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Discussion: Rule understanding

Posted Discussion
May 5
Men's 50
232 posts
Rule understanding
Question for all. On a base hit that scores the 5th run, I know forced runners need to advance to the next base. What I'm curious of is at what time if the player say from 1st to 2nd veers off and never reaches 2nd is he officially out? Can he run out of the baseline then run back? Is the out recorded once he enters the dugout? Is it the second the ball is thrown to 2nd base?
No bad umpiring here just was curious as I'm my situation this weekend the umpire held his hand up after we threw to 2nd and when the runner entered his dugout the out was called and only 4 runs given. (Yes there were 2outs at the time of the hit)

May 5
Mason's Grandpa

32 posts
Rule understanding
IF, There is only one out, it's no big deal. IF, there is two outs, you must appeal the runner not touching 2B. That's if the Umpire is watching.
May 6
Men's 60
201 posts
Rule understanding
1.Umpire made correct call. 2.Batter can run out of baseline as long he's not avoiding tag. 3.Once runner enters dead ball area "dugout" he should be called out.
May 6

1124 posts
Rule understanding
1 last thing since this is about scoring the 5th run with less than 2 outs.. IF the runner that is forced to advance to the next base is the B/R and he enters the team area/dugout before touching 1st base he should be called out immediately without appeal and ALL RUNNERS are returned to their base they were on before the last pitch
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