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Discussion: Injury at Menifee

Posted Discussion
Jan. 15
Men's 55
99 posts
Injury at Menifee
Does anyone know how the shortstop from Palm Springs Heat fared in his visit to the hospital. He was hit in the head by a bad bouncing ground ball in the game against us (Mustangs) and we just wanted to see if he was ok.

Jan. 16
Men's 50
535 posts
Injury at Menifee
DOCSWEAR: Mike, I talked today to Vance, about the Palm Springs Heat player that got hurt Sunday. Vance, informed me that the player came back to the park & was not feeling to well. This player, road back w/ others from his team the P.S. Heat.

No one @ Menifee, seems to have gotten a chance to 'talk' w/ the injuried player.

Good Luck........The STONEMAN........
Jan. 16
Men's 55
99 posts
Injury at Menifee

Thank you for the update. If you hear anything further, please let me know..

Have a good one,

Jan. 17
Men's 75
20 posts
Injury at Menifee
Hey Fella's, thanks for the concern. Don, is ok for right now,
but still a little dizzy, hopefully in the next week, he will be feeling better. He also suffered a concussion besides
the cut to his head. Appreciated the concern.

Tony Avila
Palm Springs Heat
Jan. 17
Men's 55
99 posts
Injury at Menifee
Thanks for the update. Give him our best. I will let the team (Mustangs) know how he is doing. Looking forward to seeing you guys again soon.

Mike Swearingen
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