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Messages posted by mitch1414

May 29, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Is the infield fly rule based on physical ability to catch the ball?

Most people here are trying to find a black and white solution to a judgement call. Every pop up is its own entity and will be judged by the umpire at that time. Like any other judgement call by the umpire, some will agree and some may not......
Sept. 27, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: out or not?

Need more info......when the ball struck the runner, was the ball foul when it made contact with the runner? If the ball is fair when it hits the runner, then the runner is out and hitter gets first base. If foul, then hitter is out and runner remains at third. I see no scenario as to this being a double play.
Sept. 26, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Bad experience for a Class Tournament - Worlds

Everyone needs to understand that opinions will differ. So, there is no right or wrong opinion.....only right or wrong call. Obviously the play was not called correctly and now everyone voices their opinion about it. Just because it is a rule, doesn't make it right. Rules get changed all the time. So, obviously, some people don't care for this one, and some people do. We don't all have to agree.....that is why this message board gets a workout.
Sept. 25, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Bad experience for a Class Tournament - Worlds

Well, a true sportsman wants to win the right way. Complaining about a call that had absolutely no bearing on the outcome is just a competitive person wanting to win. I get it......but I can totally live with that no call more than a missed judgement call that is clearly wrong and had an impact on the result. The rules are the rules and the runner should have been called out, but calls are missed all the time, and this is another example of that.....
Sept. 25, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Bad experience for a Class Tournament - Worlds

The rules are the rules and if that was the case, then the runner should have been called out. But, I agree with marcaster, it is a technicality and you lost the game fair and square. It had no bearing on the actual play. Just move on and let it go.....

July 17, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Western Nationals

Yeah, I agree........Not knowing what goes into the decision making for what fields are being used for what divisions, but with players trying to reserve rooms, it would be nice to get the field information asap.

March 7, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: TOC 2017

Beasley and rocky, I am glad someone else sees a little bit of my perspective. Just because something is under contract shouldn't mean that it should continue. Why not try and make it better? Just my thought process. Thanks again everyone for your input.
Feb. 17, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: TOC 2017

Dave, I appreciate the information you have given me. It is a shame that they will renew the same contract. I just think it could be better. You are absolutely correct. This is my first TOC. Had I experienced it before, I would have known what to expect. As far as ticket math goes, we didn't figure anything out. We were told by umpires that the building only holds 1500 and that they gave out 1800. We told a rep that we would not be attending due to that reason and gave him back our tickets. We didn't just not show up. As far as the shirts, events, prizes etc......I already acknowledged that they were first class. Everyone continues to emphasize that to me, yet no one addresses my issue. So, no worries. Just wanted to see if I was the only one looking at it this way.......as it seems that I am. From my point of view, we spend a lot of money to travel to play there and I just expected top notch all the way around. Thank you all for your input. I truly respect your opinions. Good luck to all in 2017.
Feb. 17, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: TOC 2017

I am guessing that obviously, each person has their own agenda. I respect everyone and their opinions. Just to give you insight on mine......I am not a huge fan of the fluff that goes with the tournament. I fully enjoy the actual playing and experience of the games themselves. I'm not interested in what rewards we get for finishing first,....etc. This being the best of the best inspired me. But yet, the best of the best don't all show up. If it is the best of the best, then we should play on the best fields, etc. It's obvious that everything else was done at a high level......why not do the entire tournament at the same level? Don't get me wrong. I had a great time while in Florida. Our team did well and we had a great time. I am commenting for possible improvements for the future. For instance, why cant the games be held at the Disney sports complex? If it is a cost issue, then raise the price. People will pay for quality. And as far as having players from our team participate in the skills competition and all star game, we did have players in both. Yes, I have seen a bad hop before. They dragged the field after the bad hop, so evidently it was not good. I have never seen them drag the field in the middle of a game. If you are interested in getting stuff at tournaments, then I can totally understand how this tournament was for you. There was excellent prizes and many of them. No argument there. I appreciate all your comments and am starting to think that maybe I just expected too much.

Feb. 16, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: TOC 2017

I just wanted to give my two cents on the 2017 TOC recently completed last week. In my opinion, the TOC is built up to be this elite tournament, bringing only champion teams, offering a great experience that isn't normally offered at any other regular tournament. I was truly looking forward to this experience and was truly disappointed for several reasons........First of all, the fields we played on were some of the worst we had seen all year.(Lakeland) One of the local teams said they were surprised that they were using these fields. There was one player from an opposing team who took a bad hop off his eye. We saw many bad hops. I was also disappointed in the amount of drama that seemed to be more than usual with the umpires. If the umpires are the star of the game, then it wasn't officiated well. The free dinner that was for all teams and families was oversold by 300 tickets. As a team, we decided not to go, as we didn't want to have to fight for a place to sit, etc..............In a nutshell, I just felt like this was to be a special event, honoring past champions, in an elite setting. In the end, It was nothing of the sort. I would not return to play and am speculating that few teams return to play after they have done it once. Again, this is just my opinion.....take it or leave it. I will also say that everything I have said had nothing to do with how we did in the tournament. None of it had an effect on our play..........I would like to hear from other teams who experienced it this year and get their perspective. Maybe I just expected too much. That being said, I realize a lot of hard work does go into putting this on. Thanks for the time.
May 18, 2016
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Confusion on coach's interference.

Oz it is a standard rule that has been changed by several different softball organizations. I think that you are getting hung up on the lingo. Just because we use words like "fouled out" doesn't mean it is scored that way in the book. If a catcher catches a pop up in foul or fair territory it is listed as an F2 in the book. It doesn't say "fouled out". Now since we have a rule that with 2 strikes, the ball has to be fair, the easiest way to score an actual foul ball that hits foul territory, is as a strikeout, because we don't use the term foul out when score keeping. That is why any ball caught in the air, fair or foul, with 2 strikes or less, will always be a fly out and never a foul out.
May 17, 2016
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Confusion on coach's interference.

This is a standard baseball/softball rule with one addition. We have to hit it fair with 2 strikes. It is only considered a strikeout if the ball is hit foul......which means it is not caught in the air. A ball has to land foul in order to be foul. A caught ball anywhere goes into the score book as a fly out, so it is not a strikeout. The team that catches a ball in foul territory, with 2 strikes on the hitter, penalizes themselves for doing so. In this instance, the umpire could make a ruling that the interference caused the defensive team a double play and call both out. Why should the defense be penalized for interference by the base coach? Unless there are additional rules I am not aware of, this is how it should be scored.