In Texas we have some host cities that are scheduling sanctioned tournaments but they have not reopened the City Adult Softball Leagues. I thought that was strange.
Capt Kirk, I think the parks and recreation are not only concerned about protecting the public, but trying to avoid a lawsuit. In my town, there will be no more league play or tournaments until there is a vaccine. This was decided about 2 weeks ago. To further express their viewpoint, there is one field that we play most of our senior games at, and they have locked the restrooms at that field location. At the other end of the park where they are playing tennis, the restrooms are open, which is about a mile apart. With the park rangers coming by and taking pictures of us playing, makes it difficult to go behind a tree.
We are allowed to play on the fields on a first come first serve basis, but there are signs saying the fields are closed. I have been hesitant to play any pick up games, but have had many BP days, where it is easier to keep your distance from each other. Wearing masks is just too hot and uncomfortable in the heat. I have noticed that several July tournaments are being cancelled in Southern California. These are mostly tournaments that are run by the cities.
I know we all want to go out and play again, including myself, but being a senior, we are more susceptible to catching or giving covid-19 and surviving, than a young person. The Major leagues have postponed their seasons, although they are trying to open up, but still have not. Although against my nature to wanting to play, I may wait until there is a vaccine, before I play again, or at least see how these players playing these pick up games, are doing after the about 2-3 weeks.
Just saying,
Andy Smith