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Bob Woodroof

San Clemente, CA

Men's 65

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Oct. 10, 2014
the wood
Topic: Website comments
Discussion: Choosing Home team vs Visitor

Donnie, I know exactly how you feel. That is how it worked out in LV for us... we were visitors in every DE game... not by choice.
As you know, this does create some additional anxiety in close games. Because of this, I'm not sure that I'd voluntarily take visitors in a big game... but if we lose the coin toss I'll be happy either way.

Oct. 10, 2014
the wood
Topic: Website comments
Discussion: Choosing Home team vs Visitor

The choice of being the home or visiting team only belongs to us 50% of the time, give or take.
When it is our choice we'd prefer to be visitors in seeding games in order to get more ABs. However, if we're playing a lower division team we have to be respectful of their position as well.
In DE we never choose to be visitors... it's just an old habit... don't give up the hammer.
But the reality of this is, we have won and lost from both positions. I see advantages with either.
Bob Woodroof
Full Circle 65
Oct. 7, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Why do so many guys feel the need to tell the Canseco brothers how to conduct themselves? Have they created a problem for anyone? Doesn't all of senior softball benefit when players of this caliber are playing? I feel that it gives the game a higher level of credibility... just as I did 35 years ago when I'd see Tony Cloniger, Doug Flynn, Jim Northrup, Bill Sudakis, etc. playing.
I've watched the level of senior softball competition increase dramatically over the past 17 years. The 50 M+ finals had teams with line ups that are much deeper than the Dan Smith, Fergies and Sawtre teams that I saw in 1997. When I say deep, I'm referring to the ability to go deep and hit consistently. Yes, I'm fully aware of the new equipment.
I get it that Ozzie was boasting about his and his brother's power. So what? Take a look at a lot of the other posts on here and look for the 'me' or 'I' comments... you need not look far. Did anyone bother to tell those guys to not be so egocentric? If they did it would have monopolized the threads for quite a while.
Steroids? The Canseco brothers are the first guys playing senior softball that have taken PEDs? If you want to think this, suit yourself.
Cheater bats? Let's pretend that this doesn't happen as well (I'm not suggesting that the Canseco brothers have done this).
Why should the Cansecos be held to a higher standard than we place on everyone else?
If Ozzie wants to create a HR Derby, I say 'great'... but I personally would rather watch teams like Sommerville Softball play than watch a HR Derby. I enjoy the team element more than individual skills. There is a reason that the Punt, Pass and Kick Contest doesn't generate as much advertising money as the Super Bowl... but that's just me and how I look at things.
Bob Woodroof
Oct. 6, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 1 and 1 pitch count

The 'extra inning that we are losing' has more to do with shorter time limits. Complicating factors are fumbling around with courtesy runners and guys strolling into the dugouts between innings.
When we only play 65-75 minutes there will be fewer innings played. Rather than change the game, why not go back to longer time limits?
Double L is exactly right... the older players prefer to play the game as we always have... or as close to it as possible. Even though a few-pea brains consider us 'less than manly' for our posture, we stand fairly united. It's got nothing to do with being gutless... zero.
Bob Woodroof
Sept. 18, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: hip replacement

You should be able to play the OF as long as you keep your weight down (don't know if you have a weight issue, just speaking in generalities). I've seen slim guys playing any/every position with new hip/hips... I've seen fairly fast base runners.
For me, it was avoiding head first slides, etc. But I also have a knee problem that hasn't been adequately addressed. Just had first of 3 Ortho Visc injections... after that I'll work the thigh to bring it equal to the other one. My next surgery will be an autopsy.
I'm 66, 20 pounds over with a weak thigh... not a good candidate for outfield any longer. I forget the exact ratio but the PSI on the knees and hips for every extra pound we carry is mind boggling.
So my primary adjustment has been to run less aggressively on the bases. The doctor expressed it as 15 year hips... unless I screw them up. The 'over and under' was 8... but I've been somewhat sensible, just a couple of inadvertent, ill-advised maneuvers.
I did get a second opinion early on... neither of them gave me the answer that I was seeking.
The pain leading up to both procedures was increasing daily but the post-surgical pain was minimal. However, Mission Hospital (So Calif) has a well respected joint replacement department and it's their protocol to 'stay ahead of the pain threshold'. This was not true for my shoulder surgery (different hospital, different surgeon). Make certain that your doctor/hospital keep you adequately medicated while you're there (usually 48 hours).
1) DO THE PT RELIGIOUSLY... 2) ABIDE BY THE NAMED PRECAUTIONS... 3) TAKE THE STOOL SOFTENERS AS THEY SUGGEST (pain Rx tends to bind us up). If you do these things you'll be a happy camper... I didn't heed # 3 the first time around... I definitely followed it the 2nd time.
I hope that this helps... if you want more specific info you can reach me @
Bob Woodroof
Sept. 17, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: SSHOF

George Sylvia, middle infielder for Omen, also was elected. He is one the best teammates that I ever had, a real gentleman and one super player.
Congratulations, George!
Sept. 17, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: hip replacement

Bella, I had both hips done (12 months apart, 2010 & 2011) and have no residual effects whatsoever. I did discuss the possibility of hip resurfacing with my surgeon but he did/does not do them. I'm glad that I took the direction that I did.
I also had a shoulder surgery (resurfacing) through a different surgeon and it, too, has been successful.
Prior to my first hip replacement I tried everything short of a witch doctor. Once it was completed, I wished that I had done it sooner, just like people told me that I would.
Once you decide to move forward with it, you need to ascertain that the device will not be a 'metal on metal' prosthesis since many of them have been 'recalled'. There is also the decision as to what type of replacement surgery... I had the lateral, minimally invasive type and can speak well of it.
I know others who have had the frontal type (anterior) and their rehab time seems shorter... and, I'm told, they have fewer post-surgical precautions (i.e. bending too forward, putting surgical leg past body mid point, etc..
I informed my doctor that I intend to play ball and he just shook his head at me. He did say though that my remaining athletic career (for lack of a better phrase) is like a pipeline. I could make it a real thick one and it won't last very long... or I could stretch it out... the implication being that I had to change my style of play to be able to play longer. This is true for so many guys playing senior softball.
Bob Woodroof
Aug. 16, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Aurora LostCooler

Dave, we found with several new Trump Stotes in it... would this be yours? (:p
May 31, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Trump Softballs

There are 4 different balls that are approved by SSUSA. Three of them look alike other than two of them have additional logo stamps on them (those two are the Texas and Florida Half Century balls). The 4th ball is the ISA ball and it is a slightly different color and it does not have the SSUSA stamp on it. This ball seems to perform a little better (maybe 5%) than the other three.
Is there anyone out there that really believes that putting a THC or FHC stamp on a ball makes it better? I ask because we were accused of using better balls than our opponent in LV. We used both the standard SSUSA and the THC Balls against them.
We've tested those 2 balls along with the ISA ball over the past 2-3 weeks and have found that only the ISA ball offers any type of advantage. We did not have any FHC balls or we would have included them in our field testing.
We were told by SSUSA that we could use either of the 4 balls in Reno but this changed when we began play. Only the standard SSUSA ball could be used unless both managers agreed otherwise. I had no problem with this because there would have been controversies throughout the event.
While we would prefer to use the ISA ball, I personally feel that it does offer an advantage and not every team has them. We would not want to use a superior ball any more than we would use an Ultra 1 when other teams are using double wall bats.
Bob Woodroof
May 1, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: We have lost another great person

I've known Jim for 10 years or so and have always had a great deal of respect for him... both as a player and a person.
Whether his team was 20 up, tied or 20 down Jim was always the same guy... intensely competitive but extremely affable. I find this to be a rare combination.
He will definitely be missed.
Bob Woodroof
April 30, 2014
the wood
Topic: Tournaments

Full Circle 65 M+ will be there.
April 28, 2014
the wood
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Southwest Championship results

Thanks, LL.
Coming from you that is high praise indeed...
March 13, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Sofball Pants

You can find several different types of softball/baseball pants on both of the following sites: - many different brands and colors to choose from... from $18 up... several of our players have bought the 'Worth Titan' pants and are very happy with them... they tend to run a bit small so go up one size. - they have a couple of different versions of solid color pants, including black... unless you find a sale item they start in the $35-40 range... these pants tend to be a little heavier fabric... if you wear 34 waist better order 36s.

You can get a multitude of pants, shoes, etc. on both sites.
Jan. 21, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: suggestions to stop all the complaining about home runs & dead ball outs

I believe that you are 100% correct. I do not remember any team moving up for that reason.
Conversely, I can recall plenty of them who did not want to 'give up equalizers'... and moving up would force them to do so.
Whether or not any individual moved up in order to take advantage of the higher HR numbers is similar. But because there are 15 times as many players as teams, the possibility of some doing just that is greater. Most of the people that I know who play M+ do so because of the competition itself or because their teammates/team moved up.
But I clearly do not know every M+ guy.
Whenever we've played M+ it was due to better competition and because no one can move you up from there... never because of HRs.

Jan. 16, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Is Pitching Mask mandatory

Now his 'freedom' really has been impacted. Serves him right.
I admit that I was fooled into thinking that this guy was someone other than Gary19. I felt that he was somewhat more reasonable and less childish than Gary.
I do appreciate SSUSA Staff's efforts to eradicate him once again.
What kind of loser needs to be heard so badly that he has to 'layer himself' through a weak maze of ISPs? (rhetorical) Where is the pride (to steal phrase)?

Jan. 14, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Is Pitching Mask mandatory

Sorry that you don't like my analogies... few people ever do when it conflicts with their views.
SSUSA has the right to make their own rules. Their 2014 rules are what they are until the next rules committee meeting and, unless changed, will be the same next year.
I don't necessarily agree with them but I accept them as they are... not what I want them to be.
If you feel real strongly about certain ones then, by all means, make the effort to attend the meeting and speak your mind.
You haven't said anything that hasn't been said in the past... whether it be about this rule (face mask) or others. It just sounds like the same sour grapes over and over... but SSUSA believes in your journalistic freedom.
We have 5 guys who pitch for us. Three of them had to buy masks because of this rule. Two already had them due to the rules of a local senior league. One of the three did not buy one and he did not pitch last week when we played (based upon the rules). We allowed him to exercise his own personal choice... not to be a smart ass but what choices did the team have other than this? It is what it is.

Jan. 14, 2014
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Is Pitching Mask mandatory

As J Sheeran has stated, SSUSA has allowed you to exercise your freedom of choice... play SSUSA and wear mask or play elsewhere and don't wear it.
If you smoke and visit my house, I'd ask you to to not do so. If you still choose to smoke you'd just have to do so outside.

A story about 'getting used to things'...
There has been a mandatory seat belt law in TN for over 10 years (adults and children). My first cousin felt very strongly that this was unfair and that 'TN was legislating personal choices' (to paraphrase). He chose to not wear them and was thrown from his pick up and was killed upon impact. His wife was wearing hers and lived through the accident.
His two children were teenagers at that time so he never got to see them graduate from HS or college. He never met their spouses or witnessed the birth of their children.
Oh, the part about 'getting used to things'... his widow got so used to 'him being gone' that she remarried and her new husband witnessed all of the things that my cousin didn't. True story.

SSUSA hasn't squashed your personal choice when it comes to 'beating a dead horse'. Have at it.
Jan. 13, 2014
the wood
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: CERTAIN FEES!!

Steve is 100% correct. We were expecting a 5 game guarantee and only received 4 games. As the mgr, I have to take responsibility for the assumption as it wasn't advertised as such as a 5 game guarantee.
However, when I communicated with the Top Gun and SSUSA personnel (via emails, prior to the draw being posted) I asked about the format. No one ever responded to my Qs regarding the number of seeding games.
Steve is also correct that we liked everything else about the tourney. The draw made good sense (the structure of it, not the # of seeding games), the fact that we had the 'early shift' on the 1st day and 'late shift' on the 2nd, 90 minute game time slots... all those things were great.
When you do the math... $375 for 4 games you'll see that you're getting close to the cost/game ratio of the World Masters Chamionships.
But we appreciated the fact that we played in Menifee and not shipped out to the Hemet fields as we were last year.

Dec. 14, 2013
the wood
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Mike and family,
I wish you a speedy and complete recovery. You're in my prayers.
Bob Woodroof
Dec. 5, 2013
the wood
Topic: Bats
Discussion: What's the best bat for open tournaments?

I initially responded to your 'no comparison' comment because I felt that it was/is an unfair statement. I had read your disclaimer to MM but I interpretted it as applying only to your purported status as the most informed bat person around. I did not get the impression that you were disclaiming your statement about the Ambush v. Dirty part.
That is why I posted my comments.
In your reply to me you insinuated that Kelly Sports is dumping the Dirty line of bats. This was after you stated that 'BSing is not something that you do'. Well, if you aren't BSing about the future of the Dirty bat you must be poorly informed.
In your role as one the leading bat gurus, making statements that are less than correct can't be a long term positive.
I was unaware that Kelly Sports was 'dumping them' so I called Mike Kelly. The current price of $129 is a holiday sale, similar to previous holiday sales that his firm has had over the past few years. He also stated that they zero thoughts of discontinuing the Dirty senior bat.
As I said before, I have no ax to grind in the 'Dirty v. Ambush' debate other than I like to think the posts are accurate. Everyone has an opinion as to which bat works best for them... and rightly so. But because you have placed yourself on such a lofty perch shouldn't you be more forthcoming or better informed (disclaimer or no disclaimer)?
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