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Discussion: vegas world's

Posted Discussion
Jan. 9

8 posts
Just curious. To qualify for the vegas world's, does a team have play in a T.O.C qualifier, or can they just participate in any ssusa sanctioned event? Thanks!
Jan. 9
Men's 70
4415 posts
H10th ... Your team must play in an SSUSA sanctioned qualifier ... It does NOT have to be a T.O.C. qualifier, but may NOT be just a "Recreational" event ...
Jan. 9

8 posts
thank you, Dave!
Jan. 9
Men's 50
143 posts

What makes a tourney a qualifier vs. a recreational if they all go through SSUSA?
Jan. 9
Men's 70
1255 posts
If it is listed on this page as a qualifier, it is.
Jan. 9
Men's 70
4415 posts
JohnO28 ... "Rec" tournaments may run under SSUSA rules sanction compliance, but they're not required to do so ... The most common difference(s) is that they seldom comply fully with roster eligibility rules ... It's not uncommon, nor is it frowned upon or even discouraged, for "rec" events to have teams playing with underage players and/or geographically ineligible guys, although that's a lot less stringent since we've opened up borders a bit ...

Not many are willing to admit it publicly, but it's not exactly unheard of for teams to start playing "Rec" later in the summer as tune-up events that are (in theory) outside of the view of our National Ratings folks ... Rec is just more casual for all concerned ...

Jan. 9
Men's 50
143 posts

Ah Ok thanks. I've seen them posted for years but never played in one so wasn't sure.
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