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Details for crown

Real name:
Howard Boyd
Durham NC
Men's 50

Messages posted by crown

Aug. 16, 2024
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Need couple players for Men's 55's Huntsman Team - 16 - 19 October 2024

Need 1 or 2 more 55+ players for a men’s team playing the Huntsman Games (Wednesday - Saturday 16 - 19 October) in St. George Utah.

Must be at least 55 to play and there are no "bordering states" requirements for this tournament.

Current team is composed of 55 Major and 55 AAA players from the East Coast (NC, VA, TN).

Reach out if interested in playing.

July 26, 2023
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for team to play men's 40s Vegas Worlds

Playing 55 and 50's Vegas Worlds and will be in Vegas during 40's Worlds.

Would like to pick up and play if anyone needs a player?

Excellent speed and bat. Primary position is outfield but am a utility player. Live in NC and will be playing Eastern Nationals this weekend. Email: Howard@HowardBoyd.com

July 25, 2019
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Georgia Renegades 50 AAA looking for a SS to play in Concord NC 7/27-7/28 need a few fill ins due to change of tournamnets

Hi Emmitt. I am available to play this weekend if needed. Have SPA card and play with team out of NC but we are off this weekend. Let me know if still need one.

May 3, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Miken bats return policy

Sorry to hear about your Miken Warranty issues. Breaking at the handle does seem like a defect and would think Miken should consider an exception for the issue you are having with the non-warranty senior bat. Sounds like bad customer service and may drive players away from Miken brand loyalty with that type of service.

I had a similar warranty issue with Miken recently. I purchased a 2018 KP23 ASA bat (great bat!) which had a 1 year warranty. The bat cracked and I contacted Miken for a warranty replacement. Was told I had to have a copy of my original receipt and the physical JTS bar code sticker to obtain a warranty replacement.

I don't keep physical copies of the sticker or the receipt. I use a program called Evernote and have pdf copies of my purchase receipt and digital photos of the JTS bar code sticker in case of warranty issues. Miken has accepted these electronic versions from me in the past. The Miken rep I spoke to for my warranty issue said they would accept digital copies this time but not in the future.

I mentioned to the rep that I had recently purchased 2 new ASA model warranty bats (2019 ASA KP23 & 2019 ASA Freak Primo) and had already trashed the JTS barcode sticker and receipt because I had made digital copies of them.

Miken's response was "well, let's just hope you won't need to warranty the other bats."

I don't have an issue keeping up with the jts code and warranty electronically but to require a person to keep the physical bar code sticker in the digital age is ludicrous.

I swing Adidas bats for senior ball and LOVE the way they perform. Adidas just came out with a USSSA bat called the Ruckus and plan to release an ASA version in the near future. Even better, the Ruckus comes in two flavors - a warranty version (more expensive) and a non-warranty version (same bat, cheaper price, but no warranty).

Just got the USSSA version of the Ruckus in yesterday and hope to test it out this weekend. If it performs anything like my Adidas senior bats, I will purchase the ASA version when it is available.

Best of luck with your issue.
Feb. 6, 2019
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 51 year old NC outfielder looking to play

51 year old outfielder looking to fill in some open dates.

Current team taking a few weekends off and I would like to play with another team on those open weekends.

Live in NC, play outfield, and have excellent speed.

Was fortunate to play on team that won the 2018 SSUSA 50 AAA National Championship (East/West game) and a NC team that won the 2018 SPA 50 AAA World Championship and Triple Crown.

Love the game and senior softball and want to play a few extra tournaments this year.

Let me know if anyone needs an outfielder for fill in help.

Oct. 6, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Game scores for 10/6 at DB

Thanks so much for posting and updating the board with this information. Really appreciate it. Wish I could find info for the other pods/fields.
March 31, 2018
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 51 AAA OF out of NC wanting to play Apr 6-8

51 AAA OF out of NC would like to fill in for team weekend of 6-8 Apr.

Current team taking that weekend off and I would like to play.

Have excellent speed.

Can reach me at Howard@HowardBoyd.com if need one.