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Discussion: Updated World Champs results

You can visit our Tournament page on our website to see updated results through last night. https://www.seniorsoftball.com/?event=1690

Have a great weekend!

As the annual lack of posting game results is discussed, could you tell those of us who do not know you, what your involvement is with the 55/60's? Then, please tell us how much time it took you to collect and post the game results you've posted so far?

Thank you.
Dan ... Stephanie has been with Senior Softball longer than anyone except Terry, Fran and me ... She fills a variety of roles with importance to a lot of things we do ... She is volunteering a lot of her (uncompensated) off-duty time to help out on this data task ... She's also heading to Las Vegas tomorrow (same flight with me) and will be back in Sacramento next week sometime ... Be kind to her!

Thank you Dave. I was very kind. My Bad Ass Crusaders days are 6 decades behind me.
Awesome job Steph!
Thank you, I hadn’t seen the posting. Appreciate all the efforts that Ssusa team makes
Yup, Stephanie is the unsung hero of SSUSA!
Hi-just wondering when the Vegas World finals will be posted for both the 55’s AAA and 60’s AAA. Great job on a well run Ed tournament!
Any one on here looking for 70 results, seeding, games tomorrow
TY for the posted results !! One small hole, the completion of the 60 Majors. With the major under-taking of a tournament this large, it's very much appreciated. TY Again !!
1. AZ Scorpions
2. Undisputed Truth
3. Silver Stars
Any seedings & results available for 70 Maj??
What percentage of teams get moved up in classification? I know there is some criteria calculations, please advise what they are for the number of teams participating in each division. 10% if 20 teams, 15% if 40 teams or whatever the criteria and calculations are for number of teams participating. Thanks
After a huge delay (SORRY!) Session 2 scoring updates are on our Tournament Page. https://seniorsoftball.com/?event=1690

Good luck to all! :)
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