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Discussion: Helmet

Posted Discussion
Feb. 6

27 posts
Has anyone ever used or seen a Cricket helmet being used by a pitcher? I have been doing some research and I just wanted to see if anyone had actual experience. Here is a link to an image for those wondering what they look like, I am looking into these because there is no cross bar, the helmet is tested for a cricket ball, and the grill is adjustable and away from the face.
Feb. 8
Men's 70
3236 posts
A 60+ player from here uses one. Most think it's a polo helmet. He uses the helmet and lacrosse shin guards.
Feb. 8
Men's 60
60 posts
I believe my friend Curt uses a cricket helmet. He shared it with me to try in Valley last year due to sun being in our eyes when we pitched. It had a little bit of a visor as well for the sun. I liked it. He also got a severe knee injury in that game after a batted ball struck his knee cap. He introduced me to that style helmet and I introduced him to broom ball shin guards. Love them both. However, I now wear a lacrosse helmet.... Just because I like the fit around my lower jaw and side area and I can get to pop ups and foul balls better in it.
Personally, after seeing some things happen lately, to include death of a top notch pitcher, We just need to go to the nets.
Feb. 9

27 posts
I was unaware that someone had died was he struck in the head?
Feb. 9
Men's 70
481 posts
A young man died in Dec in Florida after being hit in the temple while pitching. His skull was fractured and he died about 2 weeks after being hit. He had been married about 2 weeks. If you want more info google Greg Fusco.
Feb. 9
Men's 70
481 posts
Yes, it was slow pitch.
Feb. 10
Men's 50
52 posts
I realize this thread was about a helmet but does anyone have more information on this accident? I went thru Google and saw a couple write ups. Nothing was said about which association, if bat was tested or any possible legal action.
Feb. 10
Men's 70
481 posts

There is an embedded video in the article which has more info. If an ad goes on, wait till you can hit skip and then it will go to the video.
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