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Discussion: Team Names and Rating

When the tournament entry deadline is met, the list of teams in the tournament by age division is listed. Could you go one step further and list their rating so it is easier to see who is entered in your age group and rating level?

For instance, for the Southwest Championship, there are 38 teams listed in the 65 age group. I had to copy and paste the teams that were entered into excel then, copy the ratings for 65 teams, then do a Vlookup to find out there were six 65 Major Plus teams.

Thanks for your consideration.
I find that is easier to make a copy of the teams in your division, go to ratings page, and it is easy because both lists are in alphabetical order. Then all u have to do is find the team name, their rating & mark beside your list.

Chief144, but why go through this step when SSUSA already has that information and could publish it with the team listing?
MurrayW ... There are a few reasons we don't publish that specific list detail, except for the World Championships ... [1] In almost every tournament, those ratings change for at least some team(s) ... (Example: "..We just HAVE TO HAVE that guy, even though he's the #4 out-of-rating player and we're going to take a rating bump to get him"), [2] Some teams specifically ask to play outside of their rating level (Example: In the Southwest, L.A.F. 60-Major+ is playing 55-Major+ this time around), and [3] the time lag between when the team list is triggered for public view until the DRAFT game schedules are published isn't that long, and this way gives you something to do to spend your time in the interim! ...

You know I can't wait a few days between when the list is published and the draft game schedules are listed! :)

I am sure that reason 3 is the real reason...you don't want me to get bored or lose my excel skills! You are such a thoughtful guy!

Thanks, Dave. See you in Vegas (hopefully not at BLD).
D².. Since you brought it up, it appears a team can "ping-pong" back and forth between age categories, I see (get) that. But, do they have to pay a team registration fee for each age category?

Secondly, I noticed that on the ratings listing (page) that the team example you used, has disappeared (60 vs 55), whereas some teams are listed and shown in both age categories. I'm a bit confused.

Lastly, what becomes of the team history (tracking) with this back-n-forth movement? Is it combined or segregated by age?
HSquared - can answer the 1st question as we did this, YES, you have to pay the annual Team Registration fee for each different age division you enter. So they paid for 60M+ and now have to pay for 55M UNLESS they decide to ONLY play as 55M. Also, you can now add 55M players on that team who might not be old enough to play 60.

Hope this helps, sure Dave will get to the other 2 and correct me if I have made a mistake.
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