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Discussion: Is this runners obstruction?

Posted Discussion
July 19

3 posts
The pitcher is going after a small popup between the mound and first base.

The pitcher deflects the ball over towards the 1st base line and falls right on the 1st base line.

The batter runner going down the 1st base line jumps over the pitcher to get to 1st base.

The pitchers glove never has the ball and gets tipped by the runner. The pitcher never gets touched by the leaping runner.

The ball remains on the ground untouched at this point.

The question from the opposing team is when is it declared that the pitcher is no longer fielding a batted ball (runners obstruction) and when is the ball just a loose ball being retrieved?
July 19

1124 posts
your terminology is wrong .. obstruction is on the defense and interference is on the offense.. it sounds to me per your scenario that the runner did everything he could to avoid the pitcher.. that being said Int. doesn't have to be on purpose.. it's a tough call without seeing the play but many times if the fielder was given the oppurtunity to make the play but muffs the ball and has to change direction I usually would have no call play on
July 20

3 posts
Thank you. Yes, the rule book doe state runners interference. As a note the ruling on the field here was "runners interference ... never heard of it."
July 20
chico senior
Men's 60
134 posts
Runner on 1st. Ground ball to 2nd baseman who flips ball to shortstop for first out. Shortstop then attempts to complete double play and hits runner from coming from first in the shoulder who is about 20 feet from 2nd. Runner makes no attempt to get out of the way but also never raises his hands or in any other way interferes with throw. Double play? Play on?
July 20

1124 posts
Chico.. the runner was where he belonged in the baseline. It’s a defensive players job to throw over or around him as long as the runner didn’t move into the thrown ball I would have no call play on
July 20
chico senior
Men's 60
134 posts
I agree with your ruling. Dave - can you also give me your ruling?
July 20

1124 posts
chico.. now you 'REALLY" hurt my feelings asking DD for a ruling... lol
July 20
Nancy Allen
Men's 55
1440 posts
B.J., if I read and understood correctly, the runner was hit with his own batted ball in fair territory. I know that you know what I am thinking.
July 20

1124 posts
Nancy, scoobie posted.. The pitcher DEFLECTED the ball over towards the 1st base line .. on the deflection of the ball off the pitcher I would have no call play on
July 20

3 posts
I like B.J. answer. Nancy batter/runner never was hit by the ball. Pitcher deflected it and then the runner leaped over the pitcher goin for the loose ball. batter/runner hit the empty glove of the pitcher.
July 20
Nancy Allen
Men's 55
1440 posts
B.J. and Scoobie, well, duh on my part. That should teach me to play with this when trying to get away from a task didn’t want to do at work. The word deflected somehow got attached to the runner in my mind. Now that would have been interesting. What age group did a runner jump over a pitcher? I would have liked to have seen the play for sure. Thanks for not being too rough on me on a booted read.
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