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Discussion: Senior vs USSSA balls & bats
Going to play a weekday senior league and players younger than 70 (that's me) must use USSSA bats, 70 and over use senior bats.
Can someone give me the info on ball core/compression used in SSUSA vs USSSA and what USSSA bat would be good for hitting senior balls
Appreciate the help
TA - Our 60+ USSSA league uses a Dudley Thunder 40 core ball, not sure how that compares to the SSUSA ball. We can only use single wall bats and the bat of choice is the Demarini Steel.
Senior ball is 44/375 while USSSA is 40/325. Most any Utrip bat will kill those balls. Our 65+ uses USSSA or ASA bats with a classic m(40/325) ball.
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