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Discussion: Posting game scores

Another season is about to start best of luck guys,I would like the powers that be to try the app quick score to record an post the scores of the games an tournament, I know you have been doing things your way for a long time but I like most players want to see what other teams score an who wins
I'm a huge fan of the SSUSA organization and it's leadership/directors. I feel the only noteworthy shortcoming is real-time score updates. Regarding score updates in general, things have improved where more (not all) tournaments get updated after-the-fact, which is certainly a step in the right direction.

If SSUSA moves to real-time score updates they will have addressed their one shortcoming and be viewed as head and shoulders above the other senior softball organizations.
Unfortunately you are beating a dead horse, I agree with you they need to change their ways of posting scores of all of their Tournaments. Here it is end of day Saturday and there are no scores posted from Friday or Saturday of the TOc in Florida. This discussion has gone on many times in the past and it’s gone no where. They just will not change their system in posting like ISSA and SPA does.
Every year this topic comes up so you would think there's a big interest to move into the 21st century and utilize technology. I'm just curious on the "why" SSUSA hasn't moved away from the analog method. Cost? Not enough people have new technology to consume (i.e. too difficult to adapt)? Maybe it's to keep people on the edge?
I played up at Hollywood park in Vegas a few years ago in the 55's and I asked one of the
2 guys that were running the tourney why they don't post tourney scores on the internet/website
and the older man just laugh a said "it's not my job". They just sit at the table and play with
there cell phones and hand out news balls for the next games and maybe answer a question
or two. We pay a lot of money for these big tourneys in Vegas, we should be able to go to our
cell phones and go to the senior web site or and app and see the scores in real time.

yankeesfan12- I'd love to have you on board for a 6 day qualifier. Here is your personal invitation. Reach out and identify yourself. I'll make it happen.

Tim McElroy

You don't need a guy for a 6-day qualifier. That would cost time and money for a volunteer. What you need is at a minimum one guy for each complex for each three day qualifier in the 6 day events. If you don't get the volunteers, that complex or age division doesn't get updated.

I have previous recommended this to SSUSA.

My team hopes to play in the Spring Worlds. I will volunteer to post scores for all 80 teams playing at the same complex. I will not stay around over the weekend to help the younger guys. Hopefully someone will volunteer from their teams to post scores. If you wanted, SSUSA could offer a small credit on tournament registration for teams that volunteer to post scores.

I will consider doing all the scores for the complex we play at depending on the upload method. On a daily basis, my updates will be submitted based on when I leave the park (If I have two early games, I will not wait around until the late games are done). The only issue for me is if my team gets knocked out of the tournament early and we leave early. That could be solved with a phone call to the Director at the complex.

My name is Rich Root - Manager of the Minnesota Masters 80 team.

PS - The key is the method of uploading the scores. If this is easy enough, the tournament Directors at the complex could do it. A simple fillable pdf form for each division would work for me. I would think we could set up a spread sheet that could automatically determine the seeding and then organize the bracket play. My spreed sheet skills are minimal, but I bet we could find SSUSA players that would be able to do so.

Posting scores would be almost a piece of cake I could do it from my house on my computer but it wouldn't be on
a volunteer basis and the field directors would have to there job with the scores after every game without fail
(that's where the almost piece of cake comes in, WITHOUT FAIL). I have a 5 TB external HD and all I'd have to do is
load another email address from cox, easy money so far. The only problem I would have is I'd need all and I mean
"ALL" the field directors 110% on board and do there job 100% after each and every game with out fail.

There is a lot more to it, this is just the readers digest verison.

All the director has to do at the end of each day is take a pic of the scores with their cell phone and post it on the board. This has been suggested ad nauseam. It is so simple even a cave man could do it. The real problem is they don’t care.
207 teams in a 6 day ISSA tournament. All of today games scores are posted. Amazing
My understanding is that this message board does not allow attachments, so posting a pic of the bracket is not an option. I would suggest that SSUSA use their Facebook page to post bracket pics. I'm not sure if players can post to their FB, but that may be an option.
This message board does allow staff to post pics. It’s been done several time before. And if they don’t post it here it can be posted on the tournament page like the current TOC results are.
Men's 50 Division has the Women's 40+ Master's results.

Thank you for the tournament results.
This is a primitive message board that does not allow common functions that even the on-line bulletin boards from the 1980's had like Edit, Delete, etc. But the SSUSA Facebook page is the place that news, scores and pictures can be posted very easily.

Try Game Changer. :-)
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