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Discussion: What constitutes scoring at home plate

Rule 8.9(1) says you must touch the outside home plate to score. Rule 8.9(2) says you just can’t touch the real home plate or violate the batter’s box. No mention of touching the other home plate. Thus my question, can a runner go to the right of the batter’s box lines, without touching, but not touch this other home plate and be safe? The rules seem to conflict with each other. Thanks.
Nvjimmymac ... The reference to the "outside home plate" is when there is "scoring plate" rather than a "scoring line" in addition to the standard home plate ... You may NOT run through or over the batter's boxes (no-fly zone) nor may you touch the scoring mat that is overlaid on the standard home plate ... Simple rule: If there is a secondary "scoring plate", you must touch that plate to score a run ...
Touching home plate is not allowed so I look at how the field is set up. If there is a scoring plate you must touch the plate and if there is a scoring line you must pass the line.
Nvjimmymac - Refer to 5.7.A along with ALL of 8.9 and you will have everything you need to answer your question. If there is a second "scoring plate" IT MUST BE TOUCHED. If there is a scoring line, either touching or touching ground past the line will result in a safe call prior to the defense making a play on the pitching/standard home plate.
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