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Discussion: SO CAL Championships
ok it is now only 7 days away and still no brackets for So Cal Tournament, I thought it was going to be up by this past weekend?
We are getting a lot of confusion among players because some are saying we are 2 days while others are 3 days. If we can get the schedule out, it would sure clear things up.
Some of us have to travel, it would be nice to be able to complete our plans.
If you play for one of the seven teams that will start on Tuesday at Diamond Valley...
• Lights Out 70 (CA)
• Git-R-Done 75 (CA)
• So Cal Warriors 75's (CA)
• Top Gun 80 Gold (CA)
• Top Gun Olde Dawgs 75 (CA)
• Git-R-Done 80 (CA)
• Top Gun Blue Angels 85 (CA) will play in two of the three game slots that include 10:00 and 11:30 AM, and 1:00 PM ... Everyone else in Session #1 starts on Wednesday at Diamond Valley ... That should suffice for now ...
The rest of it is just developing an ability to tell the timing difference between "wanting" something as opposed to "needing" it ... We've never failed on the "need" side of that equation ... Good luck!
Thanks Dave:
That was the info I NEEDED.
It's appreciated
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