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Discussion: nicest softball complexes

If some of you don't mind, it would be intriguing to know which softball complexes are the nicest. Seems they are always upgrading and making improvements...
Thank you.
The nicest or the best softball complex is any one where my
team finishs FIRST(1st), anything less than that sucks....

Golden Eagle in Sparks has to be in the conversation. I also understand the New Legacy parks are also great.
Walnut Creek, Raleigh, NC
Potomac Lakes Sportsplex Sterling,VA ( The BEST grounds crew )
Lee County Sports Complex Ft. Myers, FL
I have to give a plug for the Aurora Sports Park 12 field complex in Aurora, CO. This is a grass complex and I don't recall playing on better grass fields anywhere in the country. Plus teams like playing there because they can go watch their other teams play without getting in a car and drive to another complex. Great fields. Those are reasons that the Rocky Mountain Championships continue to grow almost every year.
Solid feedback fellas, thank you!
My softball heaven is at the 7 field Canyons complex in St. George, Utah. They brought in Major League dirt for the infield.
There are a handful I would put in the "special" category, but Berliner complex in Columbus, Oh. is one of my favorites (Sorry SSUSA, I know it's an SPA complex but it's the SPA tournament we go to annually just bcuz of the complex/fields). They have 31 turf fields and they're really well maintained. Last year there was a torrential downpour and 45 minutes later we were playing again and the fields were in great condition. They always have a good team turnout and most people who attend sing praises about the fields. Not field-related, but they also have nice concessions with a large variety of food and drink.
The Canyons in St George, Golden Eagle also, they also have a pretty good burger and good beer on tap.
Nice assist DieselDan, thank you.
I second the fields in Aurora. All three complexes are grade A. Fences are about 320 due to the thin air. Balls still go out. The entire complex (soccer fields, etc) is gorgeous. Even the 14 mph speed limit captures your attention. Not so much of a great area as you drive wet into Aurora however.
Botetourt Sports Complex, Salem, VA. This is used by ISSA and it's beautiful. It will be interesting to see what the city of Salem does to refurb their main complex at Moyer Park, which was already nice. They do it right in VA.
My experience is mostly in the midwest and southern part of the country. CW is right on, the complex in Troutville, VA is one of the best. My favorite place to play is the stadium field in Plant City, FL; former Cincinatti Reds spring training location. The fields at BMAC in Bridgeton, MO and O'Fallon, IL are also some of the best. Gainsville, GA has a nice set of fields as well.
If this old news, sorry. Heard that BLD Vegas is up to $10/visit.
Opps. Different teammate just told me it's $8. Do various SB associations have a say on what they charge?
Dan ... I just confirmed directy with BLD-Ls Vegas that the daily admission fee is $8 ... And, NO, SB associations, including SSUSA, have no influence on the setting of that fee ... And neither does the local venue ... BLD Corporate sets the rate ...
Okay.. what is wrong shadow rock? Our team is scheduled to play there next week.. I've never been there.
FYI - BLD DID charge $10 last weekend for the USSSA conference, but most tourneys, it is the $8.
For the 70's AAA outfielders at Hollywood. Do not leave your glove on the fence. It could grow legs.
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