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Discussion: Resume

Curveball, should not everyone then be asked to submit a softball resume then? Would it change the way you feel about a person because he actualy did or did not play with those named players? Should each players resume become part of their message board profile, in which everyone would have to have one before they could post here? Would that give some of the players who might not have played competitive tourney ball that are good to great players today any less credibility? Just asking!!!
No, Jeff. Only me. And maybe you if you happen to agree with me too often to suit the moral majority on this site.

I like the guys who criticize me who won't even post their name and/or location.

And remember, you aren't any good as a player unless you have been willing to repeatedly pay perhaps $400-500 for a weekend of playing the same teams in a tiny bracket in a meaningless tournament that if you win you might get the "honor" of buying your own ring.

Okay guys, where am I wrong so far?
I don't want to speak for Curveball as he seems to express himself very eloquently.
Pricer, you pose some interesting questions.
Should everyone submit their resume? No, but because we cross paths with many of the guys (that post on here) we already have some insight to them. As an example, when Larry Lopez, Hank Cluess, Ron Danoski offer their thoughts (and many other guys like them) I give their input maximum credibility. They are not senior softball Hall of Fame players, they had a very substantial career in their younger days. Most of the guys that I know (such as them) are too modest to post anything about themselves. Their performance speak volumes.
Most of the guys that play senior ball did not play in the Open Division years ago... smoe didn't play at all. Does this mean that their feelings are less important? No, we're playing the 'right now' as opposed to 30 years ago.
However, there are some guys that neither played at the open division then or play at all now (tournaments). I read their posts with skepticism... to me, they're as credible as Tom Cruise when he joins 'post partem' discussions. Then you throw in the name dropping element and it then begs the question of 'why'...
If these dialogues were held at the ball park, none of these 'so called experts' would be involved. I watched some guys play last weekend in Hemet, CA, and between games we did have discussions and the only participants were players, coaches and/or sponsors. There were no 'keyboard guerillas' present.
I know Curveball as a guy that has been there, in the 70s and now. He's a solid ball player who does not toot his own horn. Like the others mentioned, he lets his game do his talking. He did play against the Campbell Carpets and Capitol Insulation teams of the late 70s. He does play today even though he is 65+... and plays well.
'Would it change the way we feel if they actually did play with those players'. Absolutely. But the guys that did play with USSSA/ASA HOF guys (and their peers) don't NEED to talk about it. Pretending that you did is not like doing it.
Anonimity? I believe that it's OK to be an anonymous poster but this does not mean that their input has the 'weight' as people like Larry, Hank or Ron.
These are just my thoughts.
Bob Woodroof
I omitted the word 'only' in the sentence about Larry, Hank, Ron... there ARE in the SS HOF. It should have read... 'they are not only in the SS HOF...'.
My fault!
Bob, to many of us curveball is anonymous. He posts no personal info in his profile.

So, by what you concluded, to many of us his input has no weight. What you say about him might entirely be correct, but short of your saying it we have no idea who he is or who he ever played against.

And do you really think a guy has to play against Mike Cellura or Elby Bushong to have a valid opinion about the state of today's senior softball?
I can tell you one thing, when Bob Woodroof speaks, I listen!

Curveball isn't anonymous to those of us that actually play. But whether he is or isn't to eastern players is perhaps another story. But I know him to be a stand up guy.
Try not to distort what I posted. Harken back to the part that reads 'does this mean that their feelings are any less important'. The word 'no' seems fairly straighforward to me.
No, I don't feel that being a teammate (or opponent) of Cellura or Bushong means, in of itself, that one's opinion carries additional weight. I know a lot of guys from that era whose opinion is no better than anyone else's. But it carries more weight than folks that throw those names around as if they're on their birthday card list. Anyone that played with either Mike or Elby can truthfully say that they 'have been there' since both of them consistently played at the highest levels. It seems to me that playing experience is pertinent.
I used Larry, Hank and Ron as examples because they have been there (in the past and now), they are accomplished and well known players and are top notch people. Hence, the automatic credibility from me... I do not always agree with their opinions but I respect where it comes from. In the interest of brevity I only cited three examples. I could name another 100 or so.
GaryC is a perfect example of how being anonymous can be a negative. He clearly was not accountable for his actions. IMO, he gave the anonymous posters a bad name. There are many anonymous guys on here whose opinions are very valid, whether they coincide with mine or not.
I believe that a person ought not post anything that he/she wouldn't be willing to say in person... anonymous or not. If Rick Wheeler took the time to post on here I would 'expect' him to abide by this simple rule, too. He had a great USSSA/ASA/NPSC career but this would not overrule the fact that he never played senior ball. Therefore, his opinion would not be as well received as someone that is 'out there where the bullets are flying'.
Pricer, I think The Wood answered your questions.
Gary19, I never really saw the need to have name etc. on file; but, it's been taken care of. My email has been and is still there, not really ever trying to hide. Who cares what the posters name is anyway?
Not many people on here even care who I am, because I'm not in everyones face with each of their posts. I usually read and keep my opinions to myself. On occasion, I'll give my opinion. When I've had enough crap, like now, I yell.

Thanks Wood, always appreciate your thoughts and ideas. You are a class act...........
Heh, I never realized my name and location is not noticed when clicking on my screen name-----I just tried to add (edit) with my log on, but cannot get to the page?? Well, I get to the page but it won't pull anything up so I can edit it???

I got nothin' to hide :)

I'm hard to miss at tournaments, Corky the Miken guy always makes fun of my hair :)

Anybody else have issues with editing profile link???
Wood, excellent post! I enjoyed reading them. Thanks!

17Black, I to had a problem like the one you mention. I had the lovely girls at SSUSA edit it for me. Call them and give them your info.
There is a link for your "home page" I think by or through you your log in name, that worked for me.
the wood-How is Elby? Last time I saw him in Phoenix he had had some serious health issues, but felt he was on his way back.
17Black--------I never realized it either, till yesterday. Never even gave it a thought.
OK, figured it out---I'm "in"---you can't do it through the main log-in on the home page, but if you log in, find one of your own posts, click on your screen name and it let me "edit"
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