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Discussion: 60+ Animal

Posted Discussion
Dec. 5
Men's 60
18 posts
I'm a right handed power bat with a flat top crew and a bad attitude. I don't wear sleeves and if you piss me off I will eat one of your grandkids. Can pitch or play a corner position. Got a roster spot available?
Dec. 5
Men's 60
18 posts
I live in Vegas. Sinning is what I do. Keep your daughters locked up.
Dec. 6
Men's 60
225 posts
Now theres a different sales pitch !
Dec. 6
Men's 60
24 posts
LOL. I can't believe no teams have jumped on this offer. Are you available now or still awaiting your release from prison? :)
Dec. 6
Men's 60
18 posts
In my earlier life, I sent people to prison. Now I am just angry for the fun of it.
Dec. 7

1993 posts
What happens in Vegas…………….never happened
Dec. 7
Men's 60
80 posts
Number38 we will miss you next season! Wish you were a few years older… See you on the field!
Dec. 9
Men's 60
18 posts
Thank you Warden Joe.
Dec. 16
Men's 55
3 posts
What division? We're a 60 Triple A team out of Socal looking for help.
Dec. 17

7 posts
60AAA team in Vegas looking for players. Contact me if you are interested.
Dec. 19
Men's 60
5 posts
60M out of So CA and we need one more bad attitude. If you want to play for a winner, get in touch
Jan. 7

2 posts
Warden or Jarhead hmmm... happy landing!!!
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