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Discussion: 50 AAA outfielder needed for TOC
Looking for a strong speedy outfielder, who doesnt mind courtesy running. We have alot of injuries right now.
I’m available and looking to play if your still in need of a player? I could play any position including pitcher and definitely don’t mind courtesy runner or play the outfield. I’m 51 and live in Los Angeles.
Can you clarify to which TOC you are referring?
TOC 50's in September. Have a couple guys deciding in a week or so. Thank you for responding i will let you guys know either way.
Assuming you mean Vegas world tournament. Can you share from which state your team is based?
Scott ... Raddy is from Kapaa, Hawaii and manages KIA'I, a 50-AAA team ...
Thank you Dave for letting Scott know. Mahalo. I'm still waiting a lil bit for an answer from the other 2 players.
Mahalo fellas for responding. We have locked down our roster and have all our players.
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