadline: April 4th
Checks payable to:
Shane C. Verley
152 Kennicott Dr
Chehalis WA 98532

Regional Athletic Complex
8345 Steilacoom Rd SE
Lacey WA 98513

May 17-18 2014 SSUSA Yauger Reunion - Open

Contact: Shane C. Verley 360-259-1733 sver152@comcast.net
May 17-18 Men's 40+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, Women's 40+, 50+
Format: Round Robin 5GG

Entry Fee: $295 Deadline: May 9th
Checks payable to:
Shane C. Verley
152 Kennicott Dr
Chehalis WA 98532

Yauger Park
3100 Capitol Mall Drive SW
Olympia WA

June 7-8 2014 5th Annual SSUSA Player Memorial - Open

Contact: Tom Frare 360-507-6297 Cetjf@comcast.net
June 7-8 Men's 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+
Format: 5GG

Entry Fee: $280 Deadline: June 2nd
Checks payable to:
Olympia Senior Softball League (OSSL)
c/o Tom Frare
7305 Spurgeon Creek Rd SE
Olympia WA 98513

Regional Athletic Complex
8345 Steilacoom Rd SE
Lacey WA 98513

July 5-6 2014 SSUSA Yauger Invite - Open (or July 12-13 2014 SSUSA Rainier Vista - Open)

Contact: Shane C. Verley 360-259-1733 sver152@comcast.net
July 12-13 Men's 40+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, Women's 40+, 50+
Format: Round Robin 5GG

Entry Fee: $295 Deadline: July 4th
Checks payable to:
Shane C. Verley
152 Kennicott Dr
Chehalis WA 98532

Yauger Park
3100 Capitol Mall Drive SW
Olympia WA

August 21-22-23-24 2014 SSUSA Classic Rock at the RAC - Qualifier

Contact: Shane C. Verley 360-259-1733 sver152@comcast.net
August 21-22 Men's 65+, 70+, 75+
August 23-24 Men's 40+, 50+, 55+, 60+, Women's 40+, 50+
Format: 2 Pool to DE Bracket, 4GG

Entry Fee: $305 Deadline: August 15th
Checks payable to:
Shane C. Verley
152 Kennicott Dr
Chehalis WA 98532

Regional Athletic Complex
8345 Steilacoom Rd SE
Lacey WA 98513

Rainier Vista Community Park
5475 45th Ave SE
Lacey WA 98503

September 13-14 2014 SSUSA Road to Las Vegas - Open

Contact: Shane C. Verley 360-259-1733 sver152@comcast.net
September 13-14 Men's 40+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, Women's 40+, 50+
Format: Round Robin 5GG

Entry Fee: $295 Deadline: September 5th
Checks payable to:
Shane C. Verley
152 Kennicott Dr
Chehalis WA 98532

Regional Athletic Complex
8345 Steilacoom Rd SE
Lacey WA 98513


Dec. 28, 2013
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: STAFF question on scoring of runs

This might help, let's say same scenario as above, runner from 1st who did not
tag properly does not retreat, but is standing on 2nd. Infielder calls to
umpire (or doesn't - implied) and tags the runner on 2nd before lead runner crosses the scoring line. Umpire calls runner standing on 2nd out, and run
does not score.

Dec. 12, 2013
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Scoring Line? In MLB?

Oct. 21, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Vegas Umpires

And they're there for their love of the game!

Oct. 20, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Vegas Umpires

I apologize for the first one. The wind was blowing right to left at about 30
mph. Without the wind the ball would have been 30 feet foul. High fly ball
clears the fence and is angling from foul to fair. I didn't get a great look
at it as it landed because I was expecting it to be clearly foul, the wind
fooled me. It may have been as much as 12 inches foul. Also there was a white
line that appeared to go beyond the fence but actually was painted ON the
fence. As you look at that white line standing on the foul line it would
appear straight. From slightly foul that line angled toward foul territory,
and was also a factor in what I saw. No excuses, I think I missed the call.

I and most of the umpires "selected" to work the major tournaments do love the
game and care first and foremost about the teams and players, and proving the
best umpiring we can muster. I still work full-time but my life is dedicated
to Senior Softball, in many ways, as a player, manager, umpire, tournament
director, league director and advocate for the game. As you pointed out, I am
human and I do make mistakes.

Sorry Rancid,
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