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Discussion: website

Posted Discussion
April 2

516 posts
Hey folks,
Does anyone else have a hard time getting this website to load?
I have tried, internet explorer, Firefox, google and edge.
Edge is the only one that seems to work most of the time.
Please let me now if anyone else has this problem or its just me.
This happens on multiple computers from different locations and on my phone.
April 2

37 posts
Yes, it is extremely slow to load and sometimes it will time out depending on the ISP. Has always been that way and is independent of the device I use to access the site.
April 2
Men's 65
2116 posts
Loads instantly on my IPad.
April 2
Men's 70
205 posts
i access the website either on my iPad, which is instantaneous just like Dbax and also on a Dell laptop.

Apple products are inherently faster, the windows based computer is a bit slower.

suggest that you save the website address into your favorites and ease of access especially if you don't have other browser windows open should be faster

April 2

516 posts
It is saved to favorites, also made a shortcut to desktop.
Nothing seems to help.
I eventually get it to open, but just trying to see if I was the only one having problems.
I thought it was just my work computer, but it happens at home also.
Thanks for the suggestions.

PS.. When it loads, it loads quickly, when it doesn't it times out.
April 2
Men's 80
89 posts
It's been really slow to load and as of yesterday I was told the site doesn't exist. However, I can sign onto spasoftball.com, click on HOF link and then the SSUSA link and it loads instantly. That's what I did just now to get on. I'm no techie so I have no idea what's going on except that I know how to get to this website by other means.
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