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Discussion: Fair or Foul

Posted Discussion
May 25

22 posts
Fair or Foul
With a runner standing on 3rd base I hit a line drive that hit him and landed fair in the outfield. The Ump called "dead ball" and awarded batter and runner 1 base. Was the call correct? Question #2---If the ball after hitting the runner who is standing on the 3rd base bag lands in foul territory, is the call the same?
May 25
Men's 55
35 posts
Fair or Foul
Does not matter where it lands. It’s where the ball hit him in fair or foul territory. Hit hit his left arm in fair territorydead ball. Runners advance where forced. Hits his arm in foul territory. Dead ball. Foul ball
May 28

22 posts
Fair or Foul
Not sure I agree. To me the runner standing on the base is just an extension of the base. If a batted ball hits anywhere on the bag and then lands foul, it is still considered a fair ball. There fore, a ball that hits the runner and landing foul should be a fair ball. Just saying.
May 28
Men's 65
705 posts
Fair or Foul
I agree with you Franjan.
May 28

1124 posts
Fair or Foul
curveball and franjan.. the ball did not hit anywhere on the bag it hit the runner standing on the bag.. so it would depend on the position of the runner standing on 3B.. MOST runners stand in foul territory and just reach out with their foot to touch the bag .. so if the ball were to hit any part of their body in foul territory it would be a foul ball
May 28
Hank Heffner

11 posts
Fair or Foul
It would be determined foul or fair as to the relative position of the ball when it contacts the runner. In foul pterritory it would just be a foul ball. If in fair territory dead ball batter awarded 1st base all runners move up one base if forced.
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