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Details for Wood_1966

Real name:
Las Vegas NV
Men's 55

Messages posted by Wood_1966

Dec. 10, 2021
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 55 Major Player looking for a 55-Major or 50-AAA team

I recently relocated across country and I am looking for a team in Michigan or surrounding states that needs a player. I play 1B, C, 2B or 3B, hit for average and power. Looking for a 55-Major or 50-AAA team(s).
June 14, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Prescott Tournament Schedule/Brackets

Thanks Dave! Hell, even Prescott is gonna stupid hot this week everywhere in the Southwest!
June 14, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Prescott Tournament Schedule/Brackets

Just a quick question.

Does SSUSA normally post the team listing and schedule/brackets for Non-TOC qualifier tournaments, like the Prescott AZ tourney this weekend?

Seems like a daunting task for SSUSA to actually create brackets for all these tournaments but I would think that the local tournament directors would want to provide them to SSUSA to post online to improve communication.

June 10, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Carrying bat to first base

Unless the hitter is going to use the bat as a weapon against the 1st baseman (I have seen a lot of crazy stuff but not this!), what does it matter if they carry it to 1st?
June 8, 2021
Topic: Bats
Discussion: new bat

It is hot, but took about 150 swings to really open up, so not bad. I cannot speak to durability as once it was broke in I stopped swinging it and it has not cracked my gamer line-up.
June 3, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Which Ball travels further: ASA or SSUSA

So Nancy, are you saying that guys who can hit the deep ball don't actually possess talent??? haha!
June 2, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Which Ball travels further: ASA or SSUSA

This "everyone hits the same ball" theory is a myth! The ball is an equalizer for less skilled teams. It enables them to make plays that they may not normally make as the ball is not hit as hard, it may not get past them in the outfield for the extra base that it normally would, and it also takes the HR out of the hands of the better team in close games. While it is true that they both hit the same ball, a softer/mush ball impacts the better teams more....
June 1, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Balls for Rock N Reno

A restricted flight or mush-ball is a great equalizer. I am not of the school that "everyone is hitting the same ball". A lousy ball helps the weaker teams be competitive. That being said, I am not playing so have no skin in the game this weekend!
May 20, 2021
Topic: Bats
Discussion: new bat

Hot as hell, but not sure on the durability yet.
May 12, 2021
Topic: Bats
Discussion: UTRIP -senior ?

I have the Mach1 26oz and I love it, but it swings heavy. So, point being if you are an older guy who is just getting back into playing again and don't quite have the strength and swing speed you once did, I think the Alan Tanner which is only a half ounce end load is the way to go for a Worth. Great bat!

I made the mistake after a few years off buying the same weight bat I last swung and found I did not have the strength to get the same bat speed with a 30oz bat, so I dropped down in weight and it paid off.

This is my 2 cents so take it for what it is worth, just some random guys opinion.

April 30, 2021
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Prodigy/Proton

Well, suprise suprise, Proton came out with another excuse that of course blamed some one else for further delays. If you ordered one, you may have it in time for next years tournaments!
April 29, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rating Changes?

Thanks, I will talk with him and get the story! Thanks again!
April 29, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rating Changes?

Dave, can you offer any insight into why were were bumped up? We did have success in 2 of the 3 tournaments we entered this year but we got run out of St George pretty bad. Not disputing the move, just more out of curiosity.

Thanks in advance.
April 29, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rating Changes?

Thanks Dave!
April 29, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rating Changes?

Dbax, that is the first thing I thought of as well...Haha! That being said, I am just trying to find out if we did get moved up or not.
April 28, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rating Changes?

Did SSUSA just make rating changes? I looked at my teams rating and it moved from AAA to Major after the southwest championships. I know we won but hell, we are only 3 tournaments into playing together as a team!

Also, if we did get moved, if I am on a 55-major team can I also play on a 50-AAA team without counting as one of their major players?

April 21, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Standings for Southwest Tournament

Dbax, I think we have just been spoiled as the last couple tournaments the results have been updating each night. Now we are expecting that to be the new norm!
April 21, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Standings for Southwest Tournament

Weird that some people can see the results and other cannot. In the 55's it appears to partially be completed but does not include the Saturday and Sunday results. Cleared my cache and even browsing history to see if that might be the issue but still get the same data. It is obviously completed because some people can see the full results while others like me cannot. Anyone have any ideas on things that may be preventing some of us from seeing the most recent updated results?

April 20, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Standings for Southwest Tournament

55 AAA - Freak Show 55(NV) over Smash 55(CA)
April 20, 2021
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Prodigy/Proton

Make them in the good ole USA then customs would no be an issue!
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