We are a contender,need a couple of key guys,have room for Major plus tags....Tony Boy
I have just started looking for a team. What team are you with and where are you located?
I am a pitcher, 3rd baseman and 1st baseman. Previous teams I played with Southern Oregon Flatliners, Hawaiian Islander & Chelu. Want to compete at the highest level and have fun doing it.
If interested I would be willing tryout. Contact Ron Staniforth 541-778-0364.
Will travel to ALL competitive tournaments (Plus)
Bob played for me on AZ Scorpions 65 major plus in 2022. He is dependable and an excellent teammate. He is a good hitter with occasional power and one of the fastest outfielders in 65's. He would be a good addition for any 60 or 65 team.
Former manager of Scorpions 65
I played on that team and I agree. Pick this guy up!
We are referring to Rockne.