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Dec. 1, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rotator Cuff Surgery

Go to a good orthopedic surgeon at a major teaching hospital and have it evaluated
I had two shoulder replacements 3 years apart and was back playing with the non throwing shoulder in 6mos. I had throwing shoulder replaced in January and was playing in May,4 mos.Could swing with no pain or problem but very limited throwing. Now at 10 mos and can throw 60-75 feet with no pain. Slowly returning, a good surgeon and following therapy protocol is the key. Everyone is different, pain tolerance etc. I will tell you this , I had rotator cuff surgery and two shoulder replacements were easier and less pain.
Dec. 30, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Shoulder surgery

I had full shoulder replacement on my non throwing arm and was out 5 mos and ended up playing again. Now having throwing shoulder replaced Any experience with how long before throwing again?
Nov. 28, 2016
Topic: Website comments
Discussion: Shoulder replacement

I had the traditional shoulder replacement. The reverse is for shoulders that have severe soft tissue damage, Hope that is not your case. I had two previous surgeries on the same shoulder. impingement, and second was rotater cuff. 2003 and 2007. Ortho called it diseased, which basically means severe arthritis. I know how you feel,I am going through same symptoms you are experiencing with my throwing arm. Ortho says I will have to have a replacement for that shoulder also., too much arthritis.
Good luck on surgery, complicated surgery but not as bad as some claim. No pain is well worth it.
Tait : did not have a torn bicep tendon, but when you have a shoulder replacement they cut all that loose and then reattach. Basically why you have to stay in a sling for 4 weeks
Nov. 26, 2016
Topic: Website comments
Discussion: Shoulder replacement

UK-1 , I had a full shoulder replacement in January 6,2016 and was playing again the last week of June. Was actually released in 12 weeks but waited six months. It was my none throwing shoulder. Best thing I ever did. No pain and 80% range of motion.
Nov. 29, 2012
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Are there any 55+ teams in southeast North Carolina

Spencer , give me call at 336-266-9086
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