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Discussion: Cheyenne Park

Posted Discussion
Sept. 8

44 posts
Cheyenne Park
70 Majors are scheduled at Cheyenne Park for the LVSSA/SSUSA World tournament. Last spring we were there and the concession stand and restrooms were fenced off and the fields were in pretty poor condition.
Does anyone know if this has been remedied?
Scrappy Mike
Sept. 8
Men's 55
149 posts
Cheyenne Park

When I reviewed Cheyenne a couple months ago, it was still fenced off-- fire damage. You can see it in the video... enjoy porta potties!

In all seriousness, my hope is it's fixed.
Sept. 9
Men's 65
705 posts
Cheyenne Park
Just drove by Cheyenne Park, it's as Jon44 described. 4-5 porta potties near fenced off building in center of complex. Not a good trade off for losing Lorenzie; should have seen it coming what with warnings about peppering homes with HR's by younger higher division sluggers! Only one field needed to be monitored with less powerful teams and we'd still be there.
From past experience, DO NOT leave valuables in cars in parking lot. Ladies purse shoved under the seat is not safe either!
Sept. 9

3597 posts
Cheyenne Park
curveball ... You have either been misled or have on your own misrepresented the facts regarding the closure of Fields #2-3 at Lorenzi Park ... We previously addressed this inference/allegation on 08/29/2018 in a short-lived thread (which was removed at the request of the LVSSA C.E.O.) started by another LVSSA member ... The reasons are independent of the LVSSA/SSUSA, individually or collectively, tournaments as evidenced by a letter we received from a high ranking City of Las Vegas official ... Here's the first paragraph of that letter dated May 1, 2018, in response to our unsuccessful attempts to have the CLV honor their binding field-use contract dated 12/21/2017 granting us the full use of all four Lorenzi fields ...


As [NAME REDACTED] stated we have some safety concerns that has forced the closure of Lorenzi fields. This is a direct result of both poor layout/design, as well as the juiced bats used by certain groups, e.g., hitting over the homes and into the streets… all resulting in significant safety issues. We are in conversations with Operations & Maintenance leadership to identify solutions and funds to rectify the situation.


Hopefully, this will set the record straight (again) ...

Sept. 10

44 posts
Cheyenne Park
We at the Scrap Iron organization strongly support LVSSA/SSUSA but when playing in a World Tournament with over a $700 entry fee and fields in this condition it is quite upsetting to say the least.
We travel hundreds of miles with our families to this tournament. With a burned out restroom and concession stand our spectators (and us) have to use porta johns with no refreshments.
If the fields have not been improved since last year they also need work. The turf was bad and there were holes all over the outfield.
Hopefully the staff can do something about this and I am sure they will try.
Sept. 10

71 posts
Cheyenne Park
Playing at Cheyenne back in the Mid 90's, we were abruptly entertained by a running Gun Battle that made it's way to our field. None of us were hurt, but that isn't something you sign up for when playing softball. North Vegas has always been a problem. Have they removed the light post from the middle of the one field?? That made playing the outfield an adventure. Sorry that anyone has to play at that complex.
Sept. 11
Men's 60
184 posts
Cheyenne Park
hey Dave....was there 3days ago just driving thru and went by!!! fields were not real good!!!infield was wavy and out field needed cutting badly!!! dont know if holes in outfield as i didn"t go on fields was not aware of the porta potties near field was not looking for them !!!....FIELDS CUD USE SOME TLC!!!! JUST SAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!! SAT SILVER STREAKS!!!
Sept. 11
Men's 80
89 posts
Cheyenne Park
LVSSA/SSUSA still has almost two weeks to make some changes. Mike's (Scrappy) post of yesterday I assume is being heeded by the powers that be. The 70 major tournament should not have to be played on what used to be and appear to still be terrible fields. I note SSUSA Staff, in their Sept 9 post, did not address the Cheyenne fields, only the Lorenzi issue. Here's hoping for some changes before Sept 24th!!
Sept. 11
Men's 70
4415 posts
Cheyenne Park
doker and SCRAPPY and Brock ... Not at all concerned, with lots of time until 09/24 ... Field professionals from N. Las Vegas and LVSSA/SSUSA will (as usual) do what it takes to ensure favorable field conditions ... Session #2 Cheyenne is scheduled four rounds per day (Monday thru Wednesday) from 9:00 AM thru 1:30 PM game starts ... It's a very comfortable schedule for weather and any other environmental issues some seem concerned about ... Premature concern is analogous to worrying if your back yard is mowed TWO WEEKS before your outdoor dinner party ... We'll be fine! ...

Gonedeep43 ... Don't remember light pole(s) in the outfields at Cheyenne, but DO remember them vividly at Lorenzi Park before they moved the fields closer to the homes ... Also remember (I was working at both places over the years when those situations occurred) occasional "gun issues" at Lorenzi and fairly often at Freedom Park Softball Complex before BLD was built on the same site ...

Sept. 11
Men's 80
89 posts
Cheyenne Park
Then I guess we won't know whether all of the field and other issues will be taken care of before we play. If I read Dave's post correctly the 70 majors will not be moved to other facilities.
Sept. 11
Men's 70
4415 posts
Cheyenne Park
Brock ... [1] We have a very high confidence level that any (purported) field issues WILL be remedied; and [2] The 70-Major division WILL move to Big League Dreams for Championship Thursday ... Good luck!
Sept. 12

1 posts
Cheyenne Park
The 70 Major will move FOUR teams Thursday to BLD. No consolation to the other 12 teams that will have to settle with memories of probably so-so fields and port-a-potties.
Sept. 13
Men's 70
4415 posts
Cheyenne Park
A rather inauspicious rookie post Pitcher5 ... You might want to re-check that number ... The schedule I wrote (and the one we'll be using) has six teams advancing to Championship Thursday at BLD ... That's a typical number for all but the "super brackets" where I usually take eight ... Remember, it takes two teams to play a game, and games (29), (30) and (34) are scheduled to have different teams in each game on Thursday morning ... I know this is just an anonymous message board where factual accuracy or precision isn't even close to being a requirement, but it's sort of important to me in the context of authoring the 2,100± game master schedule for this year ... Good luck!

Sept. 13
Men's 55
149 posts
Cheyenne Park
In fairness, a lot can be done in a short period of time. When I saw Cheyenne, it was not nice, but I am sure SSUSA is working with people to fix the primary things that were not nice (burned down restrooms, etc). I can't imagine they will ask teams to pay $745 team entrance fee and ask them to use porta potties, etc. I am sure they are working with the city to fix all of this. These problems have been known for a long time regarding Cheyenne-- I wouldn't be surprised if they are fixing things as we speak.

If you want to see something really sad at Cheyenne, look at the tennis courts as you walk up to play on the field....
Sept. 13
Men's 70
4415 posts
Cheyenne Park
Thanks Jon44 ... As long as you mentioned the fairness concept, what's more sad is that someone did the senseless "arson thing" to the snack bar and restrooms building ... Yes, we are working with N. Las Vegas and have our own LVSSA/SSUSA field crew helping out ... They have a tournament there this weekend that has got them focused on tournament-quality preparedness ... Food truck services will also be present ... North Las Vegas/Cheyenne is taking a bit of a whipping over circumstances that were totally out of their control, but are being addressed ... Playing conditions will be favorable, amenities maybe not so much so for the short daily duration of play ...

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