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Discussion: Rule covering runner touching base

Posted Discussion
July 19
Larry S

61 posts
Rule covering runner touching base
Bases loaded. 5th run on third base. Batter walks forcing in 5th run.
3rd base runner does not touch home plate, he walks into dugout.
What rule covers runner must touch home plate?
July 19

982 posts
Rule covering runner touching base
A. One run shall be scored each time a runner crosses the scoring line or touches the scoring plate, after touching all bases in legal order.
July 22
Bruce M
Men's 55
137 posts
Rule covering runner touching base
Hi Larry - in your scenario, if the runner on third base, who is forced to go home, fails to cross the scoring line, I would call a dead ball. I would call the third base runner out. The defense would remain on the field and play would continue. A walk is not subject to the "hit and sit" rule. All runners must proceed to their next available base. In the case of home plate, that place would be across the scoring line. (If the runner steps through the batter's box or touches home plate, they would be out as well.)
July 23
Men's 60
225 posts
Rule covering runner touching base
Answer to the question is runner doesn't have to touch home plate!
July 23
Men's 70
4415 posts
Rule covering runner touching base
WRONG, Rob64 ... The runner has to touch/cross the scoring line OR touch the scoring plate if there is one ... Otherwise he is OUT ...
July 24

1124 posts
Rule covering runner touching base
Rob64.. The only time a runner doesn't have to touch/cross the scoring line or touch the scoring plate to score a run is if he is tagged by a defensive player after crossing the committment line.. if this happens the umpire should call the runner safe and the runner can immediately go to the dugout
July 24
Men's 75
32 posts
Rule covering runner touching base
On a related note, Bruce M quoted this rule.
(If the runner steps through the batter's box or touches home plate, they would be out as well.)
In the Syracuse tourney we had a runner called out because he ran "to close" (umpire's call) to the batters box. Umpire said it did not matter, it was his decision. He was close (4 inches?) but not in box.
July 25
Bruce M
Men's 55
137 posts
Rule covering runner touching base
4040Club - Good call out and important to get clarity. Rule 8.9(2) "Crossing or Touching Strike Mat or Batter's Box. The rule says, "touches or crosses over any portion of the strike mat or the batter's box.) It does not say, "near". That would be a good opportunity to ask the Umpire what he/she saw. If the umpire did not see the runner touch the batters box, I would call for a ruling from the director. I would then site that rule. If the umpire says he did see the runner touch or enter the batter's box, that is a judgement call not subject to appeal.

Please keep in mind that touching any part of the batter's box (including the line of the box) would result in an out. The ball would remain live.
July 25
Bruce M
Men's 55
137 posts
Rule covering runner touching base
This is an important rule...because of safety. SSUSA works hard to protect the defensive players from collisions which could result in serious injury.
July 25
Bruce M
Men's 55
137 posts
Rule covering runner touching base
Should have just said, "all collisions"
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