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Discussion: Atlantic Coast Championship Compliment and Criticism
This post is both a compliment and a criticism on this past weekend at the Atlantic Coast Championships. I first want to say thank you to Tim Mcelroy for the way he handled the moving up and the moving back of the games due to the suspected weather conditions. The forecast was not good but he managed the schedule in a way that we were able to complete this tournament. It's a difficult thing to do. Also a compliment for a well run tournament because the competition was good and the fields and complex were second to none. My one criticism for the tournament and this is based on the teams that were affected by this in the tournament was the use of two different balls that were being used in games. When we checked in on Friday we were being sold the red laced Baden Balls 44/375 compression but I believe was a synthetic covering. These balls hit ok except when the day became more humid they became more restricted on distance. On Saturday there were teams swinging the black stitch balls which many teams who were on the receiving end complained because these balls had a better exit velocity through the infield ( 10 mph better than red stitched based on teams opinions) and better distance up to about 25-30 feet more than the red stitched baden balls. My team didn't see this first hand until sunday morning when these were used against us around the 3rd inning in a tight game. And yes we noticed the advantage the other team swinging these received. Some my criticism is that if we are to be swinging the baden fire ball red stitching then don't allow teams to use a different ball unless you allow both teams to agree on it or allow both teams to hit the same ball in the game. I went up to the tent to try and purchase the black stitched balls and was told they weren't selling them. So where they came from who knows but going forward in ssusa tournaments this should be either agreed upon on, sold to everyone or don't allow teams to use them. By the way my team will play in it next year. Thanks and I am sure other teams may have a different opinion. Thank you.
I explained this a number of times over the weekend but it sounds like the message didn't get through to some- or the story changed as it had been passed from one party to the next...
First- The red stitch Baden Fire ball is the only ball that SSUSA brought to Raleigh. We DID NOT sell 2 types of balls or offer some teams red stitch and others black stich.
HISTORY of the black stitch ball....
The manufacturer drop-shipped balls to the Tidewater Classic back in March. The shipment included a mix of red & black stitched balls. We (tournament staff) didn't realize this until mid-way though the check in process. At that point it was too late to go go back and swap them out. We also didn't have enough balls to complete the tournament using red or black balls. We were forced to go with it and use / sell / play with what was available.
AUTHORIZATION of the black stitch ball...
I told teams at the Tidewater Classic that I didn't want to be the guy who took someone's money for balls, then said that they couldn't use them. I explained that those teams who had Tidewater leftovers would be allowed to use them here in the east for the next few tournaments until we cycled though them. My expectation was that we'd soon be out of them and it wouldn't be a big deal.
That's exactly how it played out at the First Responder benefit, the Battle of the Roses,and the Maryland Classic. Teams have used a combination of red & black stich balls and there hasn't been any issue. For whatever reason it became a bug-a-boo this past weekend in Raleigh.
I made a decision at the park in March and stood by it. People are welcome to disagree with the way I handled the ball situation and that's ok. It's part of life.
GOING FORWARD- Black stitch balls = BP balls. Leave 'em in the bag.
Tim thanks for responding to my above post. I know we can't re-change this past weekends results so Thank you for saying going forward that teams who do have them can't use them. This will make it fair and cut down on the complaining from teams going forward. Thanks again.
Just curious what was the difference in the balls? Could it be the cover? I brought this up awhile back and was told there wasn't that much of a difference between synthetic and composite cover I still beg to differ.
Now this explains how my team lost.I was wondering why we lost now I know, it was the balls!
Why is SSUSA not using the black stitch balls? Red stitch last about 3 innings and then they are done. Black stitch are comparable to the Tattoo and actually last more than one game. Red stitch cost the teams more as you need 3+ to finish a game.
Also, SSUSA charges more for the red stitch Baden than ISSA charges for the Tattoo although the reason I was given for not using the Tattoo is they are too expensive.
In my opinion the black stitch balls have better exit velo through the infield, better distance by around 30 feet, and the red stitches protrude out of the ball more making it more restrictive when hit. The baden fires are synthetic which seemed to show less performance after the 3rd inning compared to the black stitch balls. I won't say we lost because of the balls but I will say the red stitch balls definitely give the hitters a worse experience in travel velocity when struck.
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