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Discussion: If you believe in God; finish this sentence..............

Posted Discussion
March 6
Men's 60
336 posts
Thank you Lord..............................

Here is mine:

Thank you Lord that I live in a great nation, have great health & a loving family & most of all; you are my Savior.
March 6
Fred Scerra
Men's 80
542 posts
That you allowed me to survice a battle with AML Luekemia which led me to this great world of Senior Softball.

Without that I never would have started playing.
March 6
Men's 65
4548 posts
for loving each and every one of us.
That you do act upon each of our thoughts, even though it may be at a time, place or in a way that we may not desire.
For keeping me alive twice, and a God fearing family you have taken care of in your own way.
March 6
Men's 70
30 posts
For helping us change as we turn towards "You".
March 6
Men's 65
601 posts
for the many blessings that we see and are thankful for as well as the ones we don't see that we, and in our ignorance, take for granted. For the strength that comes with belief and the examples of that, which we see right here in our sport.
March 6
Men's 65
594 posts

March 6
Men's 60
336 posts
that we have men & women that are willing to leave family & country to serve all around the globe to protect our & others freedoms.

John W. "Tater" Hayes
March 6

134 posts
To my family, my pretty wife which I love with all my heart.....better now than the day I married her.
March 7
Men's 70
1077 posts
Dear Lord, I have far too much to be thankful for and far too little space to respond, but here's a bit: thank you for forgiveness--your grace and mercy; thank you for family--especially 3 little grandbabies and 1 on the way; thank you for our great country and those who protect us; thank you for freedom of religion, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; thank you for the opportunity to openly disagree with those of the politically correct persuasion and even to be able to be amused by much of their silliness.

Thank you for chocolate ice cream, and the aroma of popcorn! A good steak and pizza as well.

Thank you for good friends and the privilege of bringing them to you in prayer when they have a need. Thank you for whatever measure of good health that we still have in order to play this old game we still love. Thank you for SPA and a site like this where one can see very clearly that there are still many like-minded people who still share love for the game, but more importantly, share your love.
March 7
Men's 70
1077 posts
Dear Lord, I have far too much to be thankful for and far too little space to respond, but here's a bit: thank you for forgiveness--your grace and mercy; thank you for family--especially 3 little grandbabies and 1 on the way; thank you for our great country and those who protect us; thank you for freedom of religion, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; thank you for the opportunity to openly disagree with those of the politically correct persuasion and even to be able to be amused by much of their silliness.

Thank you for chocolate ice cream, and the aroma of popcorn! A good steak and pizza as well.

Thank you for good friends and the privilege of bringing them to you in prayer when they have a need. Thank you for whatever measure of good health that we still have in order to play this old game we still love. Thank you for SPA and a site like this where one can see very clearly that there are still many like-minded people who still share love for the game, but more importantly, share your love.
March 7

96 posts
Thank U Lord...that U are in the "FORGIVING BUSINESS", when I come to U and ask to forgive a sinner like ME...U are there! We're NOTHING, without HIM, Blessed beyond deserving and LOVED by the GREATEST FRIEND we will ever know! What a Savior!!!

Blessings...well, our wives, children, g/kids that none of us can describe to those that don't have them...awesome., a free country to display our agreements or disagreements.

and lastly....WE get to participate in this game of softball, where "friendships are priceless!" Thanks, Senior Softball guys!!!!
March 7

24 posts
Let's see............ Thanks for all the people that have been slaughtered in the the name of RELIGION. Thanks for all the Pedophile priests, the crooked Televangelists that rip off the elderly, the way that women have been belittled, the intolerance for gays, lesbians, and anyone that does not march in lockstep with the Christian faith.Thanks for our great leader Mr. "Christian" Bush who really thought that he could change the middle east into a "Christian" nation and as a result has caused thousands of people to be killed and maimed. In the entire history of our planet, more people have been killed because of the "Our invisible man is better than your invisible man" syndrome than than any other. As someone once said "Religion is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind." Keep on praying, killing, being narrow-minded. Its seems to be working like a charm! Softball websites really are not the place to express your religious slants. I, along with many others, are tired of having religion shoved in our face.
March 7

24 posts
Let's see............ Thanks for all the people that have been slaughtered in the the name of RELIGION. Thanks for all the Pedophile priests, the crooked Televangelists that rip off the elderly, the way that women have been belittled, the intolerance for gays, lesbians, and anyone that does not march in lockstep with the Christian faith.Thanks for our great leader Mr. "Christian" Bush who really thought that he could change the middle east into a "Christian" nation and as a result has caused thousands of people to be killed and maimed. In the entire history of our planet, more people have been killed because of the "Our invisible man is better than your invisible man" syndrome than than any other. As someone once said "Religion is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind." Keep on praying, killing, being narrow-minded. Its seems to be working like a charm! Softball websites really are not the place to express your religious slants. I, along with many others, are tired of having religion shoved in our face.
March 7

24 posts
Let's see............ Thanks for all the people that have been slaughtered in the the name of RELIGION. Thanks for all the Pedophile priests, the crooked Televangelists that rip off the elderly, the way that women have been belittled, the intolerance for gays, lesbians, and anyone that does not march in lockstep with the Christian faith.Thanks for our great leader Mr. "Christian" Bush who really thought that he could change the middle east into a "Christian" nation and as a result has caused thousands of people to be killed and maimed. In the entire history of our planet, more people have been killed because of the "Our invisible man is better than your invisible man" syndrome than than any other. As someone once said "Religion is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind." Keep on praying, killing, being narrow-minded. Its seems to be working like a charm! Softball websites really are not the place to express your religious slants. I, along with many others, are tired of having religion shoved in our face.
March 7
Hit the gap
Men's 70
154 posts
THANK YOU Skywarrior for having the guts to speak out about what many of us believe but sometimes fear to say. I am with you on this one brother.

This is a softball chatboard not Sunday school.
March 7

96 posts
GUYS...I definately DON'T APOLOGIZE for my religious beliefs, I certainly NEVER INTENDED to imply I wa forcing anything on ANYONE! However, I respect YOUR opinions on what this Softball M/board is REALLY intended to express.

I don't think Tater50 was doing any more than getting some opinions from guys around the country.

I WILL refrain from any FURTHER posts on religious opinions from this date forward...

Thank you
March 7
Men's 60
547 posts
I also believe that this is a softball site. When I first saw Tater 50's post I ignored it. If you don't like religious posts, you should ignore them. The post is there, in plain sight with no hidden agenda. If you don't believe in the Lord, just ignore the post. Don't get mad, don’t hate, life is too short.

Thank you Lord, for my life.

Sal Silva
March 7
Men's 60
207 posts
I know you are religious Sal. Everytime they hit me a flyball, you make the Sign of the Cross. See you Sunday
March 7
Men's 60
336 posts
Skywarrior: HTG; NO time did I indicate a religion. If you do not believe in a God, that is your business. You can at least be thankful to someone for something. I am not condoning any malicious acts from anyone. BTW: this was under General & Miscellaneous.
I do not like a lot of things you state: they do not agree with my softball religion, but instead of trying to nail you to a cross on a National Board, I just move on.
Hard to believe that you cannot think of one thing to be thankful for............maybe getting to play softball at our age.
I have seen friends that have passed on that I played with for years..........was just having a thankful thought.

John W. "Tater" Hayes

March 7
Men's 55
246 posts
While I am not the most religious man on the field , the views Tater50 expresses are real and genuine . They come from the heart . The view skywarrior expresses are not based in fact at all . Totally off the wall ! You have the right to say what you want skywarrior , and you very well may be a good man in your own right , and I believe your views to be genuine , but please get your facts correct , before you espouse them on the message board !
March 7
Men's 50
13 posts
That you helped bring my daughter and son-in-law home safe from Iraq, so those like skywarrior and hitthegap, can speak their minds freely without reservaton.
March 8

24 posts

Snod8 tells me that because someone went to Iraq that I am able to express my views. Although I support our military, having made two tours to Viet Nam myself, I can in no way make a correlation between our military being in Iraq to my having freedom. You might want to do some checking, and may I suggest not on Fox news. IRAQ DID NOT ATTACK US! The facts are that we were attacked mainly by people from Saudi Arabia, our "Oil Allies". We could not go after them and lose our oil supply so we our administration LIED, got us into an un-winnable war.
Diehard tells me that I need to get my facts straight. I believe they are. Got to a library and do some fact checking yourself.

tater50 tells me that I should be thankful. I am very thankful. I am thankful that I am healthy, that I have two sons who are doing great, that I was able to retire with good health. You see, you have the narrow minded misconception that just because someone isn't a Christian, they are just floundering through life with no meaning. That is something you had pounded into your head as a child when you had no capability for critical thinking. I can understand that. What I cannot understand is the fact that as people grow up and can think for themselves, they still chose to have some other HUMAN tell them how to think, feel, act, and judge. Yep, this old Atheist has helped many stranded motorists along the road with flat tires and break downs (many of whom I am sure were Christians), I was in Big-Brothers for several years, participated in the community relations team where I was employed, coached my sons ball teams, and run errands for elderly people. Being an Atheist, I can understand how it must feel to be gay. People get to know you, they like you, they admire your character, your friendliness, and then they find out that you don't belong to a church and don't believe in God. I have had many people in my life that have shunned me because of my personal beliefs.
March 8
Men's 55
246 posts
Just because someone mentions God you get all offended. Chill out dude . Loosen up a little . The fact that you stated absolutly incorrect was that Bush wanted to turn Iraq into a christian nation is wrong . You can say that this President has made many mistakes , and I would not disagree . But your blind hatred toward Christians clouds and distorts you from the facts as they really are . And I have the utmost respect for the Men and Women serving our country and defending our freedoms . And just because you have loved ones in harms way does not make you an expert on the war . But you do have the right and privilege to speak your mind and I appreciate that . But so does Tater50 , and that was my point all along .
March 8

57 posts
Thank you Lord for allowing every person to having the right to express their opinions of their faith (or lack of), their beliefs, morals, and the right to express whatever they desire to express. I'm also thankful that we have a President and Congress, and a Senate that we can agree or disagree with, that we can praise or degrade, support or not support, but most of all that we have American's that are not afraid to run for government offices and not afraid to voice those same opinions that everyone else also has a right to express. That's what makes the USA the greatest nation on "Gods Green Earth." I'm also thankful that I can still play the game of softball at 54 years of age and I'm certainly thankful that a man raised as a Pentacostal can make it in a marriage with a lady that is a life-long Morman. And no - I have not and will not give up coffee, having an occasional beer, or using the F word when I so desire. Can you tell I'm having fun with this subject. God bless all of you and see you on the field.
Steve Shannon (Proudtex40)
PS: Did I mention that I am a retired US Army vet and although I may not agree with the war in Iraq, I support our great American's we call Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, & Coast Guard and the great civilians in support of our military whether fighting overseas or stationed throughout the USA that are ready to defend all of us when the cowardly oxygen thiefs we called terrorists bring their Jihad to this country. Thank you Lord for letting me vent!
March 8
Men's 60
547 posts
I think that some of you came to this post by mistake. The title "If you believe in God; finish this sentence", does not ask about your religious or political views. This is America and we have the liberty of expressing our views, but could you please start your own post about your views. If you want to talk politics or religion, I am sure that there are others here that would enjoy discussing those subjects. No need to come to this post to bash members that have different views from yours. That was not the intent of the originator of the post.
March 8

24 posts
Yo Diehard........BLIND HATRED TOWARD CHRISTIANS??? Many of my friends are Christians. See, that is the typical reaction when someone questions your belief. I did not say I hated anyone, I just strongly disagree with the Philosophy they subscribe to.
March 8
Men's 55
246 posts
Skywarrior , I am sorry that I used the word hatred , I should have said disagreed .Religion is a touchy subject . I believe you to be a good man we just disagree on this issue. Good Luck to you in the coming season . Gary19 , I believe Bush is taking the fight to the terrorists in Iraq so we don't have to fight them here in our own streets . Right or wrong we have not had an attack in our country since 911. And that is due to the brave MEN and WOMEN who volunteer to put themselves in harms way , such as your son, to help protect their loved ones back home .I wish your son a safe return home .
March 9
Men's 50
12 posts
For my salvation, for being my God, for forgiving me of my weakness, for the opportunity to know you personally,, for being all that I need , for true happiness, for knowing that I am eternally secure in you, for the peace I have in you whenever I lay my head to rest and when I wake up in the morning
March 10
Men's 55
462 posts
Yeah, it’s getting deep in here. So JWIG, you know him personally, huh? That would be a nice trick. Skywarrior said “Softball websites really are not the place to express your religious slants”, and I couldn’t agree with him more. It’s also not the place to open up the political can of worms about the Iraq war. I hope Gary’s kid, and all of the other kids get home safe, but this is a softball site. Please leave it that way.
March 10
Men's 60
547 posts
Ken.......You're just mad because your prayers to let Da Bears win were not answered!
March 10
Men's 55
462 posts
Yeah Sal, ya got me. lol. But wait 'til next year. See ya soon.
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