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Real name:
Rich C
Long Island NY
Men's 65

Messages posted by k man

Dec. 1, 2024
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: You make the call

Donna, that does make sense. Why should the defensive team be punished by losing the out on the original play. I remember a game where the team batted out of order, the batter had gotten a hit, runs scored, and runners on bases. All was nullified, the original batter then made an out ending the inning and it changed the whole complexion of the game which we won.
Dec. 1, 2024
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: You make the call

Unless I am reading this incorrectly, Titan and BJ have different outcomes and can't both be correct. I agree with BJ. Since bases were loaded, all runners return to their original bases and therefore bases would still be loaded, not just 1st and 3rd as titan suggests as the out at 2nd on the original play is negated.
Sept. 5, 2024
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Hugh Brotherton SSUSA article

What a wonderful article and tribute in this months SSUSA Magazine!
I don't know Hugh but was fortunate to play in the 2017 TOC All Star game and am reminded of a story from that experience. I was in the 65+ division and as we were in the dugout prior to the game, he was walking up and down the dugout asking us if any of our father's still played ball as he was trying top add to his teams. Needless to stay we were all in stitches at his request but I'm sure he was very serious in his request as he continues push the limits on Father Time!
I remember saying where can I sign on the dotted line to be able to play ball in my 80's? Well Hugh certainly has upped the ante- into the 90's.
Congrats Hugh on your storied career and PLAY BALL!
Aug. 7, 2024
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batter Box Rule

Benji, its been my experience that by telling batters who stand up front not to move their back foot, you are punishing those batters who look to go opposite field, who on an outside pitch tend to swivel and that back foot swings around ending up in front of the box but is well within the batters box. If the intent of the rule is to protect the pitcher on batters running up, opposite field hitters have lost a valuable tool. Also if that anchored foot must remain and the pitch is a short outside pitch which would hit the front of the plate the most likely place the batter will hit it would up the middle.
July 2, 2024
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Uniform numbers

It's been an issue with us in the past so I always carry a roll of black duct tape. As they say duct tape fixes everything lol
June 7, 2024
k man
Topic: Rules of the game

Curtiss, regarding the first thing, the ump might have been thinking of the USSSA rule.
Rule 6 Pitching Section 11B Illegal Pitchers Actions Include: Throwing the ball by the pitcher to any fielder, unless making preliminary warm-up pitches or making an effort to complete an appeal play, OR while the ball is dead.
May 22, 2024
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Back Foot in Front of the Mat

very obvious violations - not options violations
too bad website doesn't have an edit button oh well

May 22, 2024
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Back Foot in Front of the Mat

DBaker, you bring up valid points, as many did in the previous points.
As a lefty or righty for that matter, many of those short pitches (especially with a strike) are now more likely to be drilled up the middle which is the opposite of what the rule is trying to accomplish.

This is the third year we've had that rule in our local senior league and I've noticed most abuse of the rule is the batter going opposite field (they swing their body around and now both feet are beyond the plate) and with 1 umpire, he has enough on his plate (no pun intended) watching everything else going on and also looking down at the batters feet.

Finally, at the Tidewater tourney in April, I warned our team about this very rule from the beginning and the umpire paid no attention to this rule (yes there were some very options violations especially by a member of my own team) It wasn't until a new umpire in our finals game called that very batter out when with bases loaded he was called out on would have been a hit at a crucial point in the game. And yes, his was what the intent of the rule is trying to prevent, so no sour grapes here.
April 10, 2024
k man
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Senior vs USSSA balls & bats

TA - Our 60+ USSSA league uses a Dudley Thunder 40 core ball, not sure how that compares to the SSUSA ball. We can only use single wall bats and the bat of choice is the Demarini Steel.
March 28, 2024
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batting Box rule change Left handed player called out correctly, entirely within the box

Gary, yes the astute pitcher will pitch short and outside for a difficult to hit ball but Montana and others have stated those who went oppo in the past and easily stayed in the box now have to worry that their trail foot is in front of the line and risk being called out. So they are much more likely to take it up the middle which is what the rule was trying to avoid.
March 28, 2024
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batter Box Rule

In order to be out BOTH feet have to be in front of the plate when you make contact in order to be called out
March 28, 2024
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batting Box rule change Left handed player called out correctly, entirely within the box

gary, why would you reduce the distance from the front of the plate from 39+ inches to 18 inches. Makes no sense and as you suggest, it would move the batter back and the short outside pitch would be a serious disadvantage. As it is I think more batters who had a situation like montana had in the original post, would be more likely to shoot the middle with that pitch so as to not shift the trail foot in front of the plate.
By the way, our local league introduced this rule a couple of years ago and due to the different size boxes at some of our parks, we eliminated the front edge of the box being a fault, only if the back foot is in front of the plate.
Feb. 21, 2024
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batters Box Rule Change

BJ, you're point of hitters going opposite field and the back foot in front of the plate is spot on.
Our summer league started using this back foot rule for the last 2 seasons. When we are on the 3rd base side and the dugout is near home place is when I notice this issue the most. The obvious in this case is the right hand batter who goes after an outside pitch, pivots as he is hitting and the back foot is in front of the line. Ive seen it both for and against my team and have yet to have an umpire ring the batter up for stepping out of the box. At best they were given a warning. Also I can only imagine what the umpire is concentrating on as that scenario is taking place. Pitch is coming outside plate, ball is being hit right field, trail foot is swinging around on opposite side of plate and we only use one umpire.
I assume the intent of the rule is to limit guys running up on the ball in proximity to the pitcher and the guys opposite and ahead of the line will just have to be very conscious of their abuse of the rule.
Feb. 21, 2024
k man
Topic: Tournaments

Harry, long time no see. 75 Jags are planning to attend also.
Start warming things up down there!
Richie #64
Nov. 14, 2023
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Winter National updates from FL

All scores posted. Go to tournament page and click results
Nov. 12, 2023
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Winter National updates from FL

Hi Tim. Thanks for the update. Good job by you and your staff. Always a pleasure. Have a happy holiday season. #64 Jags aka Richie
March 25, 2023
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Pitching Net

A couple of additions that our local league uses are listing maximum dimensions for the screen, any ball that hits the screen is a do over ( I prefer the rule BJ states), and if the ball gets trapped in the screen or base of the screen, it's a dead ball and the runners get the base they were advancing to.

Also,, in one of the other tournament organizations that allows a screen, the pitcher is forbidden from fielding the ball unless it is touched by another defensive player or when an infield fly has been called.

I'm not promoting any of these, just stating some options out there
Nov. 22, 2022
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Pinch Hitter

Was the new pitcher a substitute for the original pitcher? If so and there was a pinch hitter for the 2nd pitcher. Correct me if I'm wrong, then the team will have lost both pitchers in their lineup as re-entry only works with the original lineup. I almost made that mistake last year as I am relatively new in managing one of our teams.
Nov. 10, 2022
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: SSUSA Staff - Tropical Storm Nicole

Under less than ideal conditions, the games went off on Tuesday at Diamondplex. We played our seeding games at 1 and 2:30 and they also moved our Thurs AM bracket games to that evening as we played under the lights. It was in this late afternoon when the rains picked up a bit and there were I think about 5 times it rained so hard teams were called off the fields Most games were completed but the rains left both C and D unplayable so they used just A and B. Tim and the crew was doing everything possible to get as many game in using just the 2 of 4 fields including 5 inning games in the constant drizzle and windy conditions.
65 Major 1. Action Auto 2 Talaga 3 Prime Time
65 AAA 1. Levin 2 TX Legends 3T Nova and Mustangs
70AAA 1. Universal 2 LI Jags 3 Syracuse

Oct. 22, 2022
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: How would you call this one?

Is that on appeal or an automatic umpire call?
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