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Discussion: Cape Coral Tournament
Could you please post information for this weekends Cape Coral tournament? Such as entered teams and schedules. I know you're very busy but it's three(3) days until the start of the tournament. I understand you've given the managers the teams and times but how about the rest of the members. Thank you.
I got the schedule from Tim over the weekend and final yesterday. He was at the VA tournament last week.
5 Teams in 40/50 Platinum
5 Teams in 50/55
4 Teams in 60-70
Starts at 10am on Sat. with last game at 5pm. Sunday starts at 9am with last game at 3pm.
Appreciate SSUSA holding another tournament for the tournament teams down here in FL.
See you on the field!
Lee Trotter
Suncoast Team - Adidas
Send me an email and I can send you the schedule gman67.
gman67- the Cape Coral schedule is posted in the tournament section of this website.
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