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Discussion: Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams

Posted Discussion
July 26
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Men's 65
28 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
Scrap Iron Club, based out of Colorado, is in the process of building new 70 and 75 teams. These will be AA or AAA teams depending on the player skill level. If interested and willing to play and travel to 6-8 tournaments next year, complete the contact us form at https://www.coloradoseniorsoftball.com/scrap-iron-contact-us.

Aug. 12
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Men's 65
28 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
We received several contacts expressing interest in playing on a 70 or 75 Scrap Iron team. This is still an open invitation. Contact info in previous post.
Aug. 17
Men's 75
18 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
PLAYED FOR SCRAP IRON 60s now want to play over 75 s pitch and 2nd base robert in scottsdale az 480-250-8020 still have some old scrap iron jerseys lol
Aug. 25
Men's 75
64 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
Carbo....aka...Robert. My name is Bob OZ Darrah...live in Scottsdale AZ...played with Scrap Iron 70 Majors...I too am looking for a new 75AAA team. I have contacted Scrap Iron via the web site provided. What is you 'name' if you dont mind sharing...thanks for your help and consideration....regards...OZ
Aug. 25
Men's 70
434 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
Bob, we could use you on our 75AAAteam here in Texas, it would be fun to play on same team with again. Team is San Antinio Silver Streaks. Let me know and I'll get with our coach.
Aug. 26
Men's 75
64 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
Hi John...AKA...JBTexas! Hope all is well with you and glad you are still competing in the game we love. Thank you for the offer I appreciate that. If the SI Team doesn't work out I would delighted to see if you have a spot on your roster. All the best...Oz Darrah
Aug. 27
Men's 70
434 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
Bob, you going to be in Vegas next month, looks us if you get a chance, playing 75AAA at Russell and Arroyo Grande
Aug. 27
Men's 75
64 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
John I will NOT be in Vegas this year...good luck, play well and stay healthy!....Once the decision is made on Scrap Iron (trying to get 12-15 players of AAA caliber) I will contact you for sure. Thanks again for thinking of me..all the best...OZ
Oct. 5
Men's 50
10 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
Sorry to cut in but looking to get a contact for the scrap iron organization as I want to get involved can play 50 AAA and or 55 AAA... just some info to contact as it's amazing organization... thanks for all time.. 307 258 8010
Oct. 12
Men's 75
64 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
JB Texas....Hi John...this is Bob Darrah..AKA Spider. I wanted to get back to you and thank you for the very kind offer to join the San Antonio Silver Streaks 75's. I have decided to go with the Scrap Iron 80's Major Plus team for 2024. As you know, SSUSA changed the age requirements BACK to the original rules in 2022 allowing 3 78 year old players and 4 79 year old players to participate in the 80 Division. We will be playing in Phoenix as I am sure you will as well...I will try and 'find the Silver Streaks' and stop by and say hello. Wishing you, your family and the Silver Streaks all the best!
Oct. 12

1 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
Hollywood5 - https://www.coloradoseniorsoftball.com/scrap-iron-contact-us
Oct. 13
Men's 70
434 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
Sorry, Bob Streaks won't be going to Phoenix this year, good luck with Scrap Iron next year, great bunch of guys whenever we play one of their teams.
Oct. 13
Men's 75
7 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
Hey OZ If you don't want to travel to Co. or Tx We are 75 AAA sponsored team in So Ca and could use a pitcher and 2nd baseman. Career ending injuries really hurt us in 2023 loosing 3 key players and possibly 2 more for the 2024 season. I can be reached 760-533=8230 if interested. We play most all SSUSA Tments and one in Palm Springs in Feb. Wouls not expect you to make the one dayers.
Oct. 15
Men's 75
64 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
1goat...Hi Howard and thanks for the invitation to join your 75AAA team in SoCal. I appreciate the offer, however I plan on joining the Scrap Iron 80's Major team out of Denver...since SSUSA changed the age requirements BACK to the 2022 rules I would be eligible to play. We will play in Phoenix in the Winter Worlds as an exhibition team as they want to rate us as a MajorPlus 80's. Not sure that will pan out..and if not I will call you. Thanks again and have a great 2024 Season!...Bob Darrah 813-545-2483 or rdarrah9188@gmail.com
Oct. 21
Al Mack

11 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
Looking for a 70"s team played against you in 2016 won championship and played in the worlds with get r done this year great left fielder Alan McLin I live in Vegas {323}393-5344

Oct. 21
Al Mack

11 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
Scrap Iron
Nov. 7
Men's 75
608 posts
Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams
I Don't Know. 3rd Base. For those of us who have completed the contact link, will we receive word if we have not made the cut? Thank you and all my best to the Scrap Iron organization.
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